Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#5756 closed defect (invalid)

OMEdit - IDEAS library - redeclare package problem

Reported by: sophie.hertzog@… Owned by: Adeel Asghar
Priority: normal Milestone: Future
Component: OMEdit Version: v1.14.0
Keywords: IDEAS; Medium Cc:


Hello, I am currently working on IDEAS library with OMEdit. I already mentionned the problem on IDEAS GitHub ( and it seems the problem does not occur on Dymola but on OMEdit. Do you know how I can solve this?

  1. I am defining Medium at the top of the code:
model SimpleHouseTemplate7
  "Template file for simple house example + heating simple command"
  extends Modelica.Icons.Example;

  package MediumAir = IDEAS.Media.Air "Medium model for air";
  package MediumWater = IDEAS.Media.Water "Medium model for water";

2: Then I want to redefine the package Medium for a specific block of the IDEAS library called "ConstantEffectiveness" (in IDEAS.Fluid.HeatExchangers):

IDEAS.Fluid.HeatExchangers.ConstantEffectiveness hexRec(redeclare package Medium = MediumAir, eps = 0.85)
  1. I get following errors:
[1] 08:14:06 Übersetzung Fehler
[SimpleHouseTemplate7: 61:69-61:95]: Modified element Medium not found in class ConstantEffectiveness.

According to IDEAS developers, the redeclaration of the package should work. Do you know how I can solve this on OMEdit?

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Francesco Casella, 5 years ago

As noted in the IDEAS issue #1101, I couldn't open any version of IDEAS in OpenModelica because of invalid Modelica source code. Can you explain to me how did you do that?

comment:2 by Francesco Casella, 5 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Solved in #1101.

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