


20:10 Ticket #3865 (OMEdit fails to import a 2.0 FMU that contains both ME and CS) created by Christian.Bertsch@…
The Error occurs with: OMEdit v1.9.5-dev-20-g6cc344e; Connected to …
12:02 Ticket #3864 (Verification of PNlib examples) created by lochel
The job [https://test.openmodelica.org/hudson/job/PNlib_Verification/


16:14 Ticket #3863 (Stack overflow in ScalableTestSuite) created by hkiel
09:56 Ticket #3862 (Improving coverage testing) created by lochel
Recently, I pushed some bad changes which broke two PNlib models. …


17:04 Ticket #3861 (Do not use preprocessor for code generation) created by sjoelund.se
The current code generator uses the pre-processor for lookup from …
16:23 Ticket #3860 (If +std=3.3 is set there are issues when using ...) created by anonymous
Consider the following model: […] When checked it generates the …
12:02 Ticket #3859 (A specific annotation for dynamic integration method / optimization?) created by ceraolo
OM has the important feature of allowing dynamic optimisation, instead …


23:59 Ticket #3805 (OMEdit crashes randomly in Windows because of parallel loading of libraries) closed by adrpo
fixed: Should be fixed in ad78c44/OMCompiler. I disabled parallel …
13:31 Ticket #3855 (MSL 3.2.2 Availability) closed by adrpo
fixed: With this commit: …
13:15 Ticket #3783 (OMEdit parameter changes overwrite existing arguments) closed by adrpo
fixed: This should be fixed by a21da84/OMCompiler, …


07:21 Ticket #3649 (Number of equations are not determined correctly) closed by adrpo


21:10 Ticket #3858 (G++ Application Binary Interface (ABI)) created by rfranke
Gcc 5 introduced a new C++ ABI to conform with the 2011 standard, in …
17:51 Ticket #3852 (Easing simulation settings saving in OMEdit) closed by adeas31
fixed: Done in 2f6120e/OMEdit. I have added buttons i.e., - …
16:29 Ticket #3857 (Error in Generated XML from Modelica) created by karan.singh@…
Hi there, I am using the XML file generated by Modelica for modeling. …
12:35 Ticket #3856 (Improve OM Performance) created by sjoelund.se
Generic ticket for performance improvements scheduled for OM 1.10


22:46 Ticket #3855 (MSL 3.2.2 Availability) created by zbigniew.wolanski@…
Modelica Standard Library 3.2.2 was released on 2016-04-11. When will …
02:51 Ticket #3854 (Windows testing has issues to build models) closed by adrpo
fixed: Much better now.


17:45 Ticket #3854 (Windows testing has issues to build models) created by adrpo
It seems that since we moved to msys2 the mingw32-make we use for …
10:54 Ticket #3853 (Clean up OpenModelica base libraries) created by rfranke
OpenModelica uses its own language and base libraries. Sometimes they …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.