

07:08 Ticket #6080 (FMI - Changing parameters of a model via Python) updated by anonymous
Replying to trista.arinomo@…: > ignore my comment, did not …
07:02 Ticket #6080 (FMI - Changing parameters of a model via Python) updated by trista.arinomo@…
ignore my comment, did not read the ticket properly. sorry
06:57 Ticket #6080 (FMI - Changing parameters of a model via Python) updated by trista.arinomo@…
Just curious, have you try to add a parameter for resistor in the …


19:24 Ticket #6058 (FMI - CVODE FMI variables stuck) closed by federico.terraneo@…
fixed: @AnHeuermann I tried with the latest nightly build and it works, both …
11:22 Ticket #5998 (OMEdit - ESC in entry field of "filter classes" (search field) does not restore ...) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Fixed in 2eb48c9/OpenModelica.


17:10 Ticket #6038 (Build Environment - Mac OMEdit fails to build) updated by Adam Dershowitz
I found that the current installed version of OMEdit …
10:17 Ticket #6058 (FMI - CVODE FMI variables stuck) updated by Andreas Heuermann
Merged with …
10:15 Ticket #6082 (FMI - FMU with CVODE without states failes) closed by Andreas Heuermann
fixed: Merged with …
06:13 Ticket #5550 (Code Generation - Different size of long on windows / linux systems) closed by Martin Sjölund
fixed: https://github.com/OpenModelica/OpenModelica/pull/6692
06:12 Ticket #5550 (Code Generation - Different size of long on windows / linux systems) updated by Martin Sjölund
Status, Owner changed


13:44 Ticket #5564 (Interactive Environment - This model should not simulate) closed by Martin Sjölund
fixed: https://github.com/OpenModelica/OpenModelica/pull/6693
13:44 Ticket #5564 (Interactive Environment - This model should not simulate) updated by Martin Sjölund
Owner changed
12:00 Ticket #5979 (OMEdit - OMEdit dies when checking model with mutually recursive constants) updated by Martin Sjölund
Replying to johti17: > @sjoelund.se does it work with both …
11:32 Ticket #5979 (OMEdit - OMEdit dies when checking model with mutually recursive constants) updated by John Tinnerholm
Hmm just tried again with my development version of 1.16: …
10:35 Ticket #5967 (OMEdit - Ask for the name of a duplicated component) updated by Adeel Asghar
When a component is dragged and dropped on a view a pop-up appears for …
08:34 Ticket #6081 (OMSens - Fedora 29 compilation fails) closed by Martin Sjölund
08:34 Ticket #6081 (OMSens - Fedora 29 compilation fails) updated by Martin Sjölund
Yes, qt generates the makefile which does make clean. It frequently …
08:13 Ticket #6081 (OMSens - Fedora 29 compilation fails) updated by anonymous
Starting from scratch it worked (it means make clean does not really …
08:00 Ticket #6043 (OMEdit - Library Browser missing View Documentation menu option) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: The documentations is fixed in 85cad8f/OpenModelica. …
07:48 Ticket #5581 (FMI - FMU - ME accuracy) updated by Andreas Heuermann
Cc changed
07:22 Ticket #5755 (Scripts - SimulationResult does not contain promised variables when simulation fails) closed by Martin Sjölund
fixed: https://github.com/OpenModelica/OpenModelica/pull/6696
06:27 Ticket #5755 (Scripts - SimulationResult does not contain promised variables when simulation fails) updated by Martin Sjölund
Status, Owner, Milestone changed
Ah, I just found an example when thinking of one more thing: […] …


19:00 Ticket #6038 (Build Environment - Mac OMEdit fails to build) updated by Adam Dershowitz
I did just try another upgrade, and I'm seeing the same problem as I …
18:58 Ticket #5815 (OMEdit - OMEdit not showing results) updated by Adam Dershowitz
I have been running some simulations lately,and every time, I've been …
14:26 Ticket #5755 (Scripts - SimulationResult does not contain promised variables when simulation fails) updated by dariomangoni@…
Sorry guys, I didn't save the models that was causing troubles and …
12:49 Ticket #5755 (Scripts - SimulationResult does not contain promised variables when simulation fails) updated by Martin Sjölund
Do you have an example where this happens? I only find cases that work …
12:40 Ticket #6058 (FMI - CVODE FMI variables stuck) updated by Andreas Heuermann
Okay, the problem is that data->simulationInfo->inputVars is not …
12:39 Ticket #5929 (OMEdit - Icons Connectors fail to show; Linux Ubuntu Bionic) closed by Martin Sjölund
invalid: Closing this as no input was given
12:34 Ticket #5979 (OMEdit - OMEdit dies when checking model with mutually recursive constants) updated by Martin Sjölund
My OMEdit does not seem to crash at least
12:12 Ticket #5892 (Build Environment - solartherm library example) closed by Martin Sjölund
12:07 Ticket #5995 (FMI - FMU Export with Modelica.Utilities.Streams functions) updated by Martin Sjölund
I would need some more input because this works for me. Or did someone …
11:51 Ticket #6021 (OMEdit - OM Visual quality - size of icons) updated by Martin Sjölund
You could simply modify your settings to increase the icon sizes if …
11:49 Screenshot_20200804_134808.png attached to Ticket #6021 by Martin Sjölund
OMEdit with user selecting a larger library icon size
11:23 Ticket #6016 (OMPython - Unable to access Open Modelica from Scilab) updated by Martin Sjölund
Is the environment variable OPENMODELICAHOME set in your Python shell …
08:18 Ticket #6058 (FMI - CVODE FMI variables stuck) updated by Andreas Heuermann
I solved the segmentation fault, see #6082, and now I get wrong …
07:44 Ticket #6057 (Run-time - impeuler poor performance and Restart Kinsol: change linear solver to ...) updated by Andreas Heuermann
When I have time to finish the SUNDIALS Upgrade to v 5.2 (see …


15:36 Ticket #6078 (*unknown* - OPENMODELICALIBRARY and MODELICAPATH ignored?) updated by Adrian Pop
15fefd0/OpenModelica partially fixes this ticket by …
14:07 Ticket #6078 (*unknown* - OPENMODELICALIBRARY and MODELICAPATH ignored?) updated by Adrian Pop
We will discuss about this in our next dev meeting. From my side I …
13:44 Ticket #6081 (OMSens - Fedora 29 compilation fails) updated by Martin Sjölund
You might need to fully clean your sources if you played with some …
13:19 Ticket #6082 (FMI - FMU with CVODE without states failes) updated by Andreas Heuermann
See PR https://github.com/OpenModelica/OpenModelica/pull/6688
13:15 Ticket #6082 (FMI - FMU with CVODE without states failes) updated by Andreas Heuermann
We need to do the same as in the C runtime. If no states are present …
13:10 Ticket #6081 (OMSens - Fedora 29 compilation fails) updated by anonymous
https://wiki.qt.io/Transition_from_Qt_4.x_to_Qt5 The error is not …
13:01 Ticket #6082 (FMI - FMU with CVODE without states failes) created by Andreas Heuermann
FMUs simulating with CVODE can't handle systems with zero states: […]
12:49 Ticket #6081 (OMSens - Fedora 29 compilation fails) updated by anonymous
Could you tell me where is the Dockerfile associated to the build ?
12:47 Ticket #6077 (Run-time - OM 1.16 fails to read XML parameters from input file) updated by John Pye <john.pye@…>
Thanks! OK, we will look into the isValueChangeable = "true" issue. …
12:45 Ticket #6078 (*unknown* - OPENMODELICALIBRARY and MODELICAPATH ignored?) updated by John Pye <john.pye@…>
This seems very misleading! If I understand correctly, the …
12:33 Ticket #6077 (Run-time - OM 1.16 fails to read XML parameters from input file) updated by Martin Sjölund
If I modify t_storage in that example's init.xml, it works fine for me …
12:18 Ticket #6078 (*unknown* - OPENMODELICALIBRARY and MODELICAPATH ignored?) updated by Martin Sjölund
It's controlled by setModelicaPath and getModelicaPath. In the …
12:15 Ticket #6077 (Run-time - OM 1.16 fails to read XML parameters from input file) updated by John Pye <john.pye@…>
To answer your other question: yes, we are using the Makefile
12:11 Ticket #6077 (Run-time - OM 1.16 fails to read XML parameters from input file) updated by John Pye <john.pye@…>
Hi Francesco -- no, as far as I recall, the compile_model step is …
12:04 Ticket #6078 (*unknown* - OPENMODELICALIBRARY and MODELICAPATH ignored?) updated by John Pye <john.pye@…>
Great! We'll check it out in an upcoming nightly build, I guess? By …
11:56 Ticket #6081 (OMSens - Fedora 29 compilation fails) updated by Martin Sjölund
That's a bit odd considering we do have builds for fc29: …
11:44 Ticket #6081 (OMSens - Fedora 29 compilation fails) updated by anonymous
I added this 3 dependencies qt5-linguist qt5-qtsvg-devel …
11:44 Ticket #5962 (*unknown* - We should check that major Linux distros work in the testsuite) updated by Martin Sjölund
We have Examples/SanityCheck.mos. I'll enable it for the Debian/Ubuntu …
11:40 Ticket #6078 (*unknown* - OPENMODELICALIBRARY and MODELICAPATH ignored?) updated by Adrian Pop
PR: https://github.com/OpenModelica/OpenModelica/pull/6687 should fix …
11:36 Ticket #4586 (OMEdit - enhancement: show class diagram in OMEdit) updated by Jack
Another related SO question: …
11:35 Ticket #6058 (FMI - CVODE FMI variables stuck) updated by Andreas Heuermann
I'm trying to reproduce the problem with OMSimulator: […] and get …
11:33 Ticket #6023 (*unknown* - Update MSL 3.2.3 for the 1.16.0 release) updated by Martin Sjölund
Status, Owner changed
11:12 Ticket #6049 (Testing Framework - Add ModelicaTest 4.0.0 to the testsuite) closed by Martin Sjölund
fixed: https://github.com/OpenModelica/OpenModelicaLibraryTesting/commit/d45e2
11:06 Ticket #6078 (*unknown* - OPENMODELICALIBRARY and MODELICAPATH ignored?) updated by Martin Sjölund
Replying to John Pye <john.pye@…>: > Perhaps your old …
10:23 Ticket #6078 (*unknown* - OPENMODELICALIBRARY and MODELICAPATH ignored?) updated by John Pye <john.pye@…>
I've done some wrangling with env vars and this sort of thing in the …
09:34 Ticket #6074 (New Instantiation - The NF should completely eliminate Evaluate = true parameters from ...) updated by Martin Sjölund
Evaluate = true is handled in the backend because the parameters …
09:28 Ticket #6081 (OMSens - Fedora 29 compilation fails) updated by Martin Sjölund
Set the QTDIR env.var to force qt5 instead of qt4? …
09:22 Ticket #6065 (Package Manager - Couldn't resolve host name) updated by Martin Sjölund
It will only download the index once. And it only does it if there is …
09:17 Ticket #6081 (OMSens - Fedora 29 compilation fails) created by gautier.bureau@…
Hello, Starting from a base fedora 29 docker image I do: dnf install …
09:12 Ticket #6078 (*unknown* - OPENMODELICALIBRARY and MODELICAPATH ignored?) updated by Martin Sjölund
That's why I said it should ask if it can remove the env.var :)
09:05 Ticket #6078 (*unknown* - OPENMODELICALIBRARY and MODELICAPATH ignored?) updated by Adrian Pop
That would break older installs.
08:30 Ticket #5669 (NF API - OMEdit crashes expanding Modelica.Media.Air) updated by Adeel Asghar
Not really. This ticket is about a crash and #5575 is about the …
08:26 Ticket #6078 (*unknown* - OPENMODELICALIBRARY and MODELICAPATH ignored?) updated by Martin Sjölund
Or perhaps changing the installer to ask to remove the env.var?
08:24 Ticket #6078 (*unknown* - OPENMODELICALIBRARY and MODELICAPATH ignored?) updated by Adrian Pop
I disabled OPENMODELICALIBRARY because on Windows it would point to …
06:44 Ticket #6078 (*unknown* - OPENMODELICALIBRARY and MODELICAPATH ignored?) updated by Martin Sjölund
Seems @adrpo disabled that: …


17:16 Ticket #5590 (Backend - Bad dynamic state selection leads to singular initialization) updated by Karim Adbdelhak
I analyzed the problem and was able to produce the desired state …
08:07 Ticket #6068 (Backend - Illegitimate transformation during translation of HelmholtzMedia function) updated by matthis.thorade@…
Next test has been run, and all 6 cases with this error message now …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.