

18:27 Ticket #4043 (OMEdit - The uses annotation should not be set by default in each individual model) updated by Francesco Casella
Milestone changed
13:59 Ticket #4065 (Interactive Environment - Linebreaks, comments in component argument list are mangled after moving it) updated by Christoph <buchner@…>
I just realized that also spaces in the argument list are …
13:52 Ticket #4065 (Interactive Environment - Linebreaks, comments in component argument list are mangled after moving it) created by Christoph <buchner@…>
I often align the arguments in a component instantiation with …
13:26 Ticket #4064 (Code Generation - string inputs to external object constructor) updated by Volker Waurich
I think I found it, …
12:24 Ticket #4064 (Code Generation - string inputs to external object constructor) updated by Volker Waurich
In …
12:23 Ticket #4064 (Code Generation - string inputs to external object constructor) updated by Martin Sjölund
So the problem is with start-values in FMUs, I guess?
11:54 Ticket #4064 (Code Generation - string inputs to external object constructor) updated by Volker Waurich
The attached file was wrong, Iv found the mmc_mk_scon. The runtime …
11:51 trac.txt attached to Ticket #4064 by Volker Waurich
11:50 Ticket #4064 (Code Generation - string inputs to external object constructor) updated by Volker Waurich
Use the model from #4062 with: {{{translateModelFMU(MDD_test, …
10:20 Ticket #4064 (Code Generation - string inputs to external object constructor) updated by Martin Sjölund
What code in FMUs get this code? All Modelica function calls take …
10:10 Ticket #4064 (Code Generation - string inputs to external object constructor) created by Volker Waurich
Hi, String arguments to external object constructors are usually …
09:34 Ticket #4055 (Code Generation - Wrong code generation template for complex numbers in algorithms) updated by Lennart Ochel
The model ComplexFillEqs works, because the equation is evaluated …
09:25 Ticket #4055 (Code Generation - Wrong code generation template for complex numbers in algorithms) updated by Lennart Ochel
I am afraid that I will not have time for this in the next two weeks.
09:22 Ticket #2751 (Backend - CombiTables do not work for MSL trunk) closed by Lennart Ochel
fixed: I think we can close this one.
09:13 simulate.mos attached to Ticket #4062 by Volker Waurich
09:13 MDD_test.mo attached to Ticket #4062 by Volker Waurich
test model
08:14 Ticket #4062 (Frontend - External Object Alias) updated by Adrian Pop
@vwaurich: you go to Preferences and select language to English. Then …
07:58 Ticket #4055 (Code Generation - Wrong code generation template for complex numbers in algorithms) updated by massimo ceraolo
ehm... may I ask if someone plans to have a look at this ticket in the …
07:28 Ticket #4063 (Frontend - checkModel returns wrong number of equations) updated by Lennart Ochel
Just a few more models for debugging: …
07:19 Ticket #4063 (Frontend - checkModel returns wrong number of equations) created by Lennart Ochel
I just saw a couple of MSL models (e.g. …
06:25 Ticket #4062 (Frontend - External Object Alias) updated by Volker Waurich
The mos file: […]
06:18 Ticket #4062 (Frontend - External Object Alias) updated by Volker Waurich
06:16 Ticket #4062 (Frontend - External Object Alias) updated by Volker Waurich
Sorry, cannot attache files due to "IndexError: pop from empty list"
06:13 Ticket #4062 (Frontend - External Object Alias) created by Volker Waurich
Hi, In the attached Model, 2 objects are connected with the following …
05:05 Ticket #4061 (Backend - Not well-posed models not always rejected) closed by Lennart Ochel
fixed: Fixed with …


19:39 Ticket #4061 (Backend - Not well-posed models not always rejected) updated by Lennart Ochel
Status, Owner, Milestone changed
checkModel returns unexpected numbers in some cases. However, it …
19:05 Ticket #4061 (Backend - Not well-posed models not always rejected) updated by Lennart Ochel
I just tried to check if the number of equations match the number of …
18:20 Ticket #3967 (*unknown* - Variable of matrix element accessed by enumeration value not replaced ...) updated by Martin Sjölund
We do if the frontend accepts it :)
18:19 Ticket #3967 (*unknown* - Variable of matrix element accessed by enumeration value not replaced ...) closed by Willi Braun
invalid: Okay, make sense. Then the model in the ticket is also invalid and we …
18:13 Ticket #4061 (Backend - Not well-posed models not always rejected) created by Willi Braun
The following model should rejected as not well-posed: […] This …
17:56 Ticket #3967 (*unknown* - Variable of matrix element accessed by enumeration value not replaced ...) updated by Martin Sjölund
Yes, it is invalid. You have to use Integer(enum.index2) explicitly.
17:38 Ticket #3967 (*unknown* - Variable of matrix element accessed by enumeration value not replaced ...) updated by Willi Braun
okay, but is then m2[enum.index2] also invalid, since it is outside …
17:25 Ticket #3967 (*unknown* - Variable of matrix element accessed by enumeration value not replaced ...) updated by Martin Sjölund
m1[2] is not valid Modelica and can never appear (it is outside the …
17:18 Ticket #3967 (*unknown* - Variable of matrix element accessed by enumeration value not replaced ...) updated by Willi Braun
Replying to sjoelund.se: > And reading the C-code, isn't …
17:12 Ticket #3967 (*unknown* - Variable of matrix element accessed by enumeration value not replaced ...) updated by Willi Braun
Replying to sjoelund.se: > And reading the C-code, isn't …
17:09 Ticket #3967 (*unknown* - Variable of matrix element accessed by enumeration value not replaced ...) updated by Willi Braun
Replying to sjoelund.se: > No, we need to never replace …
17:06 Ticket #3967 (*unknown* - Variable of matrix element accessed by enumeration value not replaced ...) updated by Martin Sjölund
And reading the C-code, isn't the problem that we replaced it with …
17:04 Ticket #3967 (*unknown* - Variable of matrix element accessed by enumeration value not replaced ...) updated by Martin Sjölund
No, we need to never replace the index until code generation for …
17:03 Ticket #3967 (*unknown* - Variable of matrix element accessed by enumeration value not replaced ...) updated by Willi Braun
Cc, Component changed
The code generation issue is raised by a the fact that we try to …
15:31 Ticket #3967 (*unknown* - Variable of matrix element accessed by enumeration value not replaced ...) updated by Willi Braun
Strange, slightly changed and it works: […]
13:35 Ticket #3999 (Backend - Variable name creation problem in C sources when model using complex ...) updated by Willi Braun
Milestone changed
13:35 Ticket #3999 (Backend - Variable name creation problem in C sources when model using complex ...) closed by Willi Braun
fixed: Ihe issue was related to the usage of enumerations as array subscript. …
12:11 Ticket #4060 (Code Generation - Final attribute for parameters has no effect at all) created by Patrick Täuber
If you run the following model with […] which means without …
07:11 Ticket #3939 (Backend - unitChecking does not always find mismatched units) updated by Christoph <buchner@…>
Thank you, I can confirm this being fixed!


15:02 Ticket #3939 (Backend - unitChecking does not always find mismatched units) updated by Lennart Ochel
Component, Milestone changed
14:50 Ticket #4059 (Frontend - Wrong detection of structual parameters for instances) created by Patrick Täuber
While flattening of the following model b is detected as structural …
14:40 Ticket #4058 (Frontend - Inconsistent handling of structural parameters) created by Patrick Täuber
In the following model b1 is detected as a structural parameter and b2 …
14:33 Ticket #4057 (Frontend - Cyclic parameter bindings with more than two elements lead to stack ...) created by Patrick Täuber
The following model leads to a stack overflow in …
12:12 Ticket #3939 (Backend - unitChecking does not always find mismatched units) closed by Lennart Ochel
fixed: This is fixed with …
11:54 Ticket #3939 (Backend - unitChecking does not always find mismatched units) updated by Lennart Ochel
@Christoph: Yes, it is a bug. I just pushed a fix for it: …
11:11 Ticket #3939 (Backend - unitChecking does not always find mismatched units) updated by Christoph <buchner@…>
@lochel: Did you manage to have a look at this?
08:00 Ticket #4042 (OMEdit - OMEdit crash when saving model with conflicting variable names) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Fixed in 1dd8804/OMEdit.


15:21 Ticket #4056 (Code Generation - DeviceDrivers on Win32 as FMU) created by Volker Waurich
Hi, I created a model using the KeyboardKeyInput from Modelica …
09:41 Ticket #3781 (Backend - Fix scaling of detectJacobianSparsePattern) updated by Francesco Casella
Some futher remarks on the topic of this ticket Replying to …
08:34 Ticket #4019 (Installation program - Using CombiTimeTable emits multiple unused variable tableAvailable warnings) updated by Christoph <buchner@…>
added version info: Connected to OpenModelica v1.11.0-dev-87-gf0f37a3
08:34 Ticket #4019 (Installation program - Using CombiTimeTable emits multiple unused variable tableAvailable warnings) updated by Christoph <buchner@…>
@sjoelund.se: sorry, I am still seeing this behaviour with the above …


13:44 Ticket #3769 (Installation program - Problem with GCC compiler on Windows 10 - OpenModelica 1.9.4 final rel) updated by Martin Sjölund
There have been several 1.9.x maintenance releases (1.9.5 and 1.9.6 …
13:43 Ticket #3769 (Installation program - Problem with GCC compiler on Windows 10 - OpenModelica 1.9.4 final rel) updated by Christoph <buchner@…>
No reply from the OP - can this be closed? Also, milestone 9.x - will …
12:28 Ticket #3913 (Backend - modelica_Synchronous runtime error) closed by Willi Braun
10:31 Ticket #4050 (Backend - Array of component: Too many equations.) updated by Adrian Pop
I did a bit more investigation and I know what the problem is, but not …
09:24 Ticket #4050 (Backend - Array of component: Too many equations.) updated by Lennart Ochel
Cc changed
And this is what the algorithm statements look like, that are used to …
08:37 Ticket #4050 (Backend - Array of component: Too many equations.) updated by Lennart Ochel
The wrongly detected output variables are the following ones, which …
07:35 Ticket #4055 (Code Generation - Wrong code generation template for complex numbers in algorithms) updated by massimo ceraolo
At least there is a problem related to the use of complex numbers in …
05:48 Ticket #4055 (Code Generation - Wrong code generation template for complex numbers in algorithms) updated by massimo ceraolo
Description changed


16:10 Ticket #4055 (Code Generation - Wrong code generation template for complex numbers in algorithms) created by massimo ceraolo
The following simple model compiles but does not run: […] Here's …
10:31 Ticket #4054 (Frontend - Binding equation does not accept reduced-outputs function calls) updated by massimo ceraolo
Description changed
10:30 Ticket #4054 (Frontend - Binding equation does not accept reduced-outputs function calls) created by massimo ceraolo
Consider the following code: […] The binding equation defining …


18:37 Ticket #4051 (FMI - Add documentation for FMI 2.0 for CS) closed by Adrian Pop
fixed: Fixed in 257c15/OpenModelica-doc.
17:46 Ticket #4051 (FMI - Add documentation for FMI 2.0 for CS) updated by Adrian Pop
Yes, those parts are automatically added by running omc and collecting …
17:41 Ticket #4051 (FMI - Add documentation for FMI 2.0 for CS) updated by Francesco Casella
It seems to be missing from the gitub view, because github does not …
16:55 Ticket #4051 (FMI - Add documentation for FMI 2.0 for CS) updated by anonymous
It looks like some content is missing just below the last two rows …
15:35 Ticket #4051 (FMI - Add documentation for FMI 2.0 for CS) updated by Francesco Casella
Sounds good, please merge it.
07:04 Ticket #4050 (Backend - Array of component: Too many equations.) updated by Lennart Ochel
It seems that there are some algorithm sections, which have too many …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.