Custom Query (53 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#1232 Equation systems in when equations not handled correctly assigned defect high Future Backend
#1552 Optimize algorithm sections whenever possible assigned defect high Future Backend
#1817 Exporting "Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Examples.AIMS_Start" to FMI generates invalid modelDescription.xml assigned defect high Future Code Generation
#1929 Multibody USR and SSR joints have wrong initialization values assigned defect high 2.0.0 Backend
#1940 Multibody USR and SSR joints have wrong simulation values reopened defect high Future Backend
#2433 For loop indexes used in relations in algorithms are undefined for zero crossings new defect normal Future Backend
#2494 Derivative annotation handling broken accepted defect high Future Code Generation
#2502 array equations may matched inconsistent new defect high Future Backend
#2648 wrong simulation results for pulsed voltage source accepted defect critical Future Run-time
#2664 Probelm with handling "when statement" in an FMU reopened defect high Future FMI
#2774 Vectors are not detected as discrete variables new defect high Future Backend
#2788 Enumerated types causing errors assigned defect high Future Code Generation
#2870 Non-linear solver is unable to handle HeatingSystem (msl32) properly new defect critical Future Run-time
#3074 Insufficient information about assertion violations accepted defect normal 2.0.0 Backend
#3084 Under-determined linear system not solvable! accepted defect high Future *unknown*
#3111 Convergence issues on nonlinear equations involving der() accepted defect high Backend
#3118 Convergence issues on nonlinear equations not involving der() accepted defect high Backend
#3494 Start values not taken from modelDescription.xml assigned defect high Future FMI 1.0
#3499 Quasi static fundamental wave machines are not simulating assigned defect high Future *unknown*
#3510 inline function assigned defect critical Future *unknown*
#3638 Parameters based on externally read parameters are not calculated correctly assigned defect high Future Run-time
#3668 Memory allocation of the back-end and code generation grows quadratically with the system size assigned defect high Future Backend
#3695 removeSimpleEquations is slow on large models new defect high 2.0.0 Backend
#3851 optimized zero crossings for cpp runtime assigned defect high Backend
#3926 Parameter calculation with numerical Jacobian leads to wrong results accepted defect normal Future Backend
#4006 SimCode scales as O(N^2) in models with many when clauses and events assigned defect normal Backend
#4014 Unexpected behavior of Start Time assigned defect normal Future Interactive Environment
#4069 Unify init.xml files of C and Cpp runtime accepted defect high 2.0.0 Run-time
#4080 Simulation success is depending on number of intervals assigned defect high Run-time
#4109 invalid xml file with logFormat is xml accepted defect normal Run-time
#4122 Simulation fails in OpenModelica, Works in JModelica assigned defect high Future Backend
#4270 Sorting of Eqns and Variable in Backend reopened defect high Backend
#4346 OMEdit: inconsistant handling of protected objects assigned defect normal Future Run-time
#4374 Wrong analysis of linearity due to missing jacobian new defect high Future Backend
#4396 IDA solver in DAE mode is inefficient with badly scaled systems reopened defect high Run-time
#4549 Zero size string array assigned defect high Future Run-time
#4656 Small delays give badly wrong results new defect critical Run-time
#4767 Number of intervals is influencing whether simulation run is successful assigned defect high Future Run-time
#4892 Execution statistics show wrong solver assigned defect high Future Backend
#5005 Issue with DASSL/IDA and implicit systems with non-smooth functions assigned defect blocker 2.0.0 Run-time
#5107 SymbolicJacobian.generateSparsePattern scales as O(N^2) new defect high Backend
#5208 IDA with dense numerical jacobian doesn't work well accepted defect high Run-time
#5217 Issue with daeMode result interpolation new defect high Run-time
#1625 OMEdit: change the View with incorrect code new discussion high Future
#1869 detect completely constant parts new enhancement normal Future Backend
#1932 Redesign When Equation Implementation in Backend accepted enhancement low Future Backend
#2000 Modelica.Fluid.Examples.IncompressibleFluidNetwork assigned enhancement normal Future Backend
#2354 activate dopri45 solver new enhancement normal Future Run-time
#4406 OMEdit: Option to automatically close Simulation Completed Window assigned enhancement high Future Run-time
#4637 Sort of the input and output variables in the model description new enhancement high Future Backend
#4851 Split the 16dae.c source file into multiple files new enhancement high Code Generation
#4877 Optionally prune all the equations in a model that are not needed to compute the outputs new enhancement high Future Backend
#5354 Allow to differentiate expressions w.r.t. state derivatives to compute analytic Jacobian for daeMode new enhancement high Backend
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