


17:06 Ticket #1808 (Reject multiple elements in class) closed by sjoelund.se
fixed: [source:trunk/testsuite/mosfiles-nosim/DuplicateFunctions.mos
13:57 Ticket #1798 (Support for ModelicaError in ModelicaUtilities.h) closed by sjoelund.se
fixed: Fixed in r12918, which also makes functions in general capable of …
13:34 Ticket #1810 (omc simulation runtime c crashes on the HumMod model) created by ppriv
Omc crashes on the HumMod model translation. The test is in the …
13:29 Ticket #1809 (Allow JavaScript in OMEdit html viewer) closed by sjoelund.se
fixed: This was fixed in r12452
13:29 Ticket #1809 (Allow JavaScript in OMEdit html viewer) created by sjoelund.se
The following code now works in OMEdit, which means you can easily …
13:11 Ticket #1808 (Reject multiple elements in class) created by adabe588@…
I'm not sure if function overloading is supported or not. I suppose …
13:06 Ticket #1807 (Let assert() trigger during initialization) created by sjoelund.se
The following code should trigger an assertion during initialization, …
10:55 Ticket #1806 (MDT TODO-notes) created by sjoelund.se
MDT currently ignores TODO-notes. It would be good if the IDE could …
10:44 Ticket #1803 (check for constant expressions while compiling omc) closed by sjoelund.se
04:34 Ticket #1805 (Multi-level redeclare) created by hubert.thieriot@…
Hi, The behavior of OM is not the one user could expect on the …


17:14 Ticket #1804 (nonlinear solver failed for torn system) created by jfrenkel
The nonlinear solver has trouble with the generated torn system in the …
16:05 Ticket #1801 (Fixed simplification of matrix-vector multiplication) closed by sjoelund.se
15:40 Ticket #1803 (check for constant expressions while compiling omc) created by jfrenkel
when compiling omc the bootsrapped compiler should be checking for …
14:42 Ticket #1802 (Nonliniear Solver converge to wrong solution) created by jfrenkel
For the model ThermoSysPro.Examples.SimpleExamples.TestJunctions4 the …
00:54 Ticket #1801 (Fixed simplification of matrix-vector multiplication) created by wbraun
The dimensions of variables inside of equations are determined wrong …


16:29 Ticket #1800 (Integrate Modelica3D into OpenModelica) closed by sjoelund.se
fixed: Fixed in r12849
16:29 Ticket #1800 (Integrate Modelica3D into OpenModelica) created by sjoelund.se
We should integrate Modelica3D to the Linux builds of OpenModelica
16:16 Ticket #1780 (Linearization returns zero for systems with independent variables) closed by wbraun
fixed: fixed in r12853
12:28 Ticket #1799 (Fix codegen for tuple equations) closed by sjoelund.se
10:34 Ticket #1799 (Fix codegen for tuple equations) created by sjoelund.se
From the …


13:06 Ticket #1796 (Subscripts of last type of cref with stripped subs are reversed) closed by perost
fixed: Fixed in r12825. The problem was in Inst.makeCrefBaseType which …
08:07 Ticket #1798 (Support for ModelicaError in ModelicaUtilities.h) created by sjoelund.se
ModelicaError(const char*) when invoked should trigger an assertion …


15:32 Ticket #1797 (Subscripts of last type of cref with stripped subs are reversed) closed by sjoelund.se
duplicate: Duplicate of #1796
15:22 Ticket #1797 (Subscripts of last type of cref with stripped subs are reversed) created by jfrenkel
Somewhere in the frontend the subscripts of the array types are …
15:21 Ticket #1796 (Subscripts of last type of cref with stripped subs are reversed) created by jfrenkel
Somewhere in the frontend the subscripts of the array types are …
15:20 Ticket #1795 (Move getExperimentAnnotation to typed scripting) created by sjoelund.se
getExperimentAnnotation should return a tuple boolean+record (has …
14:53 Ticket #1794 (Internal error BackendEquation.equationToExp failed with 1.9 beta, ...) created by lempinen
The latest 1.9 release does not simulate a model that has been working …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.