


14:53 Ticket #4039 (Document Browser does not honour linebreaks in info layer for text type) closed by adeas31
fixed: Fixed in 7ed1ea5/OMEdit.
10:54 Ticket #4039 (Document Browser does not honour linebreaks in info layer for text type) created by dietmarw
In case somebody decides to not use html for the Documentation.info


19:10 Ticket #4038 (Dassl modifiers no longer in sync) created by palmer.ap@…
the flags -dasslNoRestart and -dasslNoRootFinding are no longer …
12:11 Ticket #4019 (Using CombiTimeTable emits multiple unused variable tableAvailable warnings) closed by sjoelund.se
fixed: Should be fixed in …
11:13 Ticket #4007 (comma separated list of expressions) closed by sjoelund.se
fixed: Fixed in PR 1075


08:38 Ticket #4037 (Unification of command line options among multiple runtimes) created by rfranke
The C runtime has a lot of command line options. The Cpp runtime has …


17:59 Ticket #4033 (Default clang flags for faster build time) closed by casella
fixed: OK. I would then suggest to remove the -Os thing from the default …
17:02 Ticket #4036 (fmu translation fails with debug flag execstat) created by wbraun
Following script fails, but works without the debug flag: […]


13:52 Ticket #3971 (OMEdit GUI bugs) closed by adeas31
13:04 Ticket #3988 (Open Modelica file in running OMEdit) closed by adeas31
07:54 Ticket #4035 (Inefficient Code for 'or') created by vitalij
for the following example […] we create […] where tmp2 and …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.