

09:04 Ticket #4040 (Backend - missing C-code in derivative calculation of Tables) created by hans.hell@…
when using CombiTable1D or CombiTable2D then C-code in …


15:33 Ticket #3703 (Backend - Linearization of CombiTable2D fails) updated by Martin Sjölund
If you think getTableValue should have a derivative function, you …
13:04 Ticket #3703 (Backend - Linearization of CombiTable2D fails) updated by hans.hell@…
in the current version the C-source for derivative calculation is …


12:25 Ticket #4039 (OMEdit - Document Browser does not honour linebreaks in info layer for text type) updated by Dietmar Winkler


22:16 Ticket #4039 (OMEdit - Document Browser does not honour linebreaks in info layer for text type) updated by Adeel Asghar
Done in fe7fc5f/OMEdit.
15:05 Ticket #3998 (Backend - OMC does not search in the correct places for libs under Linux) updated by Martin Sjölund
The only problem with that one is that if clang is used, and the user …
13:26 Ticket #3211 (*unknown* - Inconsistent handling of final attribute) updated by Rüdiger Franke
The attribute final primarily means that the parameter must not be …
12:28 Ticket #4027 (FMI - Missing values of final parameters in FMU export) updated by Patrick Täuber
The problem with FinalParameter2.mo is as Vitalij said above that OM …
12:07 Ticket #4027 (FMI - Missing values of final parameters in FMU export) updated by Patrick Täuber
@rfranke You can use the override flag: […]
11:24 Ticket #4027 (FMI - Missing values of final parameters in FMU export) updated by Rüdiger Franke
That's interesting. FinalParameter3 works with the C runtime. The …
10:28 Ticket #4039 (OMEdit - Document Browser does not honour linebreaks in info layer for text type) updated by Dietmar Winkler
Yes of course. Fonts are also mixed within HTML. I.e., pre would …
10:25 Ticket #4039 (OMEdit - Document Browser does not honour linebreaks in info layer for text type) updated by Adeel Asghar
Eeeehhh so you want a mix of fonts in one view.
10:04 Ticket #4039 (OMEdit - Document Browser does not honour linebreaks in info layer for text type) updated by Dietmar Winkler
All that is not HTML should be displayed as mono-spaced text and only …
10:02 Ticket #4039 (OMEdit - Document Browser does not honour linebreaks in info layer for text type) updated by Adeel Asghar
So how do you want the above text to be displayed as HTML or as plaintext?
09:47 Ticket #4039 (OMEdit - Document Browser does not honour linebreaks in info layer for text type) updated by Dietmar Winkler
Your example would not be HTML ;-) The correct way to mix text and …
09:37 Ticket #4039 (OMEdit - Document Browser does not honour linebreaks in info layer for text type) updated by Adeel Asghar
Detection is easy and pretty fast but not true always. For example you …
09:29 Ticket #4039 (OMEdit - Document Browser does not honour linebreaks in info layer for text type) updated by Dietmar Winkler
monospaced as default is fine for me. As for detection, doesn't all …
09:25 Ticket #4039 (OMEdit - Document Browser does not honour linebreaks in info layer for text type) updated by Adeel Asghar
It's a bit hard to detect if text is HTML or plain-text. …
07:05 Ticket #3998 (Backend - OMC does not search in the correct places for libs under Linux) updated by Dietmar Winkler
I would probably try the most efficient way first and if that fails …
07:01 Ticket #3998 (Backend - OMC does not search in the correct places for libs under Linux) updated by Martin Sjölund
Cc, Status, Owner changed
Can be queried by clang -print-search-dirs (or gcc ...). But the …
06:39 Ticket #4027 (FMI - Missing values of final parameters in FMU export) updated by Patrick Täuber
The relevant values are not stored in the modelDescription.xml. But …
06:12 Ticket #4039 (OMEdit - Document Browser does not honour linebreaks in info layer for text type) updated by Dietmar Winkler
Confirmed to be working. Only one thing. When somebody uses text type …


15:40 Ticket #4039 (OMEdit - Document Browser does not honour linebreaks in info layer for text type) updated by Dietmar Winkler
12:53 Ticket #4039 (OMEdit - Document Browser does not honour linebreaks in info layer for text type) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Fixed in 7ed1ea5/OMEdit.
11:12 Ticket #4027 (FMI - Missing values of final parameters in FMU export) updated by Adrian Pop
@ptauber: it might be that the OM import reads the values in the …
11:05 Ticket #4027 (FMI - Missing values of final parameters in FMU export) updated by Patrick Täuber
I just tested the model from the description and model …
11:00 Ticket #4003 (Interactive Environment - OMEdit uses wrong modelica:// path) updated by Adeel Asghar
I tracked down the issue a bit more. The problem is with the regex
10:51 Ticket #3951 (OMEdit - Availability of displayUnits in the Component Parameter windows) updated by Adeel Asghar
Cc changed
10:21 Ticket #4003 (Interactive Environment - OMEdit uses wrong modelica:// path) updated by Adeel Asghar
Cc, Status, Component, Owner changed
08:54 Ticket #4039 (OMEdit - Document Browser does not honour linebreaks in info layer for text type) created by Dietmar Winkler
In case somebody decides to not use html for the Documentation.info
05:12 Ticket #4037 (Run-time - Unification of command line options among multiple runtimes) updated by Rüdiger Franke
Even better if a bigger change is introduced, provided the result will …


17:10 Ticket #4038 (OMEdit - Dassl modifiers no longer in sync) created by palmer.ap@…
the flags -dasslNoRestart and -dasslNoRootFinding are no longer …
10:11 Ticket #4019 (Installation program - Using CombiTimeTable emits multiple unused variable tableAvailable warnings) closed by Martin Sjölund
fixed: Should be fixed in …
10:09 Ticket #4019 (Installation program - Using CombiTimeTable emits multiple unused variable tableAvailable warnings) updated by Martin Sjölund
Status, Owner, Component, Milestone changed
09:58 bt.txt attached to Ticket #3979 by Adeel Asghar
09:58 Ticket #3979 (Interactive Environment - OMEdit 64 bit Windows version crashes when saving models) updated by Adeel Asghar
Cc, Status, Component, Owner changed
The program crashes when doing a lookup. I have attached a minimal …
09:49 script.mos attached to Ticket #3979 by Adeel Asghar
09:41 Ticket #4037 (Run-time - Unification of command line options among multiple runtimes) updated by Lennart Ochel
I see good reasons to change the command line options. For example, …
09:39 Ticket #4019 (Installation program - Using CombiTimeTable emits multiple unused variable tableAvailable warnings) updated by Martin Sjölund
These warnings are silenced for MSL 3.2.1, but in 3.2.2 new functions …
09:35 Ticket #4037 (Run-time - Unification of command line options among multiple runtimes) updated by Martin Sjölund
If we have common short options, we need common long names as well. I …
09:20 Ticket #4029 (OMPython - OMPython setup.py assumes omniidl is installed) updated by Martin Sjölund
omniidl is not a pip package (it is part of omniorb, which the user …
09:13 Ticket #4007 (Frontend - comma separated list of expressions) closed by Martin Sjölund
fixed: Fixed in PR 1075
09:13 Ticket #4007 (Frontend - comma separated list of expressions) updated by Martin Sjölund
Status, Owner, Milestone changed


17:11 Ticket #3964 (OMEdit - MetaModelica support in OMEdit) updated by Adeel Asghar
Description changed
Point 3 is done in bbba659/OMEdit.
14:39 Ticket #3964 (OMEdit - MetaModelica support in OMEdit) updated by Adeel Asghar
Description changed
14:37 Ticket #3964 (OMEdit - MetaModelica support in OMEdit) updated by Adeel Asghar
Point 6 is done in c3f1889/OMEdit.
14:36 Ticket #3964 (OMEdit - MetaModelica support in OMEdit) updated by Adeel Asghar
Point 4 is done in eb6ad82/OMEdit.
14:28 Ticket #3964 (OMEdit - MetaModelica support in OMEdit) updated by Adeel Asghar
Description changed
10:10 Ticket #4037 (Run-time - Unification of command line options among multiple runtimes) updated by Rüdiger Franke
We might reduce the list of common options. The option -M for MSL …
09:21 Ticket #3979 (Interactive Environment - OMEdit 64 bit Windows version crashes when saving models) updated by anonymous
Using the attached test package with OpenModelica 1.9.6 (on Windows …
09:18 TestPackage.zip attached to Ticket #3979 by anonymous
Test package
08:44 Ticket #4037 (Run-time - Unification of command line options among multiple runtimes) updated by Lennart Ochel
This is a complete list of all command line options available in c …
07:58 Ticket #4037 (Run-time - Unification of command line options among multiple runtimes) updated by Lennart Ochel
Status, Owner changed
I think this is a good idea. Any comments?
06:38 Ticket #4037 (Run-time - Unification of command line options among multiple runtimes) created by Rüdiger Franke
The C runtime has a lot of command line options. The Cpp runtime has …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.