

12:02 Ticket #2628 (Installation program - OpenModelica doesn't install under Debian testing (Jessie)) updated by Martin Sjölund
Possibly. The OMEdit automatic dependencies might have been broken …


01:50 WikiStart edited by Adrian Pop
01:34 WikiStart edited by Adrian Pop


17:43 Ticket #2366 (Backend - Record with real vectors and equations) closed by Per Östlund
17:42 Ticket #2602 (Frontend - Handle function default arguments better) closed by Per Östlund
fixed: Fixed in r19848.
17:41 Ticket #2366 (Backend - Record with real vectors and equations) updated by Per Östlund
Fixed in r19848.
17:40 Ticket #2640 (Frontend - Handle functions with default bindings to inputs) closed by Per Östlund
fixed: Fixed in r19848.


20:12 Ticket #2628 (Installation program - OpenModelica doesn't install under Debian testing (Jessie)) updated by Rüdiger Franke
The trusty builds appear to work under jessie! There was just one …
12:12 Ticket #2639 (Backend - Tuple Assignment Error while compiling SVD from LAPACK) closed by Per Östlund
invalid: My apologies, it seems like my first assessment on the forum was …


17:42 Ticket #2477 (OMEdit - Icon snap to grid function) updated by dr.christian.kral@…
The following report refers to the release r19727 (Ubuntu 12.04): …
10:52 Ticket #2641 (Run-time - OMEdit doesn't plot csv result) closed by Martin Sjölund
fixed: Should work again starting with r19733.
10:18 Ticket #2641 (Run-time - OMEdit doesn't plot csv result) updated by Martin Sjölund
Status, Owner changed


16:20 prova2_res.csv attached to Ticket #2641 by ilpaso@…
csv result
16:20 prova2.mo attached to Ticket #2641 by ilpaso@…
16:19 Ticket #2641 (Run-time - OMEdit doesn't plot csv result) created by ilpaso@…
OMEdit doesn't plot the csv results of any model. The error is: …
13:49 Ticket #2639 (Backend - Tuple Assignment Error while compiling SVD from LAPACK) updated by Martin Sjölund
Description changed
13:22 Ticket #2640 (Frontend - Handle functions with default bindings to inputs) created by Martin Sjölund
[…] […] Should be flattened to: […]
11:47 Ticket #2639 (Backend - Tuple Assignment Error while compiling SVD from LAPACK) created by salmanfar@…
I want to use SVD from LAPACK but get this error about tuples …
11:37 Ticket #2633 (Run-time - 0/0 is handled as 0) updated by Willi Braun
I've just looked into this 3 OpenHydraulic examples. For the example …
11:03 Ticket #2633 (Run-time - 0/0 is handled as 0) updated by Lennart Ochel
It seems that the 0/0 issue covered some other problems. I discussed …
10:14 Ticket #2638 (Backend - Most Codegen* modules have dependencies to CodegenC) updated by Lennart Ochel
Cc changed
10:08 Ticket #2638 (Backend - Most Codegen* modules have dependencies to CodegenC) created by Willi Braun
Move all shared functions CodegenC to CodegenUtil to remove all …


18:18 Ticket #2635 (OMEdit - ubuntu/debian packages should include libgc1c2 as a dependency) closed by Martin Sjölund
fixed: Fixed in r19697.
18:18 Ticket #2635 (OMEdit - ubuntu/debian packages should include libgc1c2 as a dependency) updated by Martin Sjölund
Status, Owner changed
18:08 Ticket #2635 (OMEdit - ubuntu/debian packages should include libgc1c2 as a dependency) updated by Martin Sjölund
That's the wrong fix. We link against a local version of libgc that is …
17:00 Ticket #2635 (OMEdit - ubuntu/debian packages should include libgc1c2 as a dependency) created by gerrit.jan.baarda@…
I installed the saucy nightly builds from the repository and OMEdit …
13:09 Ticket #2633 (Run-time - 0/0 is handled as 0) updated by Adrian Pop
Same for BioChem and ThermoPower, one more failing now: …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.