Custom Query (23 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (23 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Owner Type Priority Version
#4138 New FrontEnd New Instantiation Per Östlund task blocker
#5324 Incorrect final detected by NF? New Instantiation Per Östlund defect blocker
#5989 Issue with NF and evalSub in Buildings New Instantiation Per Östlund defect blocker
#6028 Many Buildings libraries fail with no error message New Instantiation Per Östlund defect blocker
#6054 The NF incorrectly renders the actualStream operator New Instantiation Per Östlund defect blocker
#6067 Evaluate = true should be applied to entire parameter records New Instantiation Per Östlund defect blocker
#6202 Make the NF the default also from the command line New Instantiation Adrian Pop defect blocker
#6217 Allow checking models containing partial classes New Instantiation Per Östlund defect blocker
#6283 uncertain attribute not handled in New-FrontEnd which is needed for data Reconciliation New Instantiation Per Östlund defect blocker 1.16.0
#6302 Fix to NF fails to evaluate structural parameters New Instantiation Per Östlund defect blocker 1.16.0
#6303 Issue with records in Chemical library New Instantiation Per Östlund defect blocker 1.16.0
#6407 The new OpenModelica compiler frontend New Instantiation Per Östlund defect blocker 1.16.2
#5643 Connect-equations in for loop are ignored when using -d=nonfScalarize New Instantiation Per Östlund defect critical
#6074 The NF should completely eliminate Evaluate = true parameters from flat model New Instantiation Per Östlund defect critical
#3150 Wrong variability for array reduction New Instantiation Adrian Pop defect high trunk
#4142 OMC does not detect as error the use of noEvent clause in a When structure New Instantiation somebody defect high v1.11.0
#5752 Chemical library broken because of issue with String array package constant New Instantiation Per Östlund defect high
#5990 NFScalarize.scalarizeVariable fails in Buildings example New Instantiation Per Östlund defect high
#6173 Inconsistent flattening of for loops in NF with -d=nonfScalarize New Instantiation Per Östlund defect high
#6231 NF with positiveMax in connections of arrays of port New Instantiation Per Östlund defect high 1.16.0
#6243 Issues with partial packages in Chemical library New Instantiation Per Östlund defect high 1.16.0
#6252 Do not count extra equations for public non-connector top level inputs with binding equations New Instantiation Per Östlund defect high v1.17.0-dev
#6289 newInst fails to resolve renaming import New Instantiation Per Östlund defect high v1.17.0-dev
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