Custom Query (28 matches)


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Status: closed (28 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#4786 Functions are sometimes not type checked when passed as arguments defect blocker v1.13.0-dev-nightly fixed
#4838 CevalFunction ignores tail recursion defect blocker fixed
#1555 Model with array of unknown size fails without error message perost defect critical fixed
#1853 reinit does not handle arrays adeas31 defect critical trunk fixed
#2384 lookup of functions through instance name combined with inner/outer somebody defect critical trunk worksforme
#4795 Flattening error for a model with substructure defect critical fixed
#1910 Erroneous Warning: Parameter ... has neither value nor start value, and is fixed during initialization (fixed=true) adrpo defect high trunk worksforme
#1930 Wrong symbolic simplification somebody defect high trunk worksforme
#2044 Error with extending 2 replaceable models somebody defect high trunk worksforme
#2185 Only print errors if the class is used somebody defect high trunk worksforme
#2372 A scoping issue? somebody defect high trunk worksforme
#2381 loadFile("/path/to/library 1.2/") does not work adrpo defect high trunk worksforme
#3625 Extremly long compilation time adrpo task high fixed
#4503 OMCompiler doesn't remove mathematical signs when flattening model + libraries defect high fixed
#4531 Enable unit checking by default mahge930 enhancement high duplicate
#4563 State machine reset error bthiele defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly fixed
#4606 Wrong equation count with complex numbers perost defect high fixed
#4646 redeclare non-replaceable: warning instead or error somebody enhancement high v1.13.0-dev-nightly fixed
#4702 Record binding missing causing string to be assigned 0.0 defect high v1.12.0 fixed
#4703 Support fixed=false for Strings (Modelica 3.4) enhancement high v1.12.0 fixed
#4710 Cannot pass a string “parameter” that is read from a file to a function adeas31 defect high v1.12.0 fixed
#4748 OM will pass values from a multiple-output function to “parameters” adrpo defect high v1.13.0-dev-nightly invalid
#5179 firstTick operator should return Boolean somebody defect high v1.12.0 fixed
#2004 Parameter XXX has no value, and is fixed during initialization adrpo defect normal trunk worksforme
#2055 loadFile with backward slash on loads only the top class somebody defect normal trunk worksforme
#2323 Error: "variable [...] not constant" somebody defect normal trunk worksforme
#3608 Omedit shows a component's icon but when checking does not find it perost defect normal v1.11.0 worksforme
#2167 Missing parenthesis in the flattened output of some if-expressions somebody defect low trunk worksforme
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.