


22:56 Ticket #4364 (Very strange error messages when filename contains "InnerOuter") closed by janK
16:51 CoverageIssues edited by sjoelund.se
Changed paths to the updated library testing scripts (diff)
16:34 WikiStart edited by sjoelund.se
Update to the new library testing script (diff)
12:04 Ticket #4400 (OMPlot: Double click on plot legend entry toggles hiding trace) closed by adeas31


14:49 Ticket #4415 (package.order file is cleared after duplicate) created by Oliver Lenord <oliver.lenord@…>
When using the duplicate class command in a package structure various …
12:21 Ticket #4401 (OMEdit: Open component class in Diagram View with [Shift] + [Enter]) closed by adeas31


21:21 Ticket #2533 (plot error in OMShell) closed by hkiel
invalid: You should use capital 'R' in xRange, then it works as expected: …
14:38 Ticket #4413 (MDD models stopped working) closed by bthiele
fixed: I just checked the UDP example and it works :-). I will do checks for …


01:14 Ticket #4414 (Protected (expandable) connectors within a component model are not ...) created by anonymous
1. Make a component with an expandable connector and appropriate icon …


20:18 Ticket #4413 (MDD models stopped working) created by bthiele
There was a regression that has affected the Modelica_DeviceDrivers …
10:47 Ticket #4320 (OMEdit: Follow connector transformation from Diagram View to Icon View) closed by adeas31
fixed: Done in 7a6ded6/OMEdit.
10:44 Ticket #4341 (OMEdit: display outline of models for system libraries in Diagram View) closed by adeas31
09:33 Ticket #4320 (OMEdit: Follow connector transformation from Diagram View to Icon View) reopened by janK
08:45 Ticket #4401 (OMEdit: Open component class in Diagram View with [Shift] + [Enter]) reopened by janK


21:36 Ticket #4400 (OMPlot: Double click on plot legend entry toggles hiding trace) reopened by adeas31
Just summarizing all the proposals, * Right click should show the …
13:51 Ticket #4400 (OMPlot: Double click on plot legend entry toggles hiding trace) closed by adeas31
fixed: Done in ba9d6fd/OMPlot.
13:24 Ticket #4400 (OMPlot: Double click on plot legend entry toggles hiding trace) reopened by adeas31
OK. My comment was very impulsive. It seems like it is possible. I …
12:57 Ticket #4404 (OMEdit: Auto-Complete - Some key features are missing) closed by arun3688
fixed: Fixed the features For the 3) An option in OMEdit to completely …
12:43 Ticket #4400 (OMPlot: Double click on plot legend entry toggles hiding trace) closed by adeas31
wontfix: This is not possible. Since Qwt doesn't allow accessing items of the …
12:30 Ticket #4412 (Error with Protected Elements) created by timo.lask@…
In the following model […] should be prevented by the keyword …
12:23 Ticket #4401 (OMEdit: Open component class in Diagram View with [Shift] + [Enter]) closed by adeas31
fixed: [Shift] + [Enter] would be tricky since you could have multiple …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.