

21:23 Ticket #3938 (Installation program - OMEdit opens OMNotebook in Debian) created by pat@…
After installing in Debian Jessie, activating the Debian default menu …
13:32 Ticket #3936 (OMOptim - problems with OMOptim) updated by Vitalij Ruge
You can use "command optimize(ModelName) from OMShell, OMNotebook or …


21:11 Ticket #3770 (Backend - clocked equations problem) updated by Rüdiger Franke
I was wondering where comment:5 finds in ModelicaSpec 3.3, until I …
20:45 Ticket #3770 (Backend - clocked equations problem) updated by Rüdiger Franke
Status, Owner changed
13:47 Ticket #3937 (Run-time - ScalableTestSuite...OneGeneratorStepLoad fails for IDA solver) updated by Francesco Casella
Willi Braun started the two library coverage tests of May 25th using …
10:18 Ticket #3937 (Run-time - ScalableTestSuite...OneGeneratorStepLoad fails for IDA solver) updated by Henning Kiel
I cannot reproduce this error on OSX. Total used memory is 0.625GB. …
10:07 Ticket #3937 (Run-time - ScalableTestSuite...OneGeneratorStepLoad fails for IDA solver) updated by Henning Kiel
Cc changed
10:06 Ticket #3937 (Run-time - ScalableTestSuite...OneGeneratorStepLoad fails for IDA solver) created by Henning Kiel
ScalableTestSuite.Power.ConceptualPowerSystem.Verification.OneGenerator …


16:15 Ticket #3936 (OMOptim - problems with OMOptim) created by g.provan@…
I am trying to use OMOptim, and I can't compile any files, even the …
14:12 Ticket #3929 (OMNotebook - OMNotebook broken in Win 64bit) updated by Christoph <buchner@…>
nice, thanks!
13:56 Ticket #3929 (OMNotebook - OMNotebook broken in Win 64bit) updated by Adrian Pop
The versioning number of the OpenModelica installation executable …
13:56 Ticket #3935 (Installation program - Make OpeModelica windows installer use the git hash of OMCompiler) closed by Adrian Pop
fixed: Fixed in r25959.
13:55 Ticket #3929 (OMNotebook - OMNotebook broken in Win 64bit) updated by Adeel Asghar
The OpenModelica nightly build version number should match with …
13:54 Ticket #3935 (Installation program - Make OpeModelica windows installer use the git hash of OMCompiler) updated by Adrian Pop
Status, Owner changed
13:54 Ticket #3935 (Installation program - Make OpeModelica windows installer use the git hash of OMCompiler) created by Adrian Pop
Currently we use git describe on OpenModelica glue project but we …
13:25 Ticket #3929 (OMNotebook - OMNotebook broken in Win 64bit) updated by Christoph <buchner@…>
> It's not related to this bug. > Perhaps something went wrong in your …
13:03 Ticket #3929 (OMNotebook - OMNotebook broken in Win 64bit) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Fixed it in c07f33d/OMNotebook.
12:59 Ticket #3929 (OMNotebook - OMNotebook broken in Win 64bit) updated by Adeel Asghar
Replying to Christoph <buchner@…>: > I don't know if this …
10:07 Ticket #3934 (Interactive Environment - Support the vendor annotations in translateModel and simulation runtime) updated by Martin Sjölund
Description changed
10:06 Ticket #3934 (Interactive Environment - Support the vendor annotations in translateModel and simulation runtime) updated by Martin Sjölund
Description changed
Isn't it more like: […] […]
10:04 Ticket #3934 (Interactive Environment - Support the vendor annotations in translateModel and simulation runtime) updated by Adrian Pop
Description changed
10:03 Ticket #3934 (Interactive Environment - Support the vendor annotations in translateModel and simulation runtime) updated by Adrian Pop
Description changed
10:02 Ticket #3934 (Interactive Environment - Support the vendor annotations in translateModel and simulation runtime) updated by Adrian Pop
Description, Summary changed
09:54 Ticket #3934 (Interactive Environment - Support the vendor annotations in translateModel and simulation runtime) created by Adrian Pop
We should add support for vendor annotations in translateModel: Flag …
09:40 Ticket #3929 (OMNotebook - OMNotebook broken in Win 64bit) updated by Christoph <buchner@…>
I don't know if this is related (probably not), but I just installed …
06:16 Ticket #3933 (Cpp Run-time - Cppruntime should use Sundials from 3rdParty) created by Martin Sjölund
The C-runtime currently compiles Sundials from source and this version …


21:24 Ticket #2395 (OMEdit - connectorSizing) updated by Lennart Ochel
Keywords changed
14:33 Ticket #3932 (Frontend - Dump DAE directly to stdout) updated by Martin Sjölund
Milestone changed
14:33 Ticket #3932 (Frontend - Dump DAE directly to stdout) updated by Martin Sjölund
Status, Owner changed
14:08 Ticket #3932 (Frontend - Dump DAE directly to stdout) created by Martin Sjölund
We are able to dump Susan directly to file, so we should also be able …
13:29 Ticket #3931 (Initialization - Do not generate stupid equations) created by Martin Sjölund
Simple initialization equations can be handled by the init.xml-file …
12:12 Ticket #3861 (Code Generation - Do not use preprocessor for code generation) closed by Martin Sjölund
fixed: Fixed in PR:871
10:24 Ticket #3930 (MetaModelica - Better tuple access functions in MetaModelica) created by Per Östlund
To access elements in a tuple you currently need to either use pattern …
09:53 Ticket #3928 (Command Prompt Environment - Add --alarm as command line option for OMC) closed by Adrian Pop
fixed: Support added in 1d03f6/OMCompiler.
08:57 Ticket #3929 (OMNotebook - OMNotebook broken in Win 64bit) created by Francesco Casella
Using the 1.10.0 nightly under Windows 64 bit, the OMNotebook editor …
08:34 Ticket #3927 (Backend - Linear initial equations with non-fixed parameters are detected as ...) closed by Patrick Täuber
fixed: Fixed in …
08:23 Ticket #3928 (Command Prompt Environment - Add --alarm as command line option for OMC) updated by Adrian Pop
Status, Owner changed
08:22 Ticket #3928 (Command Prompt Environment - Add --alarm as command line option for OMC) created by Adrian Pop
Sometimes the tests we have just cycle forever and it would be good to …


16:24 Ticket #3927 (Backend - Linear initial equations with non-fixed parameters are detected as ...) updated by Patrick Täuber
Thanks, I will fix it!
16:23 Ticket #3927 (Backend - Linear initial equations with non-fixed parameters are detected as ...) updated by Willi Braun
Status, Owner changed
The jacobian type is JAC_CONSTANT, it's not non-linear ;).
16:06 Ticket #3926 (Backend - Parameter calculation with numerical Jacobian leads to wrong results) updated by Willi Braun
Priority, Status, Component, Milestone changed
So the problem is that we have currently no means to handle torn …
13:19 Ticket #3927 (Backend - Linear initial equations with non-fixed parameters are detected as ...) updated by Patrick Täuber
Description changed
13:15 Ticket #3926 (Backend - Parameter calculation with numerical Jacobian leads to wrong results) updated by Martin Sjölund
Description changed
13:14 Ticket #3927 (Backend - Linear initial equations with non-fixed parameters are detected as ...) created by Patrick Täuber
In the following model the linear initial equation system is …
13:11 calculateParametersBug.mos attached to Ticket #3926 by Patrick Täuber
13:06 Ticket #3926 (Backend - Parameter calculation with numerical Jacobian leads to wrong results) created by Patrick Täuber
The non-fixed parameters of the following model are calculated to 0 if …
12:53 Ticket #3828 (Run-time - Eclipse based debugging 64bit OMC on Windows) closed by Adrian Pop
invalid: This went away after I upgraded my Eclipse.
10:14 CoverageIssues edited by Martin Sjölund
Changed paths to SVGs (diff)
10:05 WikiStart edited by anonymous


21:48 Ticket #3925 (Run-time - Protected variables are incorrectly written to the result file) created by Francesco Casella
I have some models where I am trying to make the size of the result …
21:10 Ticket #3924 (OMEdit - OMEdit arbitrarily adds line breaks to the source code upon save) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Fixed in bc76119/OMEdit.
18:11 Ticket #3911 (Code Generation - Internal compiler error: Segmentation fault) updated by palmer.ap@…
I am certain that it finishes.
17:37 Ticket #3857 (Code Generation - Error in Generated XML from Modelica) updated by karan.singh@…
Gotcha, thanks for that. Please take a look at the following bug- …
15:16 Ticket #3857 (Code Generation - Error in Generated XML from Modelica) updated by Adrian Pop
You just load the libraries via loadModel(Library); or if there …
14:56 Ticket #3857 (Code Generation - Error in Generated XML from Modelica) updated by karan.singh@…
That's very helpful! I guess I meant how to include the additional …
14:55 Ticket #3820 (FMI - FMU generation - multiple instances) closed by Adrian Pop
fixed: Fixed in 120a9e/OMCompiler by setting …
14:49 Ticket #3857 (Code Generation - Error in Generated XML from Modelica) updated by Adrian Pop
I don't quite get what you mean. Include packages where? If you mean …
14:40 Ticket #3857 (Code Generation - Error in Generated XML from Modelica) updated by karan.singh@…
Hi there, I understand that this might be beyond the scope of what …
13:22 Ticket #3898 (FMI - FMU co-simulation issues) updated by Adrian Pop
I now 72f98cf7a93cdcd5b4a143d8317020ed859b06a5/OMCompiler
11:36 Ticket #3924 (OMEdit - OMEdit arbitrarily adds line breaks to the source code upon save) updated by Adeel Asghar
Can you provide a test case?
11:32 Ticket #3924 (OMEdit - OMEdit arbitrarily adds line breaks to the source code upon save) updated by Francesco Casella
I confirm the same happens with the latest nightly build.
10:34 Ticket #3911 (Code Generation - Internal compiler error: Segmentation fault) updated by Adrian Pop
It seems that the result file generated by the simulation is corrupted …
10:21 Ticket #3924 (OMEdit - OMEdit arbitrarily adds line breaks to the source code upon save) created by Francesco Casella
During the last few months, we have satisfactorily used OMEdit for the …
09:53 Ticket #3898 (FMI - FMU co-simulation issues) updated by Adrian Pop
Keywords, Status, Component, Owner changed
09:51 Ticket #3898 (FMI - FMU co-simulation issues) updated by Adrian Pop
I've tested with coe-0.0.5-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
09:02 Ticket #3923 (Run-time - Change tolerances of Newton solver to standard 2-norm) closed by Patrick Täuber
fixed: This is done in …


17:27 Ticket #2750 (Code Generation - Units of derivatives in the variables browser) updated by Lennart Ochel
16:49 Ticket #3911 (Code Generation - Internal compiler error: Segmentation fault) updated by anonymous
I just tried it, and it successfully completed the run. Thanks! …
16:04 Ticket #3923 (Run-time - Change tolerances of Newton solver to standard 2-norm) created by Francesco Casella
the argument of the simulation flags -newtonFTol and …
06:36 Ticket #2233 (OMEdit - OMEdit: Hiding annotations in text view) updated by Lennart Ochel
Replying to adeas31: > 736e098/OMEdit have …


14:41 Ticket #2233 (OMEdit - OMEdit: Hiding annotations in text view) updated by Adeel Asghar
736e098/OMEdit have support for annotation folding.
14:31 Ticket #3922 (Run-time - Logging of initialization time is broken) closed by Lennart Ochel
14:31 Ticket #3922 (Run-time - Logging of initialization time is broken) updated by Lennart Ochel
Fixed with [https://github.com/OpenModelica/OMCompiler/pull/870
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.