


12:21 Ticket #1406 (Better support for records in functions) created by perost
The following model contains several issues that may or may not need …


14:25 Ticket #1405 (Wrong dimensions for arrays of array aliases) created by AlexeyLebedev
An array of a type which is defined as an array itself gets wrong …
11:31 Ticket #1404 (Saving packages in OMEdit) created by adeas31
I am running OMEdit on OSX 10.6.6 and am having some issues with …


17:04 Ticket #1403 (Fail to verify/compile all models that include the model ...) created by leonardo.laguna
All test models that include the model …


11:03 Ticket #1402 (Checking types in if expressions (the non-evaluated branch)) created by dhedberg
In the MSL combitable models you find code such as: […] where the …
09:10 Ticket #1401 (Backend: ceval of functions fail) created by sjoelund.se
omc +s a.mo Modelica ModelicaServices …
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