Custom Query (14 matches)


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Status: closed (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#6110 OMEdit does not render graphical annotations if "closure" annotation is present. Adrian Pop defect blocker v1.16.0-dev fixed
#4449 Plot Parametric issues Adeel Asghar defect high fixed
#4469 OMEdit does not update diagrams of derived classes Adeel Asghar defect high fixed
#5069 Create a connector while making a connection Adeel Asghar enhancement high duplicate
#5815 OMEdit not showing results Adeel Asghar defect high fixed
#6094 Add CTRL+C to context menu for copying Modelica path Adeel Asghar enhancement high fixed
#6412 OMEdit crashes when loading the BRSL and instantiating a library item Adeel Asghar defect high 1.16.5 fixed
#4403 OMEdit: Do not collapse variables browser when resimulating Adeel Asghar enhancement normal v1.12.0 fixed
#5177 Changing string parameters between simulations Adeel Asghar enhancement normal fixed
#5839 Plotting curves with toggled sign Adeel Asghar enhancement normal v1.16.0-dev fixed
#5849 Automatic elimination of blank areas in diagrams (companion to #5841) Adeel Asghar discussion normal fixed
#6227 Drop models on OMEdit does not work after a fresh installation Adeel Asghar defect normal v1.17.0-dev fixed
#6404 Confirmation request when deleting recent files Adeel Asghar enhancement normal v1.17.0-dev fixed
#6434 Improve file links in Windows Adeel Asghar enhancement normal v1.17.0-dev fixed
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.