- 11:03 Ticket #1941 (Backend - outerProduct not implemented) updated by
- Another problem occurs when compiling the slightly more complicated …
- 10:53 Ticket #1941 (Backend - outerProduct not implemented) reopened by
- Now the model survives the frontend, but compilation fails. …
- 21:54 Ticket #1941 (Backend - outerProduct not implemented) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in r13932
- 21:45 Ticket #1941 (Backend - outerProduct not implemented) updated by
Description changed
- 21:43 Ticket #1941 (Backend - outerProduct not implemented) created by
- I wrote a simple model using the outerProduct function […] …
- 17:21 Ticket #1929 (Backend - Multibody USR and SSR joints have wrong initialization values) reopened by
- The models are still initialized different to Dymola.
- 17:21 Ticket #1940 (Backend - Multibody USR and SSR joints have wrong simulation values) closed by
- invalid: They results are different to dymola, but I won't say they are wrong, …
- 16:39 Ticket #1940 (Backend - Multibody USR and SSR joints have wrong simulation values) updated by
- comes from #1929
- 15:31 Ticket #1940 (Backend - Multibody USR and SSR joints have wrong simulation values) created by
- ModelicaTest.MultiBody.FourbarVariants.JointUSR and …
- 15:28 Ticket #1929 (Backend - Multibody USR and SSR joints have wrong initialization values) closed by
- fixed: Initialization works fine using the new initialization method …
- 10:37 Ticket #1931 (Frontend - Do not scalarize vector equations) updated by
Owner changed
Ok, got a new patch. It needs backend support ;) - 08:34 Ticket #1931 (Frontend - Do not scalarize vector equations) updated by
Owner changed
- 16:55 Ticket #1664 (Backend - Initialization seems to get stuck on model: ...) closed by
- fixed: The initialization is even with simulation-flag -iom kinsol wrong. But …
- 15:05 Ticket #1939 (New Instantiation - Duplicate class detection not working when loading MSL) created by
- Loading a file such as […] and loading the MSL at the same time …
- 14:57 Ticket #1938 (Frontend - Stack overflow in frontend) updated by
- This one fails: […] This one succeeds: […]
- 11:48 Ticket #1938 (Frontend - Stack overflow in frontend) updated by
Summary changed
- 10:17 Ticket #1938 (Frontend - Stack overflow in frontend) created by
- On 15/11/12 09:37, Mikelsons Lars (DC/ETI22) wrote: […] […]
- 13:35 Ticket #1690 (Backend - initial algorithm aren't considered while the initialization) closed by
- fixed: m1 initialized correctly Replying to wbraun: > The …
- 13:28 Ticket #1926 (Backend - hybrid initialization) closed by
- fixed: I am not sure what could be the goal of A1. The initial system is …
- 23:41 Ticket #1931 (Frontend - Do not scalarize vector equations) updated by
- I guess the problem is that if parameter bindings are moved to initial …
- 23:24 Ticket #1922 (Code Generation - Codegeneration does not handle extended records) updated by
- Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Examples.Spice3BenchmarkMosfetCharacterizati …
- 22:59 Ticket #1922 (Code Generation - Codegeneration does not handle extended records) updated by
- now only one model does not pass the backend …
- 15:06 Ticket #1937 (New Instantiation - New instantiation does not respect uses-annotation) created by
- New instantiation does not respect uses-annotation. omc +d=scodeInst …
- 15:05 Ticket #1936 (New Instantiation - Final and redeclare do not work well together) updated by
Description changed
- 15:04 Ticket #1936 (New Instantiation - Final and redeclare do not work well together) updated by
Description changed
- 15:04 Ticket #1936 (New Instantiation - Final and redeclare do not work well together) created by
- Final and redeclare do not work well together, this model should work: …
- 13:37 Ticket #1554 (OMEdit - OMEdit unusable on Ubuntu 10.10) updated by
- Nah, Ubuntu 10.10 still has these issues I think. But good news is it …
- 13:36 Ticket #1554 (OMEdit - OMEdit unusable on Ubuntu 10.10) updated by
- This seems to be fixed a long time ago. Can someone using Ubuntu …
- 13:28 Ticket #1401 (Simulation Code Generation - Backend: ceval of functions fail) updated by
Cc, Milestone changed
Milestone MultiBody deleted - 13:25 Ticket #1554 (OMEdit - OMEdit unusable on Ubuntu 10.10) updated by
Status, Owner, Cc changed
- 13:25 Ticket #1655 (OMEdit - Omedit display of PID MSL component) updated by
Status, Owner changed
- 13:24 Ticket #1713 (OMEdit - OMEdit is unable to save files in a directory structured package) updated by
Status, Owner, Cc changed
- 13:24 Ticket #1714 (OMEdit - OMEdit does not show inherited parameter choises?) updated by
Status, Owner, Cc changed
- 13:24 Ticket #1716 (OMEdit - OMEdit does not automatically add points to ...) updated by
Status, Owner, Cc changed
- 13:22 Ticket #1838 (OMEdit - OMEdit: connections editing) updated by
Status, Owner changed
- 13:22 Ticket #1839 (OMEdit - OMEdit: better autorouting) updated by
Status, Owner changed
- 13:22 Ticket #1840 (OMEdit - OMEdit: enable copy/paste) updated by
Status, Owner changed
- 13:22 Ticket #1841 (OMEdit - OMEdit: quick cloning) updated by
Status, Owner changed
- 13:21 Ticket #1858 (OMEdit - Better template classes) updated by
Owner changed
- 13:21 Ticket #1883 (OMEdit - OMEdit has issues when opening files with special chars in them ...) updated by
Status, Owner changed
So you need to change it to send a UTF-8 string in clients. Come on, … - 13:18 Ticket #1931 (Frontend - Do not scalarize vector equations) updated by
Owner changed
- 11:24 Ticket #1922 (Code Generation - Codegeneration does not handle extended records) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in r13881. Backend needs improvements to handle scalarization of …
- 16:29 Ticket #1811 (Frontend - Wrong equation count in Fluid source model with zero ports) updated by
Cc, Status, Owner changed
- 16:27 Ticket #1935 (Interactive Environment - getNthInheritedClass is wrong for some models ...) created by
- Hi, Error report from Zsolt Lattmann: […] The answer for the first …
- 09:48 Ticket #1922 (Code Generation - Codegeneration does not handle extended records) updated by
- The fix works well until you reach the backend in some MSL 3.2 code …
- 09:44 Ticket #1934 (Frontend - Support calling functions via component reference) created by
- Hi, while testing several Hydraulics libraries I encountered the …
- 18:01 Ticket #1885 (Code Generation - generated FMI can not be simulated with FMUSDK) closed by
- fixed: fixed in r13861
See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.