

17:18 Ticket #5586 (FMI - FMU info) updated by massimo ceraolo
Priority changed
17:17 Ticket #5586 (FMI - FMU info) updated by massimo ceraolo
well, I' not an expert of FMUs and I don't exactly know the meaning …
16:35 Ticket #5586 (FMI - FMU info) updated by massimo ceraolo
Description changed


22:42 Ticket #5581 (FMI - FMU - ME accuracy) updated by massimo ceraolo
The problem seems to be not in the FMU, but in the way the FMU is used …
22:32 Ticket #5586 (FMI - FMU info) updated by massimo ceraolo
Description changed
22:32 fbSystemPkg.fbSubSysDX.fmu attached to Ticket #5586 by massimo ceraolo
22:30 Ticket #5586 (FMI - FMU info) created by massimo ceraolo
Consider the enclosed FMU. When loaded from Dymola the following very …
18:19 Ticket #5575 (NF API - Opening Modelica.Media packages in OMEdit is still slow because of ...) updated by Adrian Pop
@adeas31, can we have a setting in OMEdit to fflush the log after each …
18:17 omeditcommunication.log attached to Ticket #5575 by Adrian Pop
the windows log (after adding fflush(NULL) in OMCProxy::logCommand)
18:06 Ticket #5575 (NF API - Opening Modelica.Media packages in OMEdit is still slow because of ...) updated by Adrian Pop
Ok. Nevermind, I can reproduce it when opening Modelica.Media.Air.
18:00 Ticket #5575 (NF API - Opening Modelica.Media packages in OMEdit is still slow because of ...) updated by Adrian Pop
I cannot reproduce this. For me opening Modelica.Media takes 1-2 …
09:47 Ticket #5581 (FMI - FMU - ME accuracy) updated by massimo ceraolo
Description changed
09:39 Ticket #5565 (NF API - OMEdit generates bogus warnings about missing inner declarations when ...) closed by Adrian Pop
06:22 Ticket #5582 (New Instantiation - The annotation InlineAfterIndexReduction is not included in the shown ...) closed by Karim Adbdelhak
05:46 Ticket #5585 (OMEdit - Parameter record editor) created by ahaumer@…
Dear OM-developers, using models with a large number of parameters is …
05:37 Ticket #5584 (OMEdit - Parameter table editor) created by ahaumer@…
Dear OM-developers, parameter tables are a great possibility to …
05:25 Ticket #5583 (OMEdit - Conditional components) created by ahaumer@…
Dear OM-developers, conditional connectors (depending on a Boolean …
04:10 Ticket #5580 (Backend - --evaluateProtectedParameters should default to true) updated by Karim Adbdelhak
--evaluateProtectedParameters=true only affects the backend …
04:04 Ticket #5582 (New Instantiation - The annotation InlineAfterIndexReduction is not included in the shown ...) updated by Karim Adbdelhak
Should be fixed with …


23:29 Ticket #5170 (Backend - GenerationOfFMUs examples in the MSL are broken because of ...) updated by Karim Adbdelhak
Replying to casella: > What about preventing the implicit …
22:24 Ticket #5582 (New Instantiation - The annotation InlineAfterIndexReduction is not included in the shown ...) updated by Francesco Casella
I would add GenerateEvents, which clearly has a structural …
22:20 Ticket #5170 (Backend - GenerationOfFMUs examples in the MSL are broken because of ...) updated by Francesco Casella
Replying to Karim.Abdelhak: > One solution would be to …
21:57 Ticket #5582 (New Instantiation - The annotation InlineAfterIndexReduction is not included in the shown ...) updated by Karim Adbdelhak
I updated the module, these are currently the structural annotations: …
19:31 Ticket #5565 (NF API - OMEdit generates bogus warnings about missing inner declarations when ...) updated by Adrian Pop
Component changed
Should be fixed by PR: …
19:26 Ticket #5582 (New Instantiation - The annotation InlineAfterIndexReduction is not included in the shown ...) updated by Francesco Casella
Cc changed
@lochel, @Karim, I couldn't figure out your latest comment in ticket …
19:24 Ticket #5581 (FMI - FMU - ME accuracy) updated by Francesco Casella
Priority changed
19:22 Ticket #5582 (New Instantiation - The annotation InlineAfterIndexReduction is not included in the shown ...) created by Francesco Casella
If one tries to flatten this model with {{{-d=newInst …
19:08 Ticket #5577 (NF API - Translation Error When Export FMU Using -d=newInst) closed by Adrian Pop
fixed: Fixed in 6bd362/OpenModelica.
17:29 Ticket #5571 (Interactive Environment - NF API can't fetch bitmap annotation) closed by Adrian Pop
fixed: Fixed with 46e99d/OpenModelica.
16:24 Ticket #5170 (Backend - GenerationOfFMUs examples in the MSL are broken because of ...) updated by Karim Adbdelhak
In addition to what @lochel said i will point out the following: If …
15:28 fbSystemPkg.fbSubSysDX.fmu attached to Ticket #5581 by massimo ceraolo
15:28 fbSystemTest.mo attached to Ticket #5581 by massimo ceraolo
15:28 FMU issue.pdf attached to Ticket #5581 by massimo ceraolo
15:27 Ticket #5581 (FMI - FMU - ME accuracy) created by massimo ceraolo
I'm not aware of possible reasons for which a simulation containing a …
15:09 Ticket #5170 (Backend - GenerationOfFMUs examples in the MSL are broken because of ...) updated by Lennart Ochel
After spending a lot of time on this issue, we came up with a minimal …
13:16 Ticket #5448 (Documentation - OMEdit fails to open model, previously Totally Saved) updated by Francesco Casella
We are trying to adhere strictly to the specification. From this point …
13:12 Ticket #5579 (New Instantiation - New Frontend does not check for circular dependencies in parameter bindings) updated by Francesco Casella
Replying to Karim.Abdelhak: > Any thoughts on the second …
13:12 Ticket #5580 (Backend - --evaluateProtectedParameters should default to true) created by Francesco Casella
I scanned the specification looking for the various meanings of …
12:44 Ticket #5170 (Backend - GenerationOfFMUs examples in the MSL are broken because of ...) updated by Francesco Casella
@Karim I'm trying to make sense of this ticket, but I need some help …
12:29 Ticket #5569 (OMEdit - Changes to additional translation flags are often ignored until OMEdit ...) closed by Francesco Casella
fixed: OK, I missed that, thanks!
09:13 Ticket #5170 (Backend - GenerationOfFMUs examples in the MSL are broken because of ...) updated by Karim Adbdelhak
The old frontend behaves differently from the new frontend here, thats …
09:10 Ticket #5170 (Backend - GenerationOfFMUs examples in the MSL are broken because of ...) updated by Karim Adbdelhak
Cc changed
06:28 Ticket #5448 (Documentation - OMEdit fails to open model, previously Totally Saved) updated by Martin Sjölund
Well. It might be that OMEdit should ask the user if the file should …


19:43 Ticket #5448 (Documentation - OMEdit fails to open model, previously Totally Saved) updated by Filip Ježek
Ok, thanks for pointing me, i clearly overlooked that. That solves the …
19:10 Ticket #5579 (New Instantiation - New Frontend does not check for circular dependencies in parameter bindings) updated by Karim Adbdelhak
Replying to Karim.Abdelhak: > Any thoughts on the second …
19:01 Ticket #5579 (New Instantiation - New Frontend does not check for circular dependencies in parameter bindings) updated by Karim Adbdelhak
Replying to perost: > As the model is written I think it …
18:01 Ticket #5579 (New Instantiation - New Frontend does not check for circular dependencies in parameter bindings) updated by Francesco Casella
Replying to perost: > I would say that that model is not …
17:56 Ticket #5578 (MetaModelica - Qualified tuple assignments in MetaModelica) updated by Per Östlund
Status, Owner changed
17:56 Ticket #5448 (Documentation - OMEdit fails to open model, previously Totally Saved) updated by Francesco Casella
Replying to Filip Ježek: > Well, as I see, the problem is …
17:56 Ticket #5578 (MetaModelica - Qualified tuple assignments in MetaModelica) updated by Per Östlund
Component changed
17:53 Ticket #5579 (New Instantiation - New Frontend does not check for circular dependencies in parameter bindings) updated by Per Östlund
I would say that that model is not legal according to the …
15:30 Ticket #5579 (New Instantiation - New Frontend does not check for circular dependencies in parameter bindings) created by Karim Adbdelhak
Consider following model: […] The old frontend detected the …
15:22 Ticket #5578 (MetaModelica - Qualified tuple assignments in MetaModelica) created by Karim Adbdelhak
Following code inside an arbitrary match of an equation returning a …
11:39 Ticket #5170 (Backend - GenerationOfFMUs examples in the MSL are broken because of ...) updated by Karim Adbdelhak
With the old frontend everything works when using …
11:27 Ticket #5448 (Documentation - OMEdit fails to open model, previously Totally Saved) updated by Filip Ježek
Well, as I see, the problem is not in the improper usage of saveTotal, …
10:58 Ticket #5448 (Documentation - OMEdit fails to open model, previously Totally Saved) updated by massimo ceraolo
> In that case opening a "mot" file could be done using the code …
08:22 Ticket #5448 (Documentation - OMEdit fails to open model, previously Totally Saved) updated by Francesco Casella
Replying to anonymous: > It is a bit strange that we can …
02:10 Ticket #5448 (Documentation - OMEdit fails to open model, previously Totally Saved) updated by anonymous
It is a bit strange that we can save through the GUI a file that we …


21:36 Ticket #5572 (Backend - Delay operator in a for loop of an algorithm section) updated by Adrian Pop
Cc, Owner, Component changed
The problem with this is that we fetch the delay expressions to be …
21:30 5577.zip attached to Ticket #5577 by Adrian Pop
21:29 Ticket #5577 (NF API - Translation Error When Export FMU Using -d=newInst) updated by Adrian Pop
Should be fixed with PR: …
21:09 Ticket #5448 (Documentation - OMEdit fails to open model, previously Totally Saved) updated by Francesco Casella
In fact, it would be even better if OMEdit also caught the Only …
21:05 Ticket #5448 (Documentation - OMEdit fails to open model, previously Totally Saved) reopened by Francesco Casella
I just added the documentation of saveFileTotal() to the NF …
20:04 Ticket #5448 (Documentation - OMEdit fails to open model, previously Totally Saved) closed by Arinomo <trista.arinomo@…>
fixed: DidnT read the whole comments. Sorry
20:01 Ticket #5448 (Documentation - OMEdit fails to open model, previously Totally Saved) updated by Arinomo <trista.arinomo@…>
So does it means, i can't open a model from save total from OMEdit(GUI)?
19:58 Ticket #5448 (Documentation - OMEdit fails to open model, previously Totally Saved) reopened by Arinomo <trista.arinomo@…>
This error happened to me on 1.14.0-dev-26584-gae23951b15.
19:56 Model1Total.mo attached to Ticket #5448 by Arinomo <trista.arinomo@…>
Save Total Model
19:56 Model1.mo attached to Ticket #5448 by Arinomo <trista.arinomo@…>
Initial Model
19:56 TestPackage.mo attached to Ticket #5448 by Arinomo <trista.arinomo@…>
Source Package
16:14 Ticket #4611 (Backend - Processing arrays of records fails) updated by Karim Adbdelhak
Summary changed
16:12 Ticket #4611 (Backend - Processing arrays of records fails) updated by Karim Adbdelhak
The computation for the size has been updated in …
15:01 Ticket #5577 (NF API - Translation Error When Export FMU Using -d=newInst) updated by Francesco Casella
Priority, Status, Milestone changed
This should get fixed in 1.14.0 as #5431
14:10 Ticket #5577 (NF API - Translation Error When Export FMU Using -d=newInst) updated by Adrian Pop
Ah, ok, I'll do some debugging.
14:08 Ticket #5577 (NF API - Translation Error When Export FMU Using -d=newInst) updated by Arinomo
Replying to adrpo: > As far as I remember if fixed the …
14:06 Ticket #5577 (NF API - Translation Error When Export FMU Using -d=newInst) updated by Arinomo
Nightly build on 9/7/2019
14:05 Ticket #5577 (NF API - Translation Error When Export FMU Using -d=newInst) updated by Adrian Pop
As far as I remember if fixed the escaping when I fixed #5431.
14:04 Ticket #5577 (NF API - Translation Error When Export FMU Using -d=newInst) updated by Adrian Pop
Which version of OMC is this?
14:01 Ticket #5561 (OMEdit - OMEdit should show values also in case of identical curves) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Fixed in 8eee160/OpenModelica.
14:00 Ticket #2166 (OMEdit - Snap to curve in OMEdit plot) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Fixed in 8eee160/OpenModelica.
12:49 Ticket #5557 (FMI - RT-Simulation failed due to getBestJumpBuffer() function) closed by Trista Arinomo <trista.arinomo@…>
12:48 Ticket #5557 (FMI - RT-Simulation failed due to getBestJumpBuffer() function) updated by Trista Arinomo <trista.arinomo@…>
Replying to adrpo: > If the table cannot be opened I think …
12:46 Ticket #5577 (NF API - Translation Error When Export FMU Using -d=newInst) created by Trista Arinomo <trista.arinomo@…>
[…] when trying to export above model with uncheck {{{Enable old …
11:37 Ticket #5576 (Backend - Solve array equation in backend for array of records) updated by Andreas Heuermann
Description changed
11:36 Ticket #5576 (Backend - Solve array equation in backend for array of records) created by Andreas Heuermann
We get an error for arrays of records in the SimCode-phase. When …
09:32 Ticket #5458 (Backend - Unknowns with explicitly set start attributes should be preferred as ...) updated by Francesco Casella
Ping :) Is there any unanticipated difficulty in carrying this out?
07:46 Ticket #5452 (Backend - Numerical issues due to missing index reduction) updated by Francesco Casella
Component changed


15:37 Ticket #5575 (NF API - Opening Modelica.Media packages in OMEdit is still slow because of ...) created by Francesco Casella
I tried to open the sub-packages of Modelica.Media in the …
12:27 Ticket #5565 (NF API - OMEdit generates bogus warnings about missing inner declarations when ...) updated by Adeel Asghar
Component changed
12:23 Ticket #5566 (OMEdit - OMEdit no longer shows the 3D Animation windows) closed by Adeel Asghar
10:27 Ticket #5566 (OMEdit - OMEdit no longer shows the 3D Animation windows) updated by Adeel Asghar
Fixed in 5e27012/OpenModelica.
09:58 Ticket #5566 (OMEdit - OMEdit no longer shows the 3D Animation windows) updated by Francesco Casella
Thank Adeel! :)
09:42 Ticket #5569 (OMEdit - Changes to additional translation flags are often ignored until OMEdit ...) updated by Adeel Asghar
This is because you are changing the global flags and your local model …
09:27 Ticket #5566 (OMEdit - OMEdit no longer shows the 3D Animation windows) updated by Adeel Asghar
> From a user's perspective, if I push a "Simulate with animation" …


22:57 Ticket #4143 (Backend - Initialization of systems with dynamic state selection is not handled ...) updated by Francesco Casella
See also #5574
22:56 Ticket #5459 (Backend - Unnecessary choice of dynamic state selection leads to code generation ...) updated by Francesco Casella
See also #5574
22:56 Ticket #5574 (Backend - Failed to solve linear system of equations because of wrong dynamic ...) updated by Francesco Casella
Priority, Summary changed
I tried the IMC_DCBraking.DCBraking_D2 example. The state …
21:34 Ticket #5574 (Backend - Failed to solve linear system of equations because of wrong dynamic ...) updated by Christian Kral <dr.christian.kral@…>
I tested the examples * IMC_DCBraking.DCBraking_D2 * …
21:01 Ticket #5574 (Backend - Failed to solve linear system of equations because of wrong dynamic ...) updated by Francesco Casella
Toni, have you tried with the latest nightly build? There's been a lot …
20:20 Ticket #5572 (Backend - Delay operator in a for loop of an algorithm section) updated by Vitalij Ruge
Description changed
19:10 IMC_DCBraking.mo attached to Ticket #5574 by ahaumer@…
19:10 Ticket #5574 (Backend - Failed to solve linear system of equations because of wrong dynamic ...) created by ahaumer@…
Dear OM-team, I hope I have assigned correctly the solver problem to …
15:04 Ticket #5573 (Backend - Dump the jacobian dependencies on the tearing variables) updated by Francesco Casella
Cc changed
15:03 Ticket #5572 (Backend - Delay operator in a for loop of an algorithm section) updated by Francesco Casella
Is is possible to use equation instead of algorithm?
14:54 Ticket #5570 (Backend - DrumBoiler) updated by Francesco Casella
Replying to [comment:4 Matheus Campanini Mughrabi …
14:52 Ticket #5566 (OMEdit - OMEdit no longer shows the 3D Animation windows) updated by Francesco Casella
Replying to adeas31: > Yes that is correct behavior. That …
14:40 Ticket #5573 (Backend - Dump the jacobian dependencies on the tearing variables) created by Francesco Casella
I'd like to experiment some advanced diagnostic techniques for …
14:37 Ticket #5459 (Backend - Unnecessary choice of dynamic state selection leads to code generation ...) updated by Francesco Casella
Cc changed
One more interesting piece of information would be to check which …
14:29 Ticket #5459 (Backend - Unnecessary choice of dynamic state selection leads to code generation ...) updated by Francesco Casella
Some further analysis during today's webmeeting: the unsolvable …
14:26 Ticket #5328 (Run-time - ODE solver behaves erratically in two MultiBody examples with dynamic ...) updated by Francesco Casella
Maybe something's wrong with the Jacobian (numerical or symbolical, I …
14:02 Ticket #5572 (Backend - Delay operator in a for loop of an algorithm section) created by adrien.guironnet@…
The following simple model using a delay operator in a for-loop inside …
13:14 Ticket #5570 (Backend - DrumBoiler) updated by Matheus Campanini Mughrabi <matheus.mughrabi@…>
I see,thanks for the reply! Any progress on the subject? Can the …
12:57 Ticket #5566 (OMEdit - OMEdit no longer shows the 3D Animation windows) updated by Adeel Asghar
Yes that is correct behavior. We don't have any queue where we store …
12:53 Ticket #5566 (OMEdit - OMEdit no longer shows the 3D Animation windows) updated by Francesco Casella
Replying to adeas31: > I can't reproduce this. It works as …
12:51 Ticket #5571 (Interactive Environment - NF API can't fetch bitmap annotation) updated by Adeel Asghar
Status, Owner changed
12:51 M.mos attached to Ticket #5571 by Adeel Asghar
12:51 Ticket #5571 (Interactive Environment - NF API can't fetch bitmap annotation) created by Adeel Asghar
It seems like we should have a default value for imageSource in …
12:49 Ticket #5570 (Backend - DrumBoiler) updated by Francesco Casella
Most likely related to the other state selection issues we are …
12:48 Ticket #5570 (Backend - DrumBoiler) updated by Francesco Casella
Milestone changed
12:47 Ticket #5564 (Interactive Environment - This model should not simulate) updated by Francesco Casella
Status, Owner changed
12:33 Ticket #5567 (OMEdit - The engine V6 animation is completely black) updated by Adeel Asghar
Status, Owner changed
12:31 Ticket #5567 (OMEdit - The engine V6 animation is completely black) updated by Adeel Asghar
Yes. I can reproduce this.
12:24 Ticket #5570 (Backend - DrumBoiler) updated by Adeel Asghar
Status, Owner, Component changed
12:17 Ticket #5566 (OMEdit - OMEdit no longer shows the 3D Animation windows) updated by Adeel Asghar
I can't reproduce this. It works as expected for me.
12:16 Ticket #5570 (Backend - DrumBoiler) created by Ref_systems
Hello, everyone! I tried to run the drumboiler example from Fluid …
12:14 Ticket #5564 (Interactive Environment - This model should not simulate) updated by Adeel Asghar
Owner, Component changed
That is because translateModel returns true and just reports the …
12:13 M.mos attached to Ticket #5564 by Adeel Asghar
09:09 Ticket #5554 (OMEdit - Icons in Libraries browser should keep their aspect ratio) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Done in dae5757/OpenModelica.
07:36 Gyro3d.mo attached to Ticket #5552 by dafred4991@…
an example model still showing the described bug with bug_report.2.py
07:34 bug_demo.2.py attached to Ticket #5552 by dafred4991@…
a programming error was fixed in the previous file (line 95) and …
03:26 Ticket #5431 (FMI - FMU Unable to Find File on Resource Folder in Windows) closed by Arinomo <trista.arinomo@…>
03:25 Ticket #5431 (FMI - FMU Unable to Find File on Resource Folder in Windows) updated by Arinomo <trista.arinomo@…>
Replying to adrpo: > Another nasty bug found, this PR …


22:06 Ticket #5565 (NF API - OMEdit generates bogus warnings about missing inner declarations when ...) updated by Francesco Casella
Replying to adrpo: > Because is not for that model those …
21:04 Ticket #2894 (OMEdit - Summary of improvements for OMEdit GUI usability) updated by massimo ceraolo
Description changed
16:18 Ticket #5565 (NF API - OMEdit generates bogus warnings about missing inner declarations when ...) updated by Adrian Pop
Because is not for that model those messages are reported, they are …
15:55 Ticket #5139 (Run-time - Initialization failures due to min/max and assert() violations do not ...) updated by Francesco Casella
I'll have a look at the three failing tests next week and propose a …
15:54 Ticket #5565 (NF API - OMEdit generates bogus warnings about missing inner declarations when ...) updated by Francesco Casella
I still wonder why the compiler complains about the missing …
15:16 Ticket #5139 (Run-time - Initialization failures due to min/max and assert() violations do not ...) updated by Andreas Heuermann
Output for `Modelica.Fluid.Examples.BranchingDynamicPipes.mos – …
15:10 Ticket #5139 (Run-time - Initialization failures due to min/max and assert() violations do not ...) updated by Andreas Heuermann
Ther are some test that are working better now and initialze without …
14:23 Ticket #5562 (Installation program - Windows installation is slow because of anti-malware checks?) updated by massimo ceraolo
On windows I rely on the built-in anti-malware of Win10. Indeed I have …
12:08 Ticket #5565 (NF API - OMEdit generates bogus warnings about missing inner declarations when ...) updated by Adrian Pop
The errors you are seeing are from fetching all the class information, …
11:11 Ticket #5565 (NF API - OMEdit generates bogus warnings about missing inner declarations when ...) updated by Francesco Casella
Status, Owner changed
Replying to adrpo: > I let the -d=nfAPI show all the …
01:00 Ticket #5431 (FMI - FMU Unable to Find File on Resource Folder in Windows) updated by Adrian Pop
Another nasty bug found, this PR should fix it: …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.