


22:06 Ticket #3499 (Quasi static fundamental wave machines are not simulating) created by Christian Kral <dr.christian.kral@…>
It is planned for MSL 3.2.2 to include further packages. One of these …
21:17 Ticket #3498 (Wrong generation of base partitions) created by rfranke
The code generated for the following model does not compile due to the …
21:12 Ticket #3497 (Wrong initial system for clocked equations) created by rfranke
Consider the following synchronous discrete-time model […] …
16:25 Ticket #3496 (OM Mac build fails) created by dersh
I just tried an upgrade from 1.9.4~dev-154-g1d6680d_0 to …
10:34 Ticket #3495 (Issue with array indices in generated code) created by timo.lask@…
I get the following output by the simulation of a Petri net model: […]


10:22 Ticket #3490 (Initialization scales badly) closed by lochel
fixed: The general issue is fixed. We could open a new ticket for …


08:45 Ticket #3494 (Start values not taken from modelDescription.xml) created by mwalther
The start values that are written in the modelDescription.xml are not …


16:25 Ticket #3493 (Incorrect flatenning of conditional connectors in outer class) created by gossen
[…] Get Error: Illegal connection: component foo.c.v is not a …


15:11 Ticket #3492 (Incorrect flatenning of connectors in outer class) created by gossen
[…] Get flattening output with incorrect connect equation […] …


21:32 Ticket #3491 (Back-end time scales very badly for large system with very simple structure) created by casella
Please consider the back-end times for the models …
10:23 Ticket #3490 (Initialization scales badly) created by lochel
It seems that the initialization scales badly for large systems.
10:13 Ticket #3486 (Performance issue with optimization module constantLinearSystem) closed by lochel
invalid: The time measurement from above is wrong. It seems that the analysis …
10:09 Ticket #3489 (Performance issue with optimization module simplifyComplexFunction) closed by lochel
10:02 Ticket #3489 (Performance issue with optimization module simplifyComplexFunction) created by lochel
This module scales badly for large systems. The following table shows …


13:02 Ticket #3488 (Vendor-specific annotations for advanced flags and options) created by casella
Testing is essential to guide the development of new advanced features …
12:25 Ticket #3487 (Size-dependent strategies for solving systems of equations in OMC) created by casella
Some methods that are used in OMC to solve systems of equations may …


14:13 Ticket #3486 (Performance issue with optimization module constantLinearSystem) created by lochel
This module scales badly for large systems. The following table shows …
11:49 Ticket #3465 (Hudson fails with test Crane_FMU1_CPP) closed by mwalther
08:17 Ticket #3441 (OMEdit deletes special lines on copying model) closed by mayr19@…
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.