Custom Query (27 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#6098 (possibly) wrong type mapping for bool in record passed to external object accepted defect blocker 1.19.0 Code Generation
#6135 Support of Visual Studio in OMEdit on Windows accepted enhancement blocker 2.0.0 Run-time
#2685 Connector with record fails with code generation issues assigned defect critical Future Code Generation
#5814 for loop in algorithm section gets wrong values accepted defect critical Code Generation
#2750 Units of derivatives in the variables browser assigned defect high Code Generation
#2756 OM reports an error in the C code it creates accepted defect high Future Code Generation
#3164 Code generation error for tuple calls with array slices accepted defect high Future Code Generation
#3217 Wrong equation counting accepted defect high Future Code Generation
#3242 Failure to compile generated code due to type mismatch reopened defect high Future ParModelica
#3299 Array of records containing array get compilation errors when updated accepted defect high Future Code Generation
#3348 ParModelica: Unable to allocate parlocal array new defect high Future ParModelica
#3349 ParModelica: Unassigned parglobal output array from parkernel may SegFault new defect high Future ParModelica
#3350 ParModelica: parkernel and scalar output doesn't work new defect high Future ParModelica
#3495 Issue with array indices in generated code accepted defect high Future Code Generation
#4336 Problem with code generation involving arrays of components containing arrays of Real variables accepted defect high Code Generation
#4526 Propagate displayUnits on simple equations new enhancement high New Instantiation
#5886 Use of undeclared identifier and undefined reference to *_array_get function accepted defect high Code Generation
#5906 compilation error for curved bend accepted defect high Code Generation
#5937 Parallel simulation new task high Future ParModelica
#6090 model implementation (matlab vs OM) new defect high Future Code Generation
#6115 Wrong code generation for *and* new defect high Future Code Generation
#6172 Issue with for loop index variables in conditional expression within algorithm accepted defect high Code Generation
#6282 Allow mainstream use of ParModAuto new defect high ParModelica
#6352 Function returning record with array fails accepted defect high Code Generation
#2736 Final Constraints for Optimization missing accepted discussion normal Future Frontend
#3221 Equation count of models containing expandable connectors assigned defect normal 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#6220 Small array optimizations: stack allocation new defect normal NeedsInput Run-time
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