Custom Query (14 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#3668 Memory allocation of the back-end and code generation grows quadratically with the system size assigned wbraun defect high Future
#3676 Do some sanity checks on the Windows PATH when building omc accepted adrpo defect high Future
#3689 Missing warning for StateSelect.always reopened Karim.Abdelhak defect high
#3695 removeSimpleEquations is slow on large models new wbraun defect high 2.0.0
#3696 Add an OMC API to get and set the redeclare modifiers in extends and components accepted adrpo defect high Future
#3700 ModelicaCompliance.Functions.External.CMapping2 fails on test server new somebody defect high Future
#3706 OMEdit does not render some icons assigned adrpo defect high Future
#3711 Cpp runtime test recordTupleReturnTest fails if wrapFunctionCalls is enabled new somebody defect high Future
#3721 Re: FMI 1.0 co-simulation API skeleton. new adeas31 defect high Future
#3725 loadString merge=true create duplicate elements accepted adrpo defect high Future
#3729 Models of trunk/Modelica that do not simulate in OpenModelica (and are not present in MSL 3.2.1 failed simulations) new somebody defect high Future
#3731 OMEdit creates unnecessary empty Icon and Diagram annotation assigned adrpo defect high Future
#3740 Simulation errors for Modelica trunk new somebody defect high Future
#3751 Update MetaModelica Documentation new task high Future
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.