
Version 3 (modified by lochel, 9 years ago) (diff)

Added OpenModelica 1.9.3 release description

1.9.2 | 1.9.4

Release Notes for OpenModelica 1.9.3

The most important enhancements in the OpenModelica 1.9.3 release:

OpenModelica Compiler (OMC)

This release mainly includes improvements of the OpenModelica Compiler (OMC), including, but not restricted to the following:

  • Further improved simulation speed and coverage for several libraries.
  • Faster generated code for functions involving arrays, factor 2 speedup for many power generation models.
  • Better initialization.
  • An implicit inline Euler solver available.
  • Code generation to enable vectorization of for-loops.
  • Improved non-linear, linear and mixed system solving.
  • Cross-compilation for the ARMhf architecture.
  • A prototype state machine implementation.
  • Improved performance and stability of the C++ runtime option.
  • More accessible and up-to-date automatically generated documentation provided in both html and .pdf.

Graphic Editor OMEdit

There are several improvements to the OpenModelica graphic connection editor OMEdit:

  • Support for uses annotations.
  • Support for declaring components as vectors.
  • Faster messages browser with clickable error messages.
  • Support for managing the stacking order of graphical shapes.
  • Several improvements to the plot tool and text editor in OMEdit.

OpenModelica Notebook (OMNotebook)

Several improvements:

  • Support for moving cells from one place to another in a notebook.
  • A button for evaluation of whole notebooks.
  • A new cell type called Latex cells, supporting Latex formatted input that provides mathematical typesetting of formulae when evaluated.


Several improvements of the Dynamic Optimization module with collocation, using Ipopt:

  • Better performance due to smart treatment of algebraic loops for optimization.
  • Improved formulation of optimization problems with an annotation approach which also allows graphical problem formulation.
  • It is now possible to formulate final constraints, e.g., minimizing the end time of a process.

FMI Support

Further improved FMI 2.0 co-simulation support.

OpenModelica Development Environment (OMDev)

A big change: version handling and parallel development has been improved by moving from SVN to GIThub. This makes it easier for each developer to test his/her fixes and enhancements before committing the code. Automatic mirroring of all code is still performed to the OpenModelica SVN site.

Detailed Changes

Component: Backend (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1679 Equations in certain order cause errors fixed lochel defect high
#2093 Optimization module removeEqualFunctionCalls needs to update EventInfo fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#2396 unit expressions fixed lochel defect high trunk
#2397 More infos in backenddaeinfo would be nice fixed lochel enhancement high trunk
#2553 encapsulateWhenConditions creates wrong independent blocks fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#3323 Weird results for the solution of a simple equation fixed lochel defect high trunk

Component: Build Environment (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2600 Reduce size of reference files fixed defect high trunk
#2913 Online documentation of OMC flags fixed lochel enhancement critical trunk
#3231 /usr/lib/omc/ undefined symbol: GC_set_force_unmap_on_gcollect fixed defect high trunk
#3232 Wrong include path when using +simCodeTarget=Cpp fixed mwalther defect high trunk
#3246 Nightly builds for Linux broken second day in a row fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3268 Add ModelicaTest_trunk_cpp to nightly tests and add validations fixed adrpo defect critical trunk

Component: Code Generation (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#3292 Wrong code for handling string arrays in the external functions fixed defect high trunk
#3367 Unknown dimensions as function output generates bad code fixed defect high trunk
#3395 problem codegen and records fixed defect high trunk
#3403 Avoid using "time" as a macro variable fixed defect high trunk
#3420 List.find() causes segmentation fault fixed defect high trunk

Component: Cpp Run-time (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#3238 Export FMI2 with Cpp runtime fixed rfranke defect high trunk
#3256 Memory leak in ModelicaSimulationError? fixed rfranke defect critical trunk
#3258 Missing AlgebraicModelJacobian::initializeColoredJacobianA() fixed mwalther defect high trunk
#3426 CPP runtime doesn't work "out-of-the-box" under Windows fixed adrpo defect critical trunk
#3429 Logging changed to the worse fixed mflehmig defect high trunk

Component: FMI (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#3240 FMI import treats enumeration parameters badly -- many MSL models fail fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3243 FMI 2.0 tests Windows - Linux differences fixed adrpo defect high trunk

Component: Frontend (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2062 Cardinality reports one but should report two fixed adrpo defect critical trunk
#3239 Missing class modification fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#3247 Missing redeclare class modification fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#3250 Problem with end expression fixed perost defect high trunk
#3291 OMEdit: Simulation of Media.Examples.R134a produces Error fixed adrpo defect blocker trunk
#3327 Redeclare enumeration doesn't work fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3338 Type mismatch in enumeration types fixed perost defect high trunk
#3382 Issue with current implementation of Stream connectors fixed perost defect critical trunk
#3430 Bug in implementation of stream connectors fixed rfranke defect high trunk

Component: Installation program (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2812 Remove obsolete sections from documentation fixed adeas31 defect high trunk

Component: Instantiation (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1367 Constants that are arrays in packages should be copied in the flattened model fixed adrpo defect critical trunk

Component: Interactive Environment (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#3269 OpenModelica.Scripting.deleteFile does not work fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3410 listFile ignores listing nested classes fixed defect high trunk

Component: MetaModelica (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2322 Fix bootstrapping on GCC 4.8 / clang fixed defect blocker trunk

Component: OMEdit (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#1768 plotSilent breaks typesystem fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#2183 New OMEdit builtin icons fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#2264 OMEdit output windows fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#2676 OMEdit can't manage new files in package in separate files fixed adeas31 defect critical trunk
#2677 Can't save edited files if in package fixed adeas31 defect blocker trunk
#3025 problem with saving changes in hierarchical packages fixed adeas31 enhancement high trunk
#3123 OMEdit "Flip vertical" issues fixed adeas31 defect normal trunk
#3196 OMEdit vectorization support fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3234 OMEdit needs to catch the exception thrown in the OpenModelicaScriptingAPIQt.cpp fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3260 OMEdit has issues when saving single-file packages fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3265 Copy or duplicate? fixed adeas31 enhancement low trunk
#3267 Better path when saving plots fixed adeas31 enhancement normal trunk
#3275 OMEdit is not responding since r24043 when loading graphical models fixed adeas31 defect blocker trunk
#3279 OMEdit crashes on resimulate model (Re-Simulate Setup) fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3285 Erroneus pathnames created by Omedit fixed adeas31 defect high trunk
#3290 visual feedback when connecting components in OMEdit fixed adeas31 enhancement normal trunk
#3295 OMEdit: Option "close all" and "close other" is missing in tab view fixed adeas31 enhancement normal trunk
#3380 Save bug with replaceable fixed adeas31 defect blocker trunk
#3441 OMEdit deletes special lines on copying model fixed adeas31 defect high trunk

Component: OMNotebook (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#3351 OMNotebook no longer works on Windows nightly builds fixed adrpo defect blocker trunk
#3375 OMNotebook can no longer plot arrays fixed adeas31 defect critical trunk

Component: Parser (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#3282 Error when duplicating objects in OMEdit fixed adrpo defect high trunk

Component: Run-time (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#2715 Singular System Error in Prismatic Constraint fixed somebody defect high trunk
#3233 Simulation executable generated with +simCodeTarget=Cpp fails if called by OMEdit fixed rfranke defect high trunk
#3249 Simulation crash fixed defect high trunk
#3251 Wrong time stamps recorded when DASSL fails fixed wbraun defect critical trunk
#3261 Cannot override array variables fixed adrpo defect high trunk
#3262 Translation error for MSL and OMEdit crash fixed wbraun defect high trunk
#3263 Cpp runtime generates wrong code for MSL matrix function fixed rfranke defect high trunk
#3286 Array storage order fixed rfranke defect high trunk
#3309 A case of Assert malfunctioning? fixed defect normal trunk
#3313 Library coverage hangs fixed defect high trunk
#3413 OMNotebook fails to simulate on OS X fixed hkiel defect high trunk
#3428 ublas access error for MultiBody fixed niklwors defect high trunk

Component: Third-Party Libraries (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Owner Type Priority Version
#3436 Failed test in SiemensPower after fix in stream connectors fixed defect high trunk