


21:44 Ticket #5062 ([NF] Handling of parameters (fixed=false, start=value) with ...) created by adrpo
It seems that in MSL we have final parameters with …
18:48 Ticket #5061 ([NF] Are public parameters allowed in functions by the Modelica spec?) created by adrpo
The NF is really strict on this: …


08:10 Ticket #2983 (Show simulation results while running the simulation) reopened by Alexander Täschner <A.Taeschner@…>
Replying to casella: > please show me the simulation …


15:18 Ticket #5060 (Mac OMEdit doesn't start) created by dersh
I have openmodelica-devel installed, using macports on my Mac. Recent …
00:40 Ticket #5054 (Remaining issue with rooted in NF) closed by adrpo
fixed: Fix ticket with PR: …


13:05 Ticket #5049 (Numerical issues close to steady-state in ODE mode) closed by casella
fixed: Replying to wbraun: > I tend to close this ticket under …
13:03 Ticket #5059 (Numerical issues close to steady-state in ODE mode with default ...) created by casella
Please check the …
12:06 Ticket #4640 (Categorize OMEdit messages) closed by adeas31
fixed: Done in 1c58f5d/OMEdit.


14:25 Ticket #5049 (Numerical issues close to steady-state in ODE mode) reopened by casella
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.