


22:41 Ticket #2554 (build of omc creates non-existent link which errors out "make install") created by janssen
on OS X, when I do a clean build of OpenModelica (latest sources) …
19:51 Ticket #2553 (encapsulateWhenConditions creates wrong independent blocks) created by wbraun
The post-optimize module encapsulateWhenConditions creates independent …
17:20 Ticket #2552 (Implement total model dumping in OMEdit) created by perost
It would be nice to make it possible to do a total model dump from …
16:21 Ticket #2551 (Bootstrapped compiler fails to display error about duplicate ...) created by adrpo
See r18836: […] This fails with an error message that variable …


12:34 Ticket #2550 (component parameters window) created by lochel
I am wondering why the component parameters window in OMEdit shows not …
09:32 Ticket #2549 (Add gnuplot support to save plots in more formats) created by sjoelund.se
Add gnuplot support to save plots in more formats. Something like: …


17:38 Ticket #2548 (libs paramerter of SimCode.makefileParams for msvc is not correct) created by niklwors
The libs parameter of SimCode.makefileParams is not correct generated …


11:00 Ticket #2547 (No math parsing for experiment annotation) created by janK
Hi! Thanks to the great fix in r18715, it is now possible to use the …
10:44 Ticket #2546 (No state simulation after 1e+08 seconds) created by janK
Hi! I found a really strange bug in OpenModelica: If you simualte …


16:20 Ticket #2532 (Incorrect multilevel matrix slicing/indexing) closed by perost
fixed: Fixed in r18725.
15:00 Ticket #2545 (ComponentReference.printComponentRef does not work) closed by sjoelund.se
worksforme: Yes, it does. It prints to the Print.mo buffer. You need to ask for it …
14:44 Ticket #2545 (ComponentReference.printComponentRef does not work) created by anonymous
ComponentReference.printComponentRef does not work. It is supposed to …
12:05 Ticket #2544 (Compile error for OMOptimBasis/GUI/Plots/MyQwtPlotPicker.h) closed by sjoelund.se
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.