Opened 9 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#3788 closed enhancement (fixed)

OMEdit working directory too cluttered

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: Adeel Asghar
Priority: blocker Milestone: 1.13.0
Component: OMEdit Version:
Keywords: Cc:


The OMEdit working directory contains a lot of stuff:

  • files needed for compilation (.o, .c, .h)
  • files needed for execution (.exe, _init.xml)
  • files to be read run-time (files .txt needed by MSL tables, when the absolute path is not specified)
  • simulation outputs (.csv, .mat)

All these are replicated many times if many models are executed.

I miss a dialog box allowing the user to choose separate directories for different categories of data (for instance the four categories I specified above).
This dialog should also contain a check-box allowing all the intermediate files (.o, .c, .h) to be automatically deleted after the exe creation.

Change History (13)

in reply to:  description comment:1 by anonymous, 9 years ago

Replying to anonymous:

This dialog should also contain a check-box allowing all the intermediate files (.o, .c, .h) to be automatically deleted after the exe creation.

... and a checkbox to avoid the creation of a different exe file for each model created and executed (when it is checked something like OMSimulator.exe could be the same executable for all the models and be continuously overwritten)

comment:2 by Francesco Casella, 9 years ago

See also #2909

comment:3 by anonymous, 8 years ago

Will something discussed here be implemented in 2.0.0. version?

comment:4 by Francesco Casella, 8 years ago

Component: *unknown*OMEdit
Owner: changed from somebody to Adeel Asghar
Priority: highblocker

Doesn't look very difficult to implement, and could be seen as a substantial improvement by end-users.

I'm raising the priority because of high effort/result ratio

comment:5 by Francesco Casella, 8 years ago

I meant result/effort, of course :)

comment:6 by Francesco Casella, 8 years ago

See also #2909.

From my point of view, the files needed for compilation should be immediately deleted after compilation by default, because they cannot be re-used, but are rather re-generated every time, so I cannot really see the point of not deleting them outright. There should be a flag to keep them which defaults to false, to be used only for advanced debugging purposes - normal users don't bother to see these files.

comment:7 by Francesco Casella, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Works as expected in 1.13.0

comment:8 by massimo ceraolo, 7 years ago

Now the output folder contains also the model's exe.
This file cannot be run as a stand-alone program, though: it needs a lot of dll's.
AFAIK it cannot be run from OMEdit as well.

If this is true, what's the purpose of having it in the output folder? Is there a simple way to run it?
Does it is worth while to retain it as default, or it is better to delete it?

comment:9 by Francesco Casella, 7 years ago

As far as I understand, you can re-run it from OMEdit by using the Re-Simulate and Re-Simulate buttons in the Plotting tab. This is very convenient if just want to change parameter values or solver settings and re-run the simulation on the fly without recompiling the model.

comment:10 by massimo ceraolo, 7 years ago

I use re-simulate a lot. It is obviously much faster!
But when we close OMEdit and reopen it again, I think there is no way to re-simulate an existing exe file. Am I right?

in reply to:  10 ; comment:11 by Adeel Asghar, 7 years ago

Replying to ceraolo:

I use re-simulate a lot. It is obviously much faster!
But when we close OMEdit and reopen it again, I think there is no way to re-simulate an existing exe file. Am I right?

Yes, there is no way to re-simulate the existing exe file.

If this is true, what's the purpose of having it in the output folder? Is there a simple way to run it?
Does it is worth while to retain it as default, or it is better to delete it?

I think we can delete the entire folder when OMEdit is closed.

in reply to:  11 comment:12 by massimo ceraolo, 7 years ago

Does it is worth while to retain it as default, or it is better to delete it?

I think we can delete the entire folder when OMEdit is closed.

So, at least the exe file can de deleted (I mean, automatically, by OMEdit itself).

According to my personal tastes deleting the entire simulation folder is ok. But maybe there are users that produce simulations requiring several minutes (or more) to be performed, and therefore prefer to keep their results on the HD for future post-processing. So maybe whether to delete everything or just the exe when OMEdit is closed should be a program option.
The files in the work directory (not in subfolders) are to be left there, since they are input files for tables.

Last edited 7 years ago by massimo ceraolo (previous) (diff)

comment:13 by Adeel Asghar, 7 years ago

6b04065/OMEdit introduces a new option Delete entire simulation directory of the model when OMEdit is closed which is of course not checked by default. But when its checked then OMEdit will delete the entire simulation directory automatically on close.

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