


23:48 Ticket #4421 (Units of measure field loads a "save as.." dialog) reopened by Andrea.Bartolini
It seems the initialization problem is still present... see attached …
19:41 Ticket #4436 (Improve how equations are shown in the declarative debugger when ...) created by casella
When tearing is applied to systems of equations, the way they are …
19:13 Ticket #4435 (Pop-ups in the declarative debugger window should not disappear) created by casella
When you hover with the mouse over one equation in the declarative …
19:01 Ticket #4434 (infoXMLOperations not found by declarative debugging) created by casella
When I open the declarative debugger, the Variable Operations and …
18:57 Ticket #4433 (Improve the layout of the declarative debugger) created by casella
As of today, the layout of the declarative debugger in OMEdit is such …


20:05 Ticket #4432 (unbalanced if-eqns are not detected) created by anonymous
Following model is accepted even it is not really balanced. Also the …
13:29 Ticket #4421 (Units of measure field loads a "save as.." dialog) closed by adeas31
fixed: The button ... is not unit. It is file selector button representing …
13:27 Ticket #4417 (Class not displayed in OMEdit package browser) closed by adeas31
12:12 Ticket #4431 (OMEdit includes too large white spaces when exporting to clibpoard.) closed by adeas31
fixed: Fixed in 9b87ac3/OMEdit.


21:57 Ticket #4431 (OMEdit includes too large white spaces when exporting to clibpoard.) created by ceraolo
In case a model occupies less than the conventional 100x100 sheet, …
16:51 Ticket #4430 (MDD clocked SerialPackager models fail to translate) created by bthiele
The Modelica Device Drivers examples using clocked SerialPackager …
12:27 Ticket #4429 (Builtin function cardinality is not implemented in ...) created by ptaeuber
This leads to problems, e.g. if the binding of a structural parameter …
12:05 CoverageIssues edited by ptaeuber
Update failing ThermoSysPro models (diff)


13:12 Ticket #2232 (OMEdit: is it possible to set the axis regions manually?) closed by adeas31
fixed: Done in 16532e5/OMPlot. Now you can set the axes range …
13:08 CoverageIssues edited by ptaeuber


14:40 CoverageIssues edited by lochel
14:00 CoverageIssues edited by lochel
ThermoSysPro.Examples.SimpleExamples.TestDynamicCentrifugalPump1 is … (diff)


12:03 Ticket #4428 (Plot legend size often too large) created by ceraolo
I remember that I've already created a ticket on this a few years ago, …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.