
Version 23 (modified by lochel, 8 years ago) (diff)

Add section for ModelicaTest (trunk)

Coverage Issues

This page is supposed to provide an overview of remaining issues for all tested libraries. Therefore, failing models can get grouped by issue and short analyses and existing tickets can be added to guide the bug-fixing process.

Library Index

MSL (trunk)

The following models fail within runtime stage:

The following models fail due to alarm clock:

The following models fail within (back end) initialization stage:

The following models fail within sim code/code generation stage:

Priority: high (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Milestone
#3464 Failing variable lookup during array creation new mwalther defect Future
#3499 Quasi static fundamental wave machines are not simulating MSL trunk, MSL v.3.3.2-build.3-release assigned wbraun defect Future
#3740 Simulation errors for Modelica trunk new somebody defect Future

MSL 3.2.1

Following 5 models are missing for the full coverage of the cRuntime here.

  • Modelica.Fluid.Examples.HeatingSystem
    • non-linear system fails at initialization
    • has dynamic stateSelection, but even with "stateSelect" always on dymola states it fails.
    • non-linear problem that fails is mixed
    • homotopy is used
    • -> perhaps mixed non-linear problem or homotopy handling

Priority: blocker (1 match)

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Milestone
#6228 Updated SUNDIALS KINSOL failing on Cpp runtime sundials, kinsol reopened AnHeuermann defect 1.19.0

Priority: high (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Milestone
#3004 OMOptim optimization is not working new hubert.thieriot defect Future
#3069 Model needs very long simulation time with Cellier Tearing MSL_3.2.1 accepted ptaeuber defect Future
#3499 Quasi static fundamental wave machines are not simulating MSL trunk, MSL v.3.3.2-build.3-release assigned wbraun defect Future
#3729 Models of trunk/Modelica that do not simulate in OpenModelica (and are not present in MSL 3.2.1 failed simulations) new somebody defect Future
#4992 Should we skip some versions of the Buildings library in Hudson testing and in the OMC installer? assigned task

ModelicaTest (trunk)

Priority: high (1 match)

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Milestone
#5744 Problems to simulate MSL models with OM nightly Linux assigned defect Future

ModelicaTest 3.2.1

Priority: high (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Milestone
#2094 Function testcase not covered by BuildModelRecursive.mos new somebody defect Future
#5744 Problems to simulate MSL models with OM nightly Linux assigned defect Future


Priority: blocker (1 match)

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Milestone
#2894 Summary of improvements for OMEdit GUI usability accepted adeas31 enhancement 2.0.0

Priority: high (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Milestone
#3015 OMEdit Plots are not correct assigned adeas31 defect Future
#3111 Convergence issues on nonlinear equations involving der() accepted wbraun defect
#3116 Make warning/error message from the nonlinear solver more informative new somebody defect
#3117 Evaluate functions of parameters/constants only once (required by data-based interpolation functions) new somebody enhancement Future
#3118 Convergence issues on nonlinear equations not involving der() accepted wbraun defect
#3843 Write .log file directly to disk new somebody defect
#5141 Issues with the solution of fluid system models with low delta-p components new lochel defect
#5341 OMEdit claiming flowrate variable is not constant variable, constant, ThermoPower, translation, error new lochel defect Future
#5351 HRSG Cloned Library Component / re-occuring pump error pump, flowCharacteristic, q_nom, head_nom, ThermoPower assigned casella defect 2.0.0
#5363 Is it currently possible to create/model systems off of the ThermoPower Library in OpenModelica? ThermoPower, Rankine assigned adrpo discussion Future
#5368 Nightly Build 1.14.0 giving odd Syntax Warnings and Effecting Old Simulation Results Brayton, Nightly, Build, NightlyBuild new somebody defect Future
#5371 Heat Exchanger Model works & simulates but doesn't actually transfer energy to raise outlet temperature HE, results, simulation, FlueGas, Water, ThermoPower new lochel defect Future
#5374 How do I solve Modelica errors of variables, where the variables are parameters of extensions that your model is using? Error, Structurally, Singular, Structurally Singular, Translation Error, Variable Not Found, new somebody discussion Future
#5376 How can I simulate my models better and more specifically? HX, Heat Exchanger, Simulation new lochel defect Future
#5414 Unsolvable Error pertaining to variable not found within model new lochel defect Future

Priority: normal (1 match)

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Milestone
#5688 Use of removed conditional component not reported new perost defect Future


Priority: critical (1 match)

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Milestone
#5725 Issues with start values in ThermoSysPro new Karim.Abdelhak defect

Priority: high (1 match)

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Milestone
#4429 Builtin function cardinality is not implemented in Ceval.cevalBuiltinHandler cardinality. ThermoSysPro new adrpo defect Future


Priority: critical (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Milestone
#4215 Cannot access connectors within icon graphics or nested models reopened adeas31 defect
#6254 Backend fails with discrete-time first order model assigned AnHeuermann defect

Priority: high (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Milestone
#2045 Initialisation of external object fails assigned lochel defect Future
#3706 OMEdit does not render some icons assigned adrpo defect Future
#4168 DAE index reduction in clocked partitions new lochel defect
#4238 OMEdit shows strange behavior when loading system libraries automatically assigned adrpo defect
#4272 Simulation Process Failed Modelica_Synchronous accepted lochel discussion Future
#5496 Model structure and Jacobian for vectorized models new lochel defect
#5632 Error creating an fmu with 'Modelica_DeviceDrivers' (1.7.1) block 'Blocks.Communication.UDPSend' Modelica_DeviceDrivers, UDPSend, fmu new lochel defect
#6079 Conflict between modelica_synchronous and pulse source new Karim.Abdelhak defect
#6371 Modelica_Synchronus FMUs not working fmi, Modelica_Synchronus, clock, assigned AnHeuermann defect