

16:13 Ticket #2810 (MetaModelica - Segmentation fault caused by guard) closed by Martin Sjölund
fixed: Fixed in r22230
15:49 Ticket #2811 (MetaModelica - Add support for list range expressions in for-loops) updated by Martin Sjölund
Status changed
15:45 Ticket #2811 (MetaModelica - Add support for list range expressions in for-loops) created by Per Östlund
It would be nice if lists could be used as the range expression in …
13:03 Ticket #2786 (Frontend - Fix simplification of multiple iterators) closed by Martin Sjölund
fixed: buildModel works now. Simulation does not.
13:03 Ticket #2786 (Frontend - Fix simplification of multiple iterators) updated by Martin Sjölund
Status, Owner changed
13:02 Ticket #2786 (Frontend - Fix simplification of multiple iterators) updated by Martin Sjölund
Should work with r22221 (did not check these models yet).
12:22 bug2810.mo attached to Ticket #2810 by Per Östlund
12:22 Ticket #2810 (MetaModelica - Segmentation fault caused by guard) created by Per Östlund
The attached file results in a segfault if main is called from a …
08:53 Ticket #2806 (Frontend - Instantial Model should show only top level inputs and outputs as ...) closed by Per Östlund
fixed: Fixed for record components also in r22197. Let me know if I've missed …
08:43 Ticket #2809 (Frontend - Detect and optimize useless tuple construction) updated by Martin Sjölund
Summary changed
07:46 Ticket #2809 (Frontend - Detect and optimize useless tuple construction) updated by Martin Sjölund
Status, Owner changed
05:40 Ticket #2809 (Frontend - Detect and optimize useless tuple construction) created by Martin Sjölund
The following pattern occurs often in the code, and constructs a new …


18:18 Ticket #2800 (Frontend - Improve Expression traversal) updated by Martin Sjölund
I am thinking of maybe having something like: […] This is (much) …
16:20 Ticket #2104 (Backend - Algebraic expressions in when conditions not parsed correctly) closed by Willi Braun
fixed: It seems to be fixed in the meanwhile.
15:52 Ticket #1884 (Backend - incompatible types when assigning to type 'modelica_real' from type ...) updated by anonymous
Status, Owner changed
15:38 Ticket #2292 (Backend - wrong generated C code) updated by Willi Braun
Status, Owner, Component changed
This ones also works in the meanwhile, although only with numerical …
15:28 Ticket #1585 (Backend - mixed system involving algorithms or other complex-equations) closed by Willi Braun
duplicate: It's about adding support for mixed systems so #2432 it the current one.
15:18 Ticket #1531 (Backend - expanding array equation in when clauses) updated by Willi Braun
Status, Owner changed
Now it works, although only with numerical initialization. […]
15:00 Ticket #1048 (Run-time - delay gives wrong result for discrete signals (from MathCore)) closed by Willi Braun
fixed: The result looks fine compared to dymola, so it seems that this is …
14:48 Ticket #2808 (Code Generation - Codegen Error for strings in zero-crossings) closed by Willi Braun
fixed: fixed in r22173.
14:36 Ticket #2806 (Frontend - Instantial Model should show only top level inputs and outputs as ...) updated by Per Östlund
Status, Owner changed
Partially fixed in r22170, but still needs to be fixed for record …
14:22 Ticket #2808 (Code Generation - Codegen Error for strings in zero-crossings) updated by Willi Braun
Status, Owner changed
14:21 Ticket #2808 (Code Generation - Codegen Error for strings in zero-crossings) created by Willi Braun
For example, the following model fails with code generation issue, …
13:50 Ticket #2233 (OMEdit - OMEdit: Hiding annotations in text view) updated by anonymous
how do you do this?
10:26 Ticket #2807 (Frontend - Disallow illegal prefixes in records) updated by Per Östlund
Status, Owner changed
10:26 Ticket #2807 (Frontend - Disallow illegal prefixes in records) created by Per Östlund
The prefixes input, output, inner, outer, stream and flow are not …
10:05 Ticket #2695 (Frontend - can't translate models with interdependence) updated by c.schulze@…
Last week we tested the nightly build and this bug still causes …
07:52 Ticket #2695 (Frontend - can't translate models with interdependence) updated by Adrian Pop
Status, Owner changed
07:48 Ticket #2695 (Frontend - can't translate models with interdependence) updated by anonymous
I tested the revision number 22133, and the error message is the same. …
07:33 Ticket #2800 (Frontend - Improve Expression traversal) updated by Martin Sjölund
Status, Owner changed


19:06 Ticket #2805 (Frontend - Array of Records) updated by Vitalij Ruge
The goal is to create an Array of Records. like […] where […] If …
16:38 Ticket #2805 (Frontend - Array of Records) updated by Adrian Pop
Vitalij, can you give more info on this? What doesn't work, how it …
13:13 Ticket #2806 (Frontend - Instantial Model should show only top level inputs and outputs as ...) updated by Adrian Pop
Owner, Component changed
13:02 Ticket #2806 (Frontend - Instantial Model should show only top level inputs and outputs as ...) created by Vitalij Ruge
Consider this example […] Instantial Model create […] with …
12:27 Ticket #2805 (Frontend - Array of Records) created by Vitalij Ruge
There some issues with Arrays of Records, which has variable Array …


16:35 Ticket #2804 (Code Generation - codegen error if one is using Modelica.Utilities.Streams.readLine) updated by Willi Braun
Cc changed
16:31 Ticket #2804 (Code Generation - codegen error if one is using Modelica.Utilities.Streams.readLine) created by Willi Braun
Models that try to use the function …
15:28 Ticket #2801 (MetaModelica - Move includes from Package.h into Package.c to minimize debugging ...) updated by Martin Sjölund
You can't remove them because C99 requires function prototypes to be …
15:16 Ticket #2801 (MetaModelica - Move includes from Package.h into Package.c to minimize debugging ...) updated by Mahder Alemseged Gebremedhin
Cc changed
15:16 Ticket #2801 (MetaModelica - Move includes from Package.h into Package.c to minimize debugging ...) updated by Mahder Alemseged Gebremedhin
Partially fixed in r22149 by moving all the includes from the header …
14:22 Ticket #2803 (Third-Party Libraries - Generated SVGs not quite right.) updated by Martin Sjölund
Owner changed
14:21 Ticket #2803 (Third-Party Libraries - Generated SVGs not quite right.) updated by Adeel Asghar
Status, Owner changed
14:20 inertia.pdf attached to Ticket #2803 by Dietmar Winkler
generated by magemagick, cairosvg, rsvg-convert
14:19 intertia.pdf attached to Ticket #2803 by Dietmar Winkler
generated by magemagick, cairosvg, rsvg-convert
14:17 inertia2.pdf attached to Ticket #2803 by Dietmar Winkler
generated by inkscape
14:16 Ticket #2803 (Third-Party Libraries - Generated SVGs not quite right.) created by Dietmar Winkler
The SVGs that get generated for the icons are not quite right. This …
09:07 Ticket #2802 (Frontend - Some issues with casting in constructor) created by Vitalij Ruge
Consider this example […] we get a "Type mismatch".


17:05 Ticket #2801 (MetaModelica - Move includes from Package.h into Package.c to minimize debugging ...) updated by Adrian Pop
Description, Summary changed
16:09 Ticket #2801 (MetaModelica - Move includes from Package.h into Package.c to minimize debugging ...) updated by Adrian Pop
Description changed
16:01 Ticket #2801 (MetaModelica - Move includes from Package.h into Package.c to minimize debugging ...) created by Adrian Pop
At least on Windows the omc executable has 300-400Mb which is huge and …
15:55 Ticket #2798 (OMEdit - OMEdit crashes when saving a model) updated by Andrea Bartolini
I've the same problem on UBUNTU 14.04, I use the open-modelica …
15:53 openmodelica.stacktrace.2.OMEdit attached to Ticket #2798 by Andrea Bartolini
15:53 openmodelica.omc.output.2.OMEdit attached to Ticket #2798 by Andrea Bartolini
15:53 omeditcommands.3.log attached to Ticket #2798 by Andrea Bartolini
08:36 Ticket #2800 (Frontend - Improve Expression traversal) updated by Martin Sjölund
Does anyone have more suggestions? I am working on the first (and …
08:35 Ticket #2800 (Frontend - Improve Expression traversal) created by Martin Sjölund
We need to improve expression traversal performance in a few steps. …


14:11 Ticket #2797 (OMEdit - Documentation view and parameter dialogue do not render images) updated by Adeel Asghar
Replying to dietmarw: > Excellent thanks. Will test it …
13:59 Ticket #2797 (OMEdit - Documentation view and parameter dialogue do not render images) updated by Dietmar Winkler
Excellent thanks. Will test it with the new nightly tomorrow.
13:52 Ticket #2797 (OMEdit - Documentation view and parameter dialogue do not render images) updated by Adeel Asghar
The group image is now supported in r22116.
08:12 Ticket #2736 (Frontend - Final Constraints for Optimization missing) updated by Vitalij Ruge
Priority changed
Since r22103 we can use annotation for final constraints terms. …


18:40 Ticket #2799 (*unknown* - Missing enumeration type declaration in DAEXMLdump) created by ashish.x.tiwari@…
I have an example where there is a enumeration type declared in a …
10:04 OpenModelicaStyleGuide edited by Per Östlund
10:03 OpenModelicaStyleGuide created by Per Östlund
08:46 WikiStart edited by Per Östlund
Added an OpenModelica style guide. (diff)
07:39 Ticket #2782 (Code Generation - Code generation fails on Jacobian columns) updated by Volker Waurich
Unfortunately, I cannot fix or investigate this without having a …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.