


16:06 Ticket #1937 (New instantiation does not respect uses-annotation) created by sjoelund.se
New instantiation does not respect uses-annotation. omc +d=scodeInst …
16:04 Ticket #1936 (Final and redeclare do not work well together) created by sjoelund.se
Final and redeclare do not work well together, this model should work: …
12:24 Ticket #1922 (Codegeneration does not handle extended records) closed by sjoelund.se
fixed: Fixed in r13881. Backend needs improvements to handle scalarization of …


17:27 Ticket #1935 (getNthInheritedClass is wrong for some models ...) created by adrpo
Hi, Error report from Zsolt Lattmann: […] The answer for the first …
10:44 Ticket #1934 (Support calling functions via component reference) created by cschubert
Hi, while testing several Hydraulics libraries I encountered the …


19:01 Ticket #1885 (generated FMI can not be simulated with FMUSDK) closed by jfrenkel
fixed: fixed in r13861


15:57 Ticket #1897 (OMEdit crashes (segfault) when opening ...) closed by hkiel
fixed: fixed in rev.13853
15:44 Ticket #1933 (FMUChecker crashes with exported FMUs) closed by adeas31
15:41 Ticket #1933 (FMUChecker crashes with exported FMUs) created by adeas31
When I run the model in the FMI Compliance-checker, it crashes when …
14:23 Ticket #1005 (Diodes not working) closed by wbraun
fixed: fixed in the meanwhile
13:13 Ticket #1932 (Redesign When Equation Implementation in Backend) created by jfrenkel
The current implementation for when equations does not consider the …
08:45 Ticket #1837 (OMEdit: default action for double click) closed by hkiel
fixed: added open properties on double click in rev.13845


09:07 Ticket #1931 (Do not scalarize vector equations) created by sjoelund.se
We should not scalarize equations, so we can reduce the number of …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.