

22:46 Ticket #4074 (OMEdit - Segmentation fault when opening OMEdit nightly build but not stable build) updated by Adeel Asghar
See also #4073 and #3881.
22:39 Ticket #4074 (OMEdit - Segmentation fault when opening OMEdit nightly build but not stable build) updated by Adrian Pop
I can reproduce this error on the dev.openmodelica.org server. It …
22:32 Ticket #4074 (OMEdit - Segmentation fault when opening OMEdit nightly build but not stable build) updated by Adrian Pop
Status, Owner changed
22:13 Ticket #4074 (OMEdit - Segmentation fault when opening OMEdit nightly build but not stable build) updated by justin.a.allen@…
I'm running ubuntu 16.04. I did a gdb run and got this (ran a bt …
21:16 Ticket #4074 (OMEdit - Segmentation fault when opening OMEdit nightly build but not stable build) updated by Adeel Asghar
We need more information. What platform you are using? Can you run it …
16:24 Ticket #4074 (OMEdit - Segmentation fault when opening OMEdit nightly build but not stable build) created by justin.a.allen@…
I have been having stack overflow issues with libraries in stable …
07:17 Ticket #4073 (OMEdit - OMEdit crash with SIGSEGV in call_init()) updated by anonymous
Hi again, Removing nightly build and reinstalling it doesn't fix the …


21:32 GenerateHTML.exe attached to Ticket #4067 by massimo ceraolo
16:13 Ticket #4073 (OMEdit - OMEdit crash with SIGSEGV in call_init()) updated by anonymous
Hi Short additional information OMNotebook produce crash if you …
16:03 Ticket #4073 (OMEdit - OMEdit crash with SIGSEGV in call_init()) created by anonymous
Hi, after 2 weeks without any upgrade today several updates where …
15:37 Ticket #4072 (Code Generation - Wrong array storage order in Cpp FMU2) updated by Rüdiger Franke
Status, Owner changed
4f6ee12c77bccd/OMCompiler fixes the storage order for FMI …
15:15 Ticket #4072 (Code Generation - Wrong array storage order in Cpp FMU2) created by Rüdiger Franke
Multi-dimensional arrays are transposed in modelDescription.xml. The …
09:06 Ticket #4055 (Code Generation - Wrong code generation template for complex numbers in algorithms) updated by massimo ceraolo
Just a small addition. I did not open this ticket just to demonstrate …
08:46 Ticket #4067 (OMEdit - Add a Documentation Editor to OMEdit.) updated by massimo ceraolo
I made some tests in the meanwhile. If the Qt Widget QTextEdit, if …
08:09 Ticket #3859 (*unknown* - A specific annotation for dynamic integration method / optimization?) updated by massimo ceraolo
To avoid the creation of a specific annotation for storing the …


13:58 Ticket #3894 (Code Generation - dladdr failed: not available on Windows failed) updated by Martin Sjölund
I did not look into this further since I got no more user input.
13:52 Ticket #3894 (Code Generation - dladdr failed: not available on Windows failed) updated by Niklas Worschech
Are there any news to this ticket. On Windows, it is no longer …
13:08 Ticket #2572 (Backend - Generates an internal error) updated by Dietmar Winkler
Any updates on this. It would be nice to finally be able to include …
12:34 Ticket #4070 (OMEdit - OMEdit Options dialog messed up) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Fixed in 75849b0/OMEdit.
11:20 Ticket #3788 (OMEdit - OMEdit working directory too cluttered) updated by Francesco Casella
I meant result/effort, of course :)
11:14 Ticket #3788 (OMEdit - OMEdit working directory too cluttered) updated by Francesco Casella
Priority, Owner, Component changed
Doesn't look very difficult to implement, and could be seen as a …
11:05 Ticket #4071 (New Instantiation - Performance of new front end) updated by Per Östlund
Replying to casella: > If there is only one model as a …
10:45 Ticket #4071 (New Instantiation - Performance of new front end) updated by Francesco Casella
Sure, of course. If there is only one model as a top-level entity in …
10:16 Ticket #4071 (New Instantiation - Performance of new front end) updated by Per Östlund
Replying to casella: > That means running {{{time omc …
09:55 Ticket #4071 (New Instantiation - Performance of new front end) updated by Francesco Casella
Thanks Per for the analysis! The results look a lot more encouraging …
06:31 Ticket #3788 (OMEdit - OMEdit working directory too cluttered) updated by anonymous
Will something discussed here be implemented in 2.0.0. version?


19:33 Ticket #4071 (New Instantiation - Performance of new front end) updated by Per Östlund
I've now made a pull request that will disable the dumping of the flat …
19:17 Ticket #4071 (New Instantiation - Performance of new front end) updated by Per Östlund
Actually, it takes ~20s to run your script for me with the new front …
18:26 Ticket #4071 (New Instantiation - Performance of new front end) updated by Francesco Casella
Description changed
18:23 TestNewInst.zip attached to Ticket #4071 by Francesco Casella
Test models
18:21 Ticket #4071 (New Instantiation - Performance of new front end) created by Francesco Casella
I have tried to get some preliminary results on the performance of the …
14:45 Ticket #4070 (OMEdit - OMEdit Options dialog messed up) updated by Rüdiger Franke
None is important if only cross compilation targets are needed (the …
12:55 Ticket #3626 (OMEdit - Parameter records are not displayed correctly in OMEdit) updated by Adeel Asghar
Cc, Status changed
This is fixed now in 520810b/OMEdit. We need better …
10:37 Ticket #4070 (OMEdit - OMEdit Options dialog messed up) updated by Adeel Asghar
Cc, Status changed
The Options dialog pages sequence is fixed in …
10:06 Ticket #4070 (OMEdit - OMEdit Options dialog messed up) updated by Rüdiger Franke
Description changed
10:00 Ticket #4070 (OMEdit - OMEdit Options dialog messed up) created by Rüdiger Franke
The OMEdit Options dialog shows Plotting options under Plotting and …
09:24 Ticket #4069 (Run-time - Unify init.xml files of C and Cpp runtime) updated by Willi Braun
Status, Owner changed
Replying to rfranke: > @wbraun: do you have a reason for …
09:19 Ticket #4069 (Run-time - Unify init.xml files of C and Cpp runtime) updated by Rüdiger Franke
@wbraun: do you have a reason for the offset 1000, for separate …
06:58 Ticket #4069 (Run-time - Unify init.xml files of C and Cpp runtime) updated by Niklas Worschech
We can use the same init xml file. We can merge it together with the …
05:30 Ticket #4069 (Run-time - Unify init.xml files of C and Cpp runtime) updated by Rüdiger Franke
Another difference: the Cpp runtime uses the original …


19:15 Ticket #4069 (Run-time - Unify init.xml files of C and Cpp runtime) updated by Rüdiger Franke
Milestone changed
The C runtime starts with valueReference 1000; the Cpp runtime with …
14:31 t3879.mo attached to Ticket #3879 by massimo ceraolo
14:30 Ticket #3879 (OMEdit - Difficulty in looking at a value) updated by massimo ceraolo
I add an example for this ticket. In the enclosed package t3879 run …
14:03 Ticket #4069 (Run-time - Unify init.xml files of C and Cpp runtime) updated by Niklas Worschech
In the cpp- runtime we are using a different index for the …
10:06 Ticket #3951 (OMEdit - Availability of displayUnits in the Component Parameter windows) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: I believe this is already fixed now. See #4031.
07:54 Ticket #4069 (Run-time - Unify init.xml files of C and Cpp runtime) updated by Willi Braun
I'm not sure why we use different code for the same task, maybe …
06:25 Ticket #4069 (Run-time - Unify init.xml files of C and Cpp runtime) updated by Rüdiger Franke
cba2c4a/OMCompiler adds isValueChangeable and …
06:15 Ticket #4069 (Run-time - Unify init.xml files of C and Cpp runtime) created by Rüdiger Franke
The Variables Browser of OMEdit does not show entry fields for models …


17:53 Ticket #4068 (Installation program - Failed to configure openmodelica-devel) updated by anonymous
Above I showed the contents of the directory …
16:04 Ticket #2250 (OMEdit - Support DisplayUnit and unit conversion for parameter input in OMEdit) updated by spinnau@…
Many thanks to Adeel for the fix. The use case described in the …
15:35 Ticket #4031 (OMEdit - Issues with OMEdit and components from the PowerSystems library) closed by Rüdiger Franke
fixed: Regarding point 6 it is hard to know for a tool, which display units …
14:45 Ticket #4068 (Installation program - Failed to configure openmodelica-devel) updated by Martin Sjölund
It should have appeared as …
14:40 Ticket #4068 (Installation program - Failed to configure openmodelica-devel) updated by anonymous
Where i can find this config.log file? It's not in folder "OMCompiler" …
14:25 Ticket #4031 (OMEdit - Issues with OMEdit and components from the PowerSystems library) updated by Adeel Asghar
With recent commits from Rudiger and me the situation is quite better …
14:16 Ticket #2250 (OMEdit - Support DisplayUnit and unit conversion for parameter input in OMEdit) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Fixed in e4abcb5/OMEdit.
09:45 Ticket #4068 (Installation program - Failed to configure openmodelica-devel) updated by Martin Sjölund
I would need to see the config.log for the OMCompiler subproject …
09:37 main.log attached to Ticket #4068 by anonymous
09:37 config.log attached to Ticket #4068 by anonymous
09:33 Ticket #4068 (Installation program - Failed to configure openmodelica-devel) created by Makumazan
I am trying to install openmodelica using macports and keep getting …
08:51 Ticket #3020 (Interactive Environment - Custom annotation cannot be read and proposed code changes to ...) updated by Adeel Asghar
Status, Component, Owner changed


22:09 Ticket #3984 (OMEdit - Understand which file a curve comes from in OMEDIT) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Done in 4f2beb7/OMPlot.


14:33 Ticket #4067 (OMEdit - Add a Documentation Editor to OMEdit.) updated by anonymous
Maybe I must add that I could not find in the documentation what …
09:55 Ticket #4067 (OMEdit - Add a Documentation Editor to OMEdit.) created by anonymous
Now that OpenModelica is fast getting mature, I think it is time to …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.