


18:53 Ticket #2215 (Unparsing of unary minus) created by adrpo
Bug reported by Frederico Bergero. When I manually type the following …


14:46 Ticket #2214 (code generation for iteration variable) created by lochel
I found some issues using blocks. OpenModelica cannot simulate the …


17:42 Ticket #2213 (How can binded blocks produce top-level inputs?) created by lochel
I found some issues using blocks. OpenModelica cannot simulate the …
14:51 Ticket #2212 (Description of flags missing) created by casella
Typing omc +help=debug > options.txt generates a list of debugging …
13:20 Ticket #2211 (crashed straight up on fresh install v1.8.1) created by bruce.woods@…
I get the following error communication with OE Edit server has been …


20:14 Ticket #2210 (variable-names involved in equation-systems) created by lochel
We cannot access variable-names involved in equation-systems during …
13:56 Ticket #2209 (The smooth() operator should be used to influence event generation and ...) created by casella
The smooth() operator is currently ignored by OMC, only noEvent() is. …


19:10 Ticket #2208 (Overall PressureLoss function does not work.) created by anonymous
In OMEditor, by defining "IN_Con" and "IN_Var", the pressure loss …
13:20 Ticket #1913 (Initial equation not working correctly) closed by lochel
fixed: Yes, using the old numeric initialization gives this error message: …


16:12 Ticket #2207 (nominal values get not evaluated if they depend on parameters) created by lochel
Not all nominal values (same for other attributes, except start …


23:54 Ticket #2206 (SiemensPower tests are working using windows and are failing using linux) created by lochel
The two models that a part of the SiemensPower library and are …
01:21 Ticket #2205 (Documentation generator needs to handle <head> and <body> sections ...) created by dietmarw
I noticed a small problem with the documentation generation script …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.