Custom Query (52 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1429 Some kinds of array equations are not supported assigned somebody defect low Future
#1747 Implement checks for all connection rules in chapter 9 new perost task low Future
#2377 Not returning in function with tuple output causes error in bootstrapped compiler new defect low Future
#6293 Function non-inputs are initialized in the wrong order new perost defect low
#1211 Nested der-expressions generates invalid simulation code assigned somebody defect normal Future
#1939 Duplicate class detection not working when loading MSL reopened perost defect normal
#2181 Add flag for model checking new somebody enhancement normal Future
#2380 Better error messages for API calls new somebody defect normal
#2819 List comprehensions that create zero or multiple lists new enhancement normal Future
#2826 Short version of match new enhancement normal Future
#2979 Underscores in function pointer names causes invalid generated code new lochel defect normal Future
#2986 Trying to use a partial function gives linker error instead of compilation error new somebody defect normal Future
#3112 Interactive execution of functions fail in for loops sometimes new somebody defect normal Future
#3197 Better optimization support in OMEdit new adeas31 defect normal Future
#3563 Functional input arguments ignore default arguments new somebody defect normal Future
#3564 Allow usage of polymorphic types as functional inputs new enhancement normal Future
#3811 Metarecord usage in bindings not detected new defect normal Future
#3836 Tuple assignment to singleton type field new defect normal Future
#3890 Code generation for function pointers treat underscores wrong new lochel defect normal Future
#3930 Better tuple access functions in MetaModelica new enhancement normal Future
#4078 OMEdit MetaModelica debugger suggestions new adeas31 enhancement normal Future
#4094 Assignment to _ should probably be illegal new enhancement normal Future
#4227 OMEdit displays enumerations as integers when debugging new adeas31 defect normal Future
#4300 MetaModelica type checking fail with function pointers new defect normal Future
#4648 Add support for annotation for turning off replaceable check new perost enhancement normal Future
#4843 NF doesn't evaluate size expression of function input parameters new perost defect normal 2.1.0
#5006 SimCode fails on array equations inside if equation new lochel defect normal Future
#5272 Inlining handles tuple inputs incorrectly new defect normal Future
#5275 Backend issues with ThermalSeparation library new defect normal Future
#5520 OMSI build fails with newer sundials new defect normal Future
#1232 Equation systems in when equations not handled correctly assigned wbraun defect high Future
#1562 F77 functions sometimes overwrite input arguments accepted perost defect high Future
#1616 Unbound parameter warning should be output during instantiation and not elaboration new perost defect high Future
#2010 Prefix rules needs more work in new instantiation new perost defect high 2.1.0
#2260 Replace DAEDump with template-based dumper new somebody defect high Future
#2387 Operator overloading fails for matrices assigned perost defect high 2.0.0
#2807 Disallow illegal prefixes in records accepted perost defect high Future
#2828 Function partial application sometimes results in type mismatch new defect high Future
#2874 Implement threaded for-loops in MetaModelica new enhancement high Future
#2897 continue statement for for- and while-statements reopened enhancement high Future
#3945 OMC doesn't build with hdf5 1.10 new defect high Future
#4544 Nested match-statements with tuple outputs causes template error new defect high Future
#4548 Implement support for enumerations in Susan new adrpo enhancement high Future
#4895 listArrayLiteral in uniontype constant gives compilation errors new defect high Future
#5248 Implement saveTotalModel using the new frontend new somebody defect high 2.1.0
#5667 Arrays of records insufficiently type checked new perost defect high 2.1.0
#5822 PowerSystems sensor model segfaults during matching new lochel defect high Future
#1478 Handling mixed systems containing discrete iteration variables assigned somebody defect critical Future
#4502 Comparison fails for enumerations wrapped in uniontypes new defect critical Future
#4957 Inefficient code generated for record derivatives new lochel defect critical Future
#5036 Better code generation for constant arrays new lochel defect blocker 2.0.0
#5732 Translation out of sync assigned adeas31 defect blocker 1.19.0
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.