


17:06 Ticket #5937 (Parallel simulation) created by llucfigueras1@…
I am trying to use hpcom to simulate in parallel my model, but I don't …
17:03 Ticket #5936 (Simulation statistics) created by lluc@…
When running my model, I don't get the output file, even though …
12:28 Ticket #5935 (OMEdit Crash Report: Host dev.openmodelica.org not found) created by olivleno
After a crash caused by trying to load an encrypted Modelica library a …


18:16 Ticket #5934 (auxiliary state in der-call) created by phannebohm
Currently arguments of the der-call like in der(sin(x)*y) = 1


16:34 Ticket #5933 (OMEdit needs libcurl-4.dll in the bin directory) created by adrpo
See: …


19:02 Ticket #5702 (NF Lookup issue with inner/outer) closed by casella
fixed: Replying to perost: > This no longer happens Good. > but …
17:00 Ticket #5932 (DLL needs to be in working directory) created by nnelsonwood@…
I have been working on creating a library for internal use at my …


20:28 Ticket #5931 (Use the same place for client settings and libraries in Windows) created by adrpo
Currently - the package manager uses: …
12:23 Ticket #5684 (IBPSA Integration - specifically with records for pump) closed by perost
fixed: It seems I fixed this issue two weeks ago in …


19:55 Ticket #5930 (OMSens missing fortran dependency) created by The_Maxtro@…
Good Morning, The OMSens module gives trouble to me: the "Vectorial …
06:27 Ticket #5929 (Icons Connectors fail to show; Linux Ubuntu Bionic) created by paulroberthayes@…
OMEdit starts fine (stable, dev, or nightly); however, upon placing an …


13:53 Ticket #5923 (OMEdit moves connectors in icons when they are moved in the block ...) closed by adeas31
fixed: 38a1cbb/OpenModelica. I have added a flag to enable …


14:22 Ticket #5924 (annotation(DynamicSelect)) closed by adeas31
duplicate: See #3675 and #5631. We do have some basic support for DynamicSelect …
12:29 Ticket #5928 (The backend should not silently discard initial consistent conditions ...) created by casella
Please consider the following MWE, representing two point-mass objects …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.