Custom Query (17 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#3972 Redefinition of OMC_FILE macro new lochel defect low Future
#4174 OMNotebook: change in text in LaTeX cell does not show the star (*) in the filename assigned arun3688 defect low 2.0.0
#1839 OMEdit: better autorouting reopened adeas31 enhancement normal Future
#3954 Potential bugs from static code analysis new lochel defect normal Future
#4584 ZeroCrossings.equals costs memory new lochel defect normal
#4633 [MetaModelica] skip cases for partial matches new enhancement normal 2.0.0
#3814 Optimizsation of record modifications new enhancement high Future
#3869 3d-trajectories in OMEdit new adeas31 enhancement high 2.0.0
#4150 Virtual Machine problems new adeas31 enhancement high
#4164 OMEdit / OMNotebook do not open files at start on OS X new adeas31 defect high
#4473 MetaModelica: unable to pass tuple types correctly new defect high Future
#4620 CodegenCFunctions.daeExp has stack overflow new adrpo defect high
#4630 Rethink mathematical simplifications new somebody defect high
#4699 BaseAvlSet/Tree use O(n*log n) memory new somebody enhancement high
#4740 "if noEvent()" won't protect sqrt from being called new lochel defect high Future
#5634 Compilation on macOS fails new somebody defect high
#3937 ScalableTestSuite...OneGeneratorStepLoad fails for IDA solver new somebody defect critical Future
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