


15:30 Ticket #2298 (Incorrect instantiation of overdetermined connector equations) closed by carlj@…
duplicate: Duplicate to #2338.
13:00 Ticket #2345 (Flattening error for ...) created by carlj@…
in MSL 3.2.1, …
12:45 Ticket #2344 (Erroneous display of two MSL 3.2.1. components) created by ceraolo
Using Omedit (R16954) the following MSL models do not display …
08:54 Ticket #2343 (Instantiatied extended models with records with constants have ...) created by carlj@…
Consider the following model: […] which is instantiated to: …


14:41 Ticket #2342 (Full path for return type in record constructors) created by carlj@…
The frontend presently automatically creates record constructors for …
14:33 Ticket #2341 (for objective forget remove alias) reopened by lochel
Well, I am pretty sure that we want to have one. So this should work …
14:29 Ticket #2341 (for objective forget remove alias) closed by sjoelund.se
wontfix: The only valid grammars are: […] There is no optimization target …
13:12 Ticket #2341 (for objective forget remove alias) created by vitalij
The following model […] generated bad code.
00:39 Ticket #2340 (Default record binding in constants is not handled correctly) created by adrpo
This appears in the Buildings library. See attached model.


06:43 Ticket #2339 (Code generation issues for: ...) created by adrpo
Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStationary.MultiPhase.Examples.* examples now …
06:41 Ticket #2338 (Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStationary.MultiPhase.Examples.* are failing ...) closed by adrpo
fixed: Fixed in r17156. Up to Mahder now, will open a new bug.


22:27 Ticket #2338 (Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStationary.MultiPhase.Examples.* are failing ...) created by adrpo
Models: BalancingStar and BalancingDelta. This is an error in the way …
16:17 Ticket #2327 (Reading from an external file is very slow) closed by adeas31
16:15 Ticket #2337 (When equations get not solved for lhs) created by vitalij
We can simulate singularity systems like: […] the linear …
10:25 Ticket #2336 (Enumeration array with bindings flagged as structurally singular) created by perost
OMC says that the following model is structurally singular, which it …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.