Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#4938 closed defect (invalid)

Still can't open Motorcycle labrary

Reported by: caibigbear@… Owned by: Adeel Asghar
Priority: critical Milestone: 1.13.0
Component: OMEdit Version: v1.13.0-dev-nightly
Keywords: can't open library Cc: Adrian Pop, Martin Sjölund


Hi, I'm the same user in #4926.
I listen to your advice and update to the lastest nightly build version (1.13.0).
But the MotorcycleLib was been removed.
So I go to Modelica Association to download MotorcycleLib.
When I open it, it still have error. ([32] 18:14:21 Syntax Error [C:/Users/USER/Downloads/ModelicacycleLib/MotorcycleLib-release/MotorcycleLib 1.0/ 1:0-1:6]: Parser error: Unexpected token near: import (IMPORT))
I know you want me to revise Qt library.
But I didn't see any file named as "MainWindow.cpp" or even the path "OMEditGUI".
Or I need to download "OMEdit-master",but how can I load "MainWindow.cpp" into OpenModelica.
Sorry about asking many questions, I apologize for the inconvenience.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Adeel Asghar, 7 years ago

Cc: Adrian Pop Martin Sjölund added

You don't need to download OMEdit or update Qt since you are using Windows.
The problem is in the library code as indicated by the error. I guess the library code is old. Unfortunately, we can't help with this. Contact the library developers.

comment:2 by Francesco Casella, 7 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

As @adeas31 correctly pointed out, this is not an OpenModelica issue.

The Motorcycle library was developed at Politecnico di Milano 12 years ago, using Dymola. At the time, Modelica 2.2.x and the corresponding Modelica Standard Library were used, which had a lot of issues w.r.t. with portability to other Modelica tools.

Eventually, version 3.2 rev2 of the language and the corresponding Modelica Standard Library 3.2.1 were released in 2013, which are fully supported by OpenModelica, as well as by other Modelica tools.

If you are seriously interested in the use of this library, please contact me and I can try to upgrade the library to Modelica 3.x with Dymola. There still could be other problems, but then you could help solving them using OpenModelica.

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by caibigbear@…, 7 years ago

Replying to casella:

Hi,@adeas31& @ casella:
Thanks for answering my question.It really helps me a lot.

@casella, I'm very interested in using this library, because I want to do some research about bicycle stability and I need to use those model.
If you have leisure time, please help me upgrade this library, I appreciate your kind assistance.

p.s. MotorcycleLib depends on BondLib & MultiBondLib & WheelsAndTires.

Is it necessary to upgrade those libraries too?

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