


20:20 Ticket #1802 (Nonliniear Solver converge to wrong solution) closed by wbraun
fixed: fixed in r12966
17:05 Ticket #1826 (Passing built in functions as funargs generates invalid C code) created by adabe588@…
I tried this with with intString and stringInt and they both fail, …
16:16 Ticket #1825 (Error filling array with A:B:C notation) created by julian.wyszynski
The following model can't be simulated in OMShell: […] There are 25 …
14:10 Ticket #1327 (Use DAE.Type instead of DAE.ExpType everywhere) closed by perost
12:42 Ticket #1824 (model not knowing inherited global Variables) created by julian.wyszynski
"Model2" in attached Package is working in Dymola but not in OMShell …
12:28 Ticket #1823 (Error when using constant in connector) created by julian.wyszynski
The model "model3" in the attached package connectError.mo is working …


11:14 Ticket #1778 (Make TwoMass.mos work again) closed by perost
fixed: Seems to have been fixed some time ago.


16:30 Ticket #1819 (RealInput Failure) closed by perost
fixed: Fixed in r12964.
16:07 Ticket #1820 (Add GUI boxes for dynamic state selection and index reduction) closed by adeas31
16:06 Ticket #1822 (Replaceable type cannot unify with itself) created by adabe588@…
This code looks okay to me, but the typechecker disagrees. I'm making …
16:01 Ticket #1821 (Complex constructor does not work) created by sjoelund.se
In MSL 3.2.1 …
14:04 Ticket #1818 (Pendulum does not simulate) closed by sjoelund.se
invalid: I opened up #1820 to have these options in OMEdit, and will close this …
13:57 Ticket #1820 (Add GUI boxes for dynamic state selection and index reduction) created by sjoelund.se
By adding some new API calls, OMEdit will be able to display and …
13:16 Ticket #1819 (RealInput Failure) created by jfrenkel
The attached model causes an error and there should not be one.
08:53 Ticket #1818 (Pendulum does not simulate) created by sjoelund.se
Pendulum does not simulate, seems to be because everything is solved …


14:51 Ticket #1817 (Exporting "Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Examples.AIMS_Start" to FMI ...) created by dh
modelDescription.xml does not contain a valid min or starting …
12:45 Ticket #1816 (Fix getNthInheritedClass API) created by adeas31
The API call, […] Returns, […] The API call should return, […]


02:42 Ticket #1815 (Type variables cannot be (explicitly) unified even though the compiler ...) created by adabe588@…
Even though a type unification is obvious the compiler does not always …
02:29 Ticket #1814 (Typechecker incorrectly unifies distinct types through polymorphic ...) created by adabe588@…
I finally managed to get this reproduction down to a manageable size. …
02:03 Ticket #1813 (Warn on unused and unexported imports) created by adabe588@…
When imports are specified as protected import PKG.x; x is not …


20:20 Ticket #1812 (Code generation error with simple Fluid model) created by casella
This model contains a flow source connected to a pressure sink, and it …
19:24 Ticket #1811 (Wrong equation count in Fluid source model with zero ports) created by casella
The following model contains a single unconnected pressure source, and …


17:06 Ticket #1808 (Reject multiple elements in class) closed by sjoelund.se
fixed: [source:trunk/testsuite/mosfiles-nosim/DuplicateFunctions.mos
13:57 Ticket #1798 (Support for ModelicaError in ModelicaUtilities.h) closed by sjoelund.se
fixed: Fixed in r12918, which also makes functions in general capable of …
13:34 Ticket #1810 (omc simulation runtime c crashes on the HumMod model) created by ppriv
Omc crashes on the HumMod model translation. The test is in the …
13:29 Ticket #1809 (Allow JavaScript in OMEdit html viewer) closed by sjoelund.se
fixed: This was fixed in r12452
13:29 Ticket #1809 (Allow JavaScript in OMEdit html viewer) created by sjoelund.se
The following code now works in OMEdit, which means you can easily …
13:11 Ticket #1808 (Reject multiple elements in class) created by adabe588@…
I'm not sure if function overloading is supported or not. I suppose …
13:06 Ticket #1807 (Let assert() trigger during initialization) created by sjoelund.se
The following code should trigger an assertion during initialization, …
10:55 Ticket #1806 (MDT TODO-notes) created by sjoelund.se
MDT currently ignores TODO-notes. It would be good if the IDE could …
10:44 Ticket #1803 (check for constant expressions while compiling omc) closed by sjoelund.se
04:34 Ticket #1805 (Multi-level redeclare) created by hubert.thieriot@…
Hi, The behavior of OM is not the one user could expect on the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.