
Version 6 (modified by adrpo, 7 years ago) (diff)


1.9.4 | 1.12.0

Release Notes for OpenModelica 1.11.0

  • Dramatically improved compilation speed and performance, in particular for large models.
  • 3D animation visualization of regular MSL MultiBody simulations and for real-time FMUs.
  • Better support for synchronous and state machine language elements, now supports 90% of the clocked synchronous library.
  • Several OMEdit improvements including folding of large annotations.
  • 64-bit OM on Windows further stabilized
  • An updated OMDev (OpenModelica Development Environment), involving msys2. This was needed for the shift to 64-bit on Windows.
  • Integration of Sundials/IDA DAE solver with potentially large increase of simulation performance for large models with sparse structure.
  • Improved library coverage.
  • Parameter sensitivity analysis added to OMC.

OpenModelica Compiler (OMC)

  • Real-time synchronization support by using simFlag -rt=1.0 (or some other time scaling factor).
  • A prototype implementation of OPC UA using an open source OPC UA implementation. The old OPC implementation was not maintained and relied on a Windows-only proprietary OPC DA+UA package. (At the moment, OPC is experimental and lacks documentation; it only handles reading/writing Real/Boolean input/state variables. It is planned for OMEdit to use OPC UA to re-implement interactive simulations and plotting.)
  • Dramatically improved compilation speed and dramatically reduced memory requirements for very large models. In Nov 2015, the largest power generation and transmission system model that OMC could handle had 60000 equations and it took 700 seconds to generate the simulation executable code; it now takes only 45 seconds to do so with OMC 1.11.0, which can also handle a model 10 times bigger (600 000 equations) in less than 15 minutes and with less than 32 GB of RAM. Simulation times are comparable to domain-specific simulation tools. See for example ScalableTestSuite for some of the improvements.
  • Improved library coverage
  • Better support for synchronous and state machine language elements, now simulates 90% of the clocked synchronous library.
  • Enhanced Cpp runtime to support the PowerSystems library.
  • Integration of Sundials/IDA solver as an alternative to DASSL.
  • A DAEMode solver mode was added, which allows to use the sparse IDA solver to handle the DAEs directly. This can lead to substantially faster simulation on large systems with sparse structure, compared to the traditional approach.
  • The direct sparse solvers KLU and SuperLU have been added, with benefits for models with large algebraic loops.
  • Multi-parameter sensitivity analysis added to OMC.
  • Progress on more efficient inline function mechanism.
  • Stabilized 64-bit Windows support.
  • Performance improvement of parameter evaluation.
  • Enhanced tearing support, with prefer iteration variables and user-defined tearing.
  • Support for external object aliases in connectors and equations (a non-standard Modelica extension).
  • Code generation directly to file (saves maximum memory used). #3356
  • Code generation in parallel is enabled since #3356 (controlled by omc flag -n). This improves performance since generating code directly to file avoid memory allocation.
  • Allowing mixed dense and sparse linear solvers in the generated simulation (chosen depending on simflags -ls (dense solver), -lss (sparse solver), -lssMaxDensity and -lssMinSize).

Graphic Editor OMEdit

  • Significantly faster browsing of most libraries.
  • Several GUI improvements including folding of multi-line annotations.
  • Further improved code formatting preservation during edits.
  • Support for all simulation logging flags.
  • Select and export variables after simulation.
  • Support for Byte Order Mark. Added support enables other tools to correctly read the files written by OMEdit.
  • Save files with line endings according to OS (Windows (CRLF), Unix (LF)).
  • Added OMEdit support for FMU cross compilation. This makes it possible to launch OMEdit on a remote or virtual Linux machine using a Windows X server and export an FMU with Windows binaries.
  • Support of DisplayUnit and unit conversion.
  • Fixed automatic save.
  • Initial support for DynamicSelect in model diagrams (texts and visible attribute after simulation, no expressions yet).
  • An HTML documentation editor (not WYSIWYG; that editor will be available in the subsequent release).
  • Improved logging in OMEdit of structured messages and standard output streams for simulations.

FMI Support

  • Cross compilation of C++ FMU export. Compared to the C runtime, the C++ cross compilation covers the whole runtime for model exchange.
  • Improved Newton solver for C++ FMUs (scaling and step size control).

Other things

  • 3D animation visualization of regular MSL MultiBody simulations and for real-time FMUs.
  • An updated OMDev (OpenModelica Development Environment), involving msys2. This was needed for the shift to 64-bit on Windows.
  • OMWebbook, a web version of OMNotebook online. Also, a script is available to convert an OMNotebook to an OMWebbook.
  • A Jupyter notebook Modelica mode, available in OpenModelica.

Component: *unknown* (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Milestone Owner Type Priority
#4048 Where is function print defined? fixed 1.11.0 somebody defect high

Component: Backend (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Milestone Owner Type Priority
#1651 Evaluating structural parameters to avoid circular parameter bindings fixed 1.11.0 adrpo defect high
#2698 EvaluateParameter.evaluateParameters fixed 1.11.0 probably noone defect high
#3091 Nonlinear equation system of size 1 fixed 1.11.0 vitalij defect high
#3102 Models using the IF97 water medium are slow due to lack of common subexpression elimination fixed 1.11.0 lochel defect blocker
#3748 Tearing consuming too much memory fixed 1.11.0 defect high
#3939 unitChecking does not always find mismatched units fixed 1.11.0 lochel defect high
#3999 Variable name creation problem in C sources when model using complex object hierarchy and algebraic loops are built fixed 1.11.0 wbraun defect normal
#4061 Not well-posed models not always rejected fixed 1.11.0 lochel defect blocker
#4089 HideResult defaults to protected fixed 1.11.0 ptaeuber defect high
#4093 Many nightly tests fail since October 21 fixed 1.11.0 lochel defect blocker
#4116 Start values of states are hardly changeable fixed 1.11.0 lochel defect high
#4124 Does fill() create equations? fixed 1.11.0 vwaurich defect high
#4203 Problem with matching and sorting when using functions with multiple outputs fixed 1.11.0 vwaurich defect critical

Component: Build Environment (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Milestone Owner Type Priority
#3402 Fix GCC 5.x issues so that it can be used in Windows fixed 1.11.0 adrpo defect high
#4173 System OpenSceneGraph not detected during configuration which disables 3D animation in OMEdit fixed 1.11.0 defect high

Component: Code Generation (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Milestone Owner Type Priority
#4072 Wrong array storage order in Cpp FMU2 fixed 1.11.0 rfranke defect blocker
#4170 Warnings in C code of models simulating successfully fixed 1.11.0 lochel defect high

Component: Command Prompt Environment (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Milestone Owner Type Priority
#3928 Add --alarm as command line option for OMC fixed 1.11.0 adrpo defect high

Component: FMI (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Milestone Owner Type Priority
#3599 fmiInitialize crash - stack alignment assumption incorrect fixed 1.11.0 adrpo defect high
#4183 Generated FMUs on Windows are missing libstdc++-6.dll fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect blocker

Component: Frontend (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Milestone Owner Type Priority
#2311 Differentiate between Inline = false and no inline annotation fixed 1.11.0 somebody enhancement normal
#4007 comma separated list of expressions fixed 1.11.0 defect high
#4052 Structural parameters fixed 1.11.0 ptaeuber defect high
#4053 Structural parameters (second issue) fixed 1.11.0 ptaeuber defect high
#4062 External Object Alias fixed 1.11.0 vwaurich defect high
#4248 OMEdit causes wrong simulation results fixed 1.11.0 adrpo defect blocker

Component: Installation program (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Milestone Owner Type Priority
#4019 Using CombiTimeTable emits multiple unused variable tableAvailable warnings fixed 1.11.0 defect high

Component: Interactive Environment (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Milestone Owner Type Priority
#2474 Problem in modifying / saving Modelica code in OMEdit fixed 1.11.0 somebody defect high
#3907 Escaping Characters disapearing when using setDocumentAnnotation fixed 1.11.0 defect normal

Component: MetaModelica (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Milestone Owner Type Priority
#3709 MetaModelica extension: bidirectional variables fixed 1.11.0 enhancement high
#3995 Union types with type variables cannot index record members fixed 1.11.0 defect high

Component: OMEdit (28 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Milestone Owner Type Priority
#2233 OMEdit: Hiding annotations in text view fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 enhancement normal
#2250 Support DisplayUnit and unit conversion for parameter input in OMEdit fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 enhancement blocker
#3525 OMEdit segfaults in fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect high
#3736 Plots hide off side of window fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect high
#3881 OMEdit crashes using the open button fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect high
#4031 Issues with OMEdit and components from the PowerSystems library fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect blocker
#4039 Document Browser does not honour linebreaks in info layer for text type fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect high
#4042 OMEdit crash when saving model with conflicting variable names fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect high
#4074 Segmentation fault when opening OMEdit nightly build but not stable build fixed 1.11.0 defect high
#4081 OMEdit ignores modified displayUnit fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect high
#4084 Wrong parameter display in OMEdit fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect high
#4091 OMEdit crash when working with text view fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect high
#4095 OMEdit doesn't show changed parameters of inherited components fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect high
#4136 3d support for simple "coffee cup" animation fixed 1.11.0 vwaurich defect high
#4137 default simulation tolerance fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 discussion high
#4144 OMEdit debugger does not unbox Integers. fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect normal
#4145 Where has the transformational debugger gone? fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect blocker
#4152 OMEdit removes constants from package.order file fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect critical
#4162 Re-simulate button fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect high
#4175 OMEdit 1.11.0 Beta1 crashes fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect blocker
#4177 Copy properties to icon layer fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 enhancement low
#4178 Error when updating a submodel in OMEdit fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect normal
#4202 Instructions on how to use OMEdit animation features missing in the User Guide fixed 1.11.0 vwaurich defect blocker
#4209 Wrong errors reported by OMEdit when first opening a MultiBody model fixed 1.11.0 adrpo defect high
#4231 Weird behaviour of temperatures in the Variables Browser fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect high
#4234 Provide two side-by-side windows in OMEdit fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 enhancement normal
#4250 Code folding not always works fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect high
#4251 Context Menu View Documentation not working properly fixed 1.11.0 adeas31 defect high

Component: OMNotebook (1 match)

Ticket Summary Resolution Milestone Owner Type Priority
#3990 Build errors with Qt 5.7 and clang (needs C++11) fixed 1.11.0 defect high

Component: Run-time (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Resolution Milestone Owner Type Priority
#3548 Bad memory leak with umfpack fixed 1.11.0 wbraun defect high
#3765 Bad macro for semiLinear fixed 1.11.0 somebody defect blocker
#3991 Final time not respected when selecting -noEquidistantTimeGrid fixed 1.11.0 wbraun defect high
#4004 IDA solver in DAE mode fails in models with events fixed 1.11.0 wbraun defect critical
#4009 Array types defined with type are not dealt with correctly in external functions fixed 1.11.0 defect high
#4165 C runtime simulation_data.h out of date fixed 1.11.0 lochel defect low