

23:07 Ticket #3774 (Build Environment - Windows Nightly Builds Unavailable) updated by Adrian Pop
There were several issues with the builds lately: 1. the build server …
21:52 Ticket #3775 (OMEdit - Support multi-platform FMUs from OMEdit) created by Rüdiger Franke
A couple of months ago the command buildModelFMU was extended with a …
21:34 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) updated by Rüdiger Franke
Once the Cpp runtime can be cross compiled, a few lines of code …
18:47 Ticket #3774 (Build Environment - Windows Nightly Builds Unavailable) updated by anonymous
The windows nightly build folder is empty
17:17 Ticket #3774 (Build Environment - Windows Nightly Builds Unavailable) updated by Martin Sjölund
The 64-bit versions are experimental. 32-bit should have nightly builds.
17:01 Ticket #3774 (Build Environment - Windows Nightly Builds Unavailable) created by zbigniew.wolanski@…
Are the nightly builds no longer available? The last build …
16:38 Ticket #2960 (OMEdit - Extremely sluggish performance of OMEdit when browsing MSL and ...) updated by massimo ceraolo
Priority, Milestone changed
I think the quality of OM 2.0 deserves an acceptable user experience. …
16:35 Ticket #3743 (Interactive Environment - Slowness and error in OMEdit error when resizing) updated by massimo ceraolo
Priority, Milestone changed
I think this issue must be considered a blocker for release 2.0. …
16:27 Ticket #3726 (OMEdit - Unit of derived types are missing) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: I have been working on #2250 and it seems this ticket is fixed as part …
15:57 Ticket #3773 (Interactive Environment - Do not return the sub-modifier) updated by Adeel Asghar
This needs to be fixed for #2250. I have pushed in some support for …
14:47 Ticket #3289 (FMI - FMU compilation (MSVC) fails for big models) updated by michael.kobierski@…
Hello, can I inquire what the latest news is for this ticket?
13:37 script.mos attached to Ticket #3773 by Adeel Asghar
13:37 Ticket #3773 (Interactive Environment - Do not return the sub-modifier) created by Adeel Asghar
getComponentModifierValue returns the sub-modifier along with the …
08:07 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) updated by Niklas Worschech
Linux is tested very well. But the Windows users (and Bosch Rexroth …
07:56 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) updated by Rüdiger Franke
Currently we have …
07:48 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) updated by Niklas Worschech
I think it is important that we have a least one test for each commit …
06:37 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) updated by Rüdiger Franke
Cc changed
06:00 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) updated by Rüdiger Franke
d48d574/OMCompiler makes the target platform for the …


16:43 Ticket #2081 (OMEdit - Conditional connectors not handled by OMEdit) updated by Francesco Casella
Priority, Milestone changed
I made this a blocker for 2.0, unless there are really compelling …
14:41 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) updated by Rüdiger Franke
I checked under Linux. Getting: […] Something might go wrong with …
14:11 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) updated by Niklas Worschech
Ok no problem I will not revert it. I thought the dynamic runtime is …
14:02 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) updated by Rüdiger Franke
Please don't revert the changes. It was a mess with all build …
13:41 Ticket #3770 (Backend - clocked equations problem) updated by Bernhard Thiele
At the end of MLS 16.8.2, p. 205, it says "The initial conditions will …
13:38 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) updated by Niklas Worschech
Now I got this error Simulation stopped with error in model factory: …
13:27 Ticket #3770 (Backend - clocked equations problem) updated by Rüdiger Franke
Are you sure? Where does your statement find in the Modelica spec? …
13:17 Ticket #3770 (Backend - clocked equations problem) updated by Bernhard Thiele
xd=0 at time=0 in Dymola. This is a clocked discretized …
13:04 Ticket #3640 (Build Environment - Compilation errors for Modelica.Math.FastFourierTransform.Examples.RealFFT1) closed by Martin Sjölund
worksforme: This worked with the MSL trunk shipped with OpenModelica
13:02 Ticket #3640 (Build Environment - Compilation errors for Modelica.Math.FastFourierTransform.Examples.RealFFT1) updated by Christoph <buchner@…>
> the Modelica_Requirements library martin.otter: btw, can you say …
12:29 Ticket #3770 (Backend - clocked equations problem) updated by Lennart Ochel
Description changed
10:41 Ticket #3519 (Backend - test ModelTestSolve18 fail) updated by Lennart Ochel
What is the test about? Does it test what kind of expression cannot be …
10:07 Ticket #3771 (Backend - Wrong clock interval) updated by Niklas Worschech
Maybe the problem is the order of the equations. …
10:03 Ticket #3772 (Backend - event clock error) updated by Rüdiger Franke
See #3752 Both the C and the Cpp templates currently call the …
09:59 Ticket #3771 (Backend - Wrong clock interval) updated by Rüdiger Franke
See ModelicaSpec33, section 16.3 Clock Constructors: "The clock …
09:56 Ticket #3772 (Backend - event clock error) created by Niklas Worschech
For the following example the clock interval is unknown in SimCode. …
09:55 Ticket #3770 (Backend - clocked equations problem) updated by Rüdiger Franke
See ModelicaSpec33, section 16.4 Discrete States: "The previous value …
09:50 Ticket #3771 (Backend - Wrong clock interval) created by Niklas Worschech
For the following example it appears the clock interval calculation is …
09:47 Ticket #3770 (Backend - clocked equations problem) created by Niklas Worschech
For the following model from the cpp runtime tests suite, it appears a …
07:16 Ticket #3710 (Optimization - Unlucky tearing if module wrapFucntionCalls is enabled) updated by Lennart Ochel
Cc changed
Replying to vitalij: > wrapFunctionCalls changes unlucky …
05:49 Ticket #3725 (Interactive Environment - loadString merge=true create duplicate elements) updated by Martin Sjölund
It should set it for all non-class elements (or the file merging …


23:18 Ticket #3519 (Backend - test ModelTestSolve18 fail) closed by Vitalij Ruge
fixed: [https://github.com/OpenModelica/OpenModelica-testsuite/commit/87f2ac12
23:02 Ticket #3710 (Optimization - Unlucky tearing if module wrapFucntionCalls is enabled) updated by Vitalij Ruge
Status, Owner, Summary changed
wrapFunctionCalls changes unlucky the tearing set.
18:20 Ticket #3765 (Run-time - Bad macro for semiLinear) closed by Vitalij Ruge
13:18 ReleaseNotes/1.9.4 edited by Martin Sjölund
13:14 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) closed by Martin Sjölund
13:01 ReleaseNotes/1.9.3 edited by Martin Sjölund
12:57 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) updated by Adrian Pop
Ok. I think we can close this bug now. We have an OpenModelica 1.9.6 …
12:44 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) updated by Adrian Pop
Sorry for the Windows machine being offline, I had to built v1.9.6 …
10:41 ReleaseNotes/1.9.2 edited by Martin Sjölund
10:38 ReleaseNotes/1.9.1 edited by Martin Sjölund
10:37 ReleaseNotes/1.9.0 edited by Martin Sjölund
10:34 ReleaseNotes/1.9.0 edited by Martin Sjölund
10:32 ReleaseNotes/1.9.4 edited by Martin Sjölund
10:19 ReleaseNotes/1.9.1 edited by Martin Sjölund
10:17 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) updated by Rüdiger Franke
See 80dcee4/OMCompiler that implements comment:6. Let's …
09:21 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) updated by Niklas Worschech
The error is in the build before: …
09:11 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) updated by Rüdiger Franke
I don't find the error message given in comment:5 in the linked …
08:48 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) updated by Rüdiger Franke
It looks like the "simple" solution does not work. We should then do …
07:57 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) updated by Niklas Worschech
Hi, with your changes the windos build is broken. I got this error …
06:26 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) updated by Adrian Pop
Replying to sjoelund.se: > I guess they are. I will add …
06:10 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) updated by Martin Sjölund
I guess they are. I will add better testing of the function in …
00:46 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) updated by Adrian Pop
Maybe the fixes by Per a5957d/OMCompiler are needed also …
00:37 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) updated by Rüdiger Franke
You are right! 1.9.5 does NOT work for …
00:27 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) updated by Adrian Pop
Replying to rfranke: > make gitclean does not work on …
00:25 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) updated by Rüdiger Franke
make gitclean does not work on the om-level. I tried `make clean; …


23:49 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) updated by Rüdiger Franke
Everything seems to work with the regular OMCFactory, see …
23:32 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) updated by Adrian Pop
@rfranke try to do a make gitclean before building again.
22:23 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) updated by Rüdiger Franke
I just tried under Jessie (gcc 4.9.2), starting from the current …
22:09 Ticket #3765 (Run-time - Bad macro for semiLinear) updated by Vitalij Ruge
Replying to sjoelund.se: > I think I would have preferred …
22:01 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) updated by Rüdiger Franke
Regarding the "small fix" 05ca4d21/OMCompiler: does anyone …
21:35 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) updated by Rüdiger Franke
Cc changed
fea7a0a/OMCompiler (and the subsequent fix) separate …
21:21 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) updated by Adrian Pop
Something seems to be fishy with the fix or I'm doing something wrong …
19:43 Ticket #3769 (Installation program - Problem with GCC compiler on Windows 10 - OpenModelica 1.9.4 final rel) updated by Martin Sjölund
Owner, Component changed
19:43 Ticket #3769 (Installation program - Problem with GCC compiler on Windows 10 - OpenModelica 1.9.4 final rel) updated by Martin Sjölund
Are you connected to any sort of AD domain? (That could enforce some …
18:08 Ticket #3769 (Installation program - Problem with GCC compiler on Windows 10 - OpenModelica 1.9.4 final rel) created by alfredo.garro@…
I have just installed the OpenModelica 1.9.4 final release on MS …
17:13 Ticket #3765 (Run-time - Bad macro for semiLinear) updated by crupp@…
Having not used them much in the past, I was assuming that inlined …
16:28 Ticket #3765 (Run-time - Bad macro for semiLinear) updated by Rüdiger Franke
@crupp: can you be a bit more specific what you mean with "Looks like …
16:04 Ticket #3765 (Run-time - Bad macro for semiLinear) updated by Martin Sjölund
I think I would have preferred to make it a static inline function, or …
15:40 Ticket #3765 (Run-time - Bad macro for semiLinear) updated by crupp@…
Also, vitalij was smart and caught the error in my fix, it should be: …
15:30 Ticket #3765 (Run-time - Bad macro for semiLinear) updated by Adrian Pop
Cc changed
Added rfranke and niklwors to CC for the CPP runtime.
15:27 Ticket #3765 (Run-time - Bad macro for semiLinear) reopened by crupp@…
Looks like I was sloppy. The cpp version also needs it in: …
15:21 Ticket #3766 (OMEdit - OMEdit crashes, when you move marked models) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Fixed in 6ca8c1c/OMEdit.
14:17 Ticket #3767 (Parser - OMEdit - Freeze Loading Screen at "Creating Widgets") updated by Adrian Pop
Status, Owner, Component changed
This might have something to do with parallel loading of Modelica …
14:00 Ticket #3768 (OMEdit - Add keyboard shortcuts for flipping of icons horizontally and vertically) updated by Dietmar Winkler
Oh yes sorry. I blame the students that did not run the latest version.
13:52 Ticket #3768 (OMEdit - Add keyboard shortcuts for flipping of icons horizontally and vertically) closed by Adeel Asghar
invalid: We have that already. See 62c0c86/OMEdit.
13:49 Ticket #2220 (OMEdit - Automatic Save in OMEdit - Logging of Edit Operations) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Fixed in 1ec6313/OMEdit. The automatic save is available …
13:48 Ticket #3768 (OMEdit - Add keyboard shortcuts for flipping of icons horizontally and vertically) created by Dietmar Winkler
My proposal: * flipping horizontally: h * flipping vertically: v
13:48 Ticket #3767 (Parser - OMEdit - Freeze Loading Screen at "Creating Widgets") updated by philipp.kiesslich-koecher@…
When I use loadModel(Modelica) in Shell it says "true" (tried it …
13:45 omeditcommunication.log attached to Ticket #3767 by anonymous
LogFile for the "CreatingWidgets" Situation
13:44 Ticket #2347 (OMEdit - OMEdit error message on autosave in text view) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Fixed in 1ec6313/OMEdit.
13:44 Ticket #2416 (OMEdit - Unwanted behaviour of OMEdit with syntactically incorrect models) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Fixed in 1ec6313/OMEdit. The auto save functionality is …
13:28 testTemp_Fehler.GIF attached to Ticket #3766 by anonymous
Crash window when try to move marked models
13:25 LoadingScreenOMEdit.GIF attached to Ticket #3767 by anonymous
OMEdit sometimes hang up on loading screen with "Loading Widgets"
13:18 Ticket #3767 (Parser - OMEdit - Freeze Loading Screen at "Creating Widgets") updated by Adrian Pop
There is a bug in Trac with German browsers, just go to …
13:08 Ticket #3767 (Parser - OMEdit - Freeze Loading Screen at "Creating Widgets") updated by Adeel Asghar
What happens if you use call loadModel(Modelica) from OMShell?
13:03 Ticket #3767 (Parser - OMEdit - Freeze Loading Screen at "Creating Widgets") updated by philipp.kiesslich-koecher@…
omediterror.txt and omeditoutput.txt are both empty. (Sorry, can´t …
12:56 Ticket #3766 (OMEdit - OMEdit crashes, when you move marked models) updated by philipp.kiesslich-koecher@…
I mark them by drawing a square with the mousepointer over all models. …
12:54 tmp.file attached to Ticket #3764 by Martin Sjölund
File causing memory issues for pyparsing
12:54 c.py attached to Ticket #3764 by Martin Sjölund
Typed parsing grammar
12:54 Ticket #3764 (OMPython - OMCSession.sendExpression uses up all available memory when pyplot is ...) updated by Martin Sjölund
Yes, the order does not matter. And I checked the threading module as …
12:41 Ticket #3767 (Parser - OMEdit - Freeze Loading Screen at "Creating Widgets") updated by Adeel Asghar
Start the program and when it is freezed kill it manually from task …
12:36 Ticket #3767 (Parser - OMEdit - Freeze Loading Screen at "Creating Widgets") created by philipp.kiesslich-koecher@…
Sometimes when I open OMEdit it hangs up at the event "Creating …
12:35 Ticket #3766 (OMEdit - OMEdit crashes, when you move marked models) updated by Adeel Asghar
Could you provide a sample model? How are you marking the components? …
12:30 Ticket #3766 (OMEdit - OMEdit crashes, when you move marked models) created by philipp.kiesslich-koecher@…
When I mark several models on the diagram layer at the same time and …
11:50 Ticket #3764 (OMPython - OMCSession.sendExpression uses up all available memory when pyplot is ...) updated by Christoph <buchner@…>
> import mpl _after_ OMPython? sorry, the other way round of course. :-P
11:42 Ticket #3764 (OMPython - OMCSession.sendExpression uses up all available memory when pyplot is ...) updated by Christoph <buchner@…>
Does this also occur if you import mpl _after_ OMPython? If not, it …
11:36 Ticket #3764 (OMPython - OMCSession.sendExpression uses up all available memory when pyplot is ...) updated by Martin Sjölund
It's weird in the sense that this only occurs if matplotlib and …
10:56 Ticket #3764 (OMPython - OMCSession.sendExpression uses up all available memory when pyplot is ...) updated by Martin Sjölund
Also, https://github.com/OpenModelica/OMPython/issues/3 is unrelated. …
09:00 Ticket #3764 (OMPython - OMCSession.sendExpression uses up all available memory when pyplot is ...) updated by Martin Sjölund
I guess this is to be expected. The simulation result is huge and is …
08:37 Ticket #3764 (OMPython - OMCSession.sendExpression uses up all available memory when pyplot is ...) updated by Alachew Mengist
Status, Owner changed
07:59 Ticket #3764 (OMPython - OMCSession.sendExpression uses up all available memory when pyplot is ...) updated by Christoph <buchner@…>
possibly related: https://github.com/OpenModelica/OMPython/issues/3 ?
00:53 Ticket #3027 (OMEdit - Select and export variables after simulation) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Done in 19e8270/OMEdit.
00:22 Ticket #3765 (Run-time - Bad macro for semiLinear) closed by Vitalij Ruge
00:22 Ticket #3765 (Run-time - Bad macro for semiLinear) updated by Vitalij Ruge
your fixes was added with …


23:14 Ticket #3765 (Run-time - Bad macro for semiLinear) updated by Vitalij Ruge
Thank you for the analysis!
22:41 semiLinear_bug.mo attached to Ticket #3765 by crupp@…
22:41 Ticket #3765 (Run-time - Bad macro for semiLinear) created by crupp@…
In openmodelica.h the macro for semiLinear is defined as: #define …
21:18 Ticket #3032 (OMEdit - Two connecting lines issues) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Fixed in 2805502/OMEdit.
15:30 Ticket #3764 (OMPython - OMCSession.sendExpression uses up all available memory when pyplot is ...) created by christopher.schoelzel@…
I wanted to create a testing script for my modelica models using …
15:22 ReleaseNotes/1.9.4 edited by Martin Sjölund
15:22 ReleaseNotes/1.10.0 created by Martin Sjölund
14:59 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) updated by Martin Sjölund
Milestone changed
14:58 Tickets #1283,​2059,​2079,​2081,​2132,​2152,​2250,​2282,​2395,​2484,​2538,​2612,​2660,​2661,​2858,​2891,​2926,​2960,​3102,​3274,​3318,​3424,​3567,​3636,​3674,​3679,​3739,​3742,​3743,​3763,​1298,​1486,​1748,​1814,​1853,​2173,​2190,​2254,​2296,​2379,​2384,​2407,​2416,​2548,​2565,​2578,​2634,​2648,​2685,​2734,​2845,​2870,​2905,​2946,​3088,​3089,​3101,​3143,​3186,​3192,​3399,​3440,​3565,​3582,​3614,​3645,​3646,​3681,​3685,​1232,​1348,​1428,​1458,​1556,​1646,​1651,​1791,​1806,​1815,​1816,​1817,​1822,​1831,​1842,​1879,​1883,​1884,​1886,​1887,​1888,​1889,​1890,​1893,​1899,​1910,​1914,​1919,​1924,​1929,​1930,​1931,​1934,​1936,​1937,​1940,​1942,​1958,​1963,​1976,​1991,​2010,​2013,​2015,​2023,​2029,​2037,​2038,​2044,​2045,​2051,​2052,​2058,​2061,​2078,​2080,​2084,​2091,​2094,​2100,​2105,​2107,​2120,​2122,​2153,​2164,​2174,​2182,​2185,​2186,​2187,​2193,​2199,​2206,​2208,​2213,​2214,​2226,​2232,​2246,​2247,​2249,​2266,​2275,​2284,​2287,​2292,​2301,​2304,​2306,​2309,​2316,​2319,​2325,​2327,​2331,​2335,​2340,​2342,​2343,​2347,​2357,​2361,​2365,​2367,​2370,​2372,​2378,​2381,​2387,​2394,​2420,​2421,​2426,​2428,​2447,​2463,​2466,​2467,​2469,​2471,​2473,​2474,​2479,​2485,​2486,​2488,​2492,​2494,​2499,​2500,​2501,​2502,​2511,​2520,​2533,​2541,​2546,​2549,​2558,​2573,​2576,​2577,​2579,​2582,​2584,​2591,​2599,​2605,​2608,​2613,​2618,​2619,​2620,​2621,​2626,​2628,​2647,​2653,​2664,​2670,​2671,​2672,​2684,​2686,​2689,​2694,​2698,​2703,​2717,​2725,​2728,​2730,​2735,​2738,​2740,​2742,​2745,​2750,​2751,​2755,​2756,​2764,​2765,​2773,​2774,​2807,​2821,​2842,​2847,​2869,​2880,​2881,​2897,​2909,​2910,​2931,​2954,​2967,​3035,​3067,​3077,​3111,​3116,​3118,​3139,​3152,​3153,​3154,​3160,​3183,​3195,​3227,​3241,​3253,​3257,​3266,​3287,​3288,​3294,​3301,​3321,​3328,​3363,​3365,​3368,​3383,​3402,​3414,​3415,​3454,​3456,​3459,​3464,​3485,​3487,​3488,​3491,​3495,​3498,​3503,​3524,​3526,​3540,​3546,​3553,​3559,​3570,​3572,​3575,​3592,​3600,​3612,​3613,​3637,​3638,​3640,​3649,​3680,​3703,​3706,​3722,​3726,​3727,​3729,​3731,​3740,​3745,​3750,​3758,​3759,​3760,​1080,​1228,​1366,​1792,​1813,​1839,​1869,​1935,​1938,​1990,​2000,​2004,​2055,​2205,​2233,​2242,​2276,​2312,​2318,​2323,​2354,​2380,​2433,​2435,​2443,​2446,​2472,​2498,​2547,​2572,​2609,​2624,​2638,​2651,​2696,​2700,​2709,​2712,​2736,​2763,​2777,​3032,​3074,​3138,​3252,​3534,​3608,​3762,​1429,​1857,​1966,​2007,​2274,​2307,​2417,​2438 batch updated by Martin Sjölund
Milestone changed
Milestone renamed
13:07 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) updated by Martin Sjölund
It builds fine for me after building both of them. If you are …
12:53 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) updated by Rüdiger Franke
Done in 4c4b39f/OpenModelica-testsuite. We might improve …
10:25 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) updated by Rüdiger Franke
I will add a test.
10:17 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) updated by Martin Sjölund


17:16 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) updated by Martin Sjölund
Those tests are horrible, by the way. Better to just query the XML for …
17:11 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) updated by Adeel Asghar
We already have some tests which check for the generated xml e.g., …
16:55 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) updated by Adrian Pop
Status, Owner changed
I'm assigning this to Martin. We should add a test where we output the …
16:53 Ticket #3763 (Backend - FMI 2.0 export broken in OpenModelica 1.9.4) created by Rüdiger Franke
The generation of the model structure does not work anymore for …
00:00 Ticket #2274 (OMEdit - update class name in "Libraries Browser”) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Done in 6247798/OMEdit.
00:00 Ticket #2845 (OMEdit - OMEdit handling of packages in the GUI is inconsistent) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Done in 6247798/OMEdit.


10:05 Ticket #3762 (Frontend - OpenModelica simulation hangs for ...) updated by martin.otter@…
Component changed
I tried several different versions, but always failed to get it …
09:52 Ticket #3535 (Interactive Environment - duplicate function names are not detected) updated by Per Östlund
Status changed
The check should only be done for classes that are used, i.e. when …
09:21 Ticket #3762 (Frontend - OpenModelica simulation hangs for ...) created by martin.otter@…
OpenModelica 1.9.4 Beta.2 translates …
08:59 Ticket #3274 (New Instantiation - Inheritance problems on power systems library) updated by Rüdiger Franke
Milestone changed
08:53 Ticket #3195 (Backend - Translation error with integer inputs) closed by Rüdiger Franke
fixed: The ticket was re-opened in #3274. Close this one because the …
08:52 Ticket #3274 (New Instantiation - Inheritance problems on power systems library) updated by Rüdiger Franke
Priority changed
The error was already reported and partly solved in #3195. This is …
04:25 Ticket #3761 (Frontend - Buildings coverage went down after library update) updated by Adrian Pop
Thanks mwetter but we should fix the issues anyway.
04:22 Ticket #3761 (Frontend - Buildings coverage went down after library update) updated by Michael Wetter
Thanks for reporting. This is now fixed through …


16:24 Ticket #3753 (OMEdit - Simulation logging flags are wrong) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Fixed in 4385f6e/OMEdit. The parser error is indeed a …
15:10 Ticket #3535 (Interactive Environment - duplicate function names are not detected) updated by Adrian Pop
Status, Owner changed
I remember we did this check right after parsing via SCodeUtil. I'll …
14:45 Ticket #3535 (Interactive Environment - duplicate function names are not detected) updated by Willi Braun
Cc changed
That issue might lead to really annoying behaviour and not really …
13:02 Ticket #3761 (Frontend - Buildings coverage went down after library update) updated by Martin Sjölund
Cc changed
12:53 Ticket #3089 (New Instantiation - Flattening error concerning records of records) updated by Alexander Täschner <A.Taeschner@…>
Using the latest nightly build …
12:33 Ticket #3674 (New Instantiation - Template error generated by omc) updated by Alexander Täschner <A.Taeschner@…>
Version changed
12:10 Ticket #3761 (Frontend - Buildings coverage went down after library update) updated by Adrian Pop
Status, Owner changed
12:09 Ticket #3761 (Frontend - Buildings coverage went down after library update) created by Adrian Pop
36 new failures: …
10:31 Ticket #3750 (*unknown* - Compilation Problem for model modifier with constrainedby and inheritance) updated by Dietmar Winkler
Milestone changed
07:25 Ticket #3760 (Cpp Run-time - Cross compilation of binary FMUs) created by Rüdiger Franke
Use cases for cross compilation are: 1. the development platform …
06:25 Ticket #2960 (OMEdit - Extremely sluggish performance of OMEdit when browsing MSL and ...) updated by massimo ceraolo
The situation has worsened over the last year. In a not-very-large …
06:20 Ticket #3743 (Interactive Environment - Slowness and error in OMEdit error when resizing) updated by massimo ceraolo
I tried the same resizing on my one-year-plus old OM r25516 and …
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