Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#4458 new discussion

Idea: OpenModelica Language Server Protocol

Reported by: m.thorade@… Owned by: somebody
Priority: low Milestone: Future
Component: *unknown* Version:
Keywords: Cc: christoph.buchner@…


The Language Server Protocol LSP is a suggestion by Microsoft, how an editor could interact with a language server to offer features like syntax highlighting, type hints, word completion and more.

Animated gifs of the features in action are e.g. here:

Editors that are supported include VS Code, Atom, Eclipse, Emacs, Vim and Sublime (partly work in progress).

Inspired by these two tickets:
I would like to ask whether it would be possible to add a Modelica language server!?

Change History (2)

comment:1 by m.thorade@…, 7 years ago

Two more comments:

github seems to be expanding LSP support:

And the note, that this would provide similar functionality as the MDT Eclipse plugin, but for a whole bunch of editors.

comment:2 by Christoph Buchner <christoph.buchner@…>, 4 years ago

Cc: christoph.buchner@… added
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