Custom Query (33 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#6147 OpenModelica 1.16.0-dev.beta1-64bit OMPython Install Problem Adeel Asghar defect assigned blocker 1.19.0
#2222 OMPython interface loses sequence info and OMPython exit bug Alachew Mengist defect new critical Future
#2223 PySimulator in OpenModelica 1.9.0 release Alachew Mengist enhancement closed critical 1.9.1
#5612 OMPython fails to load model in enhanced mode due to ValueError Alachew Mengist defect new critical Future
#3392 OMCSession() function can not connect to OMC server Martin Sjölund defect closed high 1.9.4
#4289 In OMPython the linearization doesn't result correct results arunkumar palanisamy defect closed high Future
#4493 OMCSessionZMQ cannot connect to server Alachew Mengist defect closed high
#4622 Update script to use the new ZMQ variant of OMPython Alachew Mengist enhancement closed high 1.16.0
#5271 Cannot import to Python Alachew Mengist defect closed high
#5289 [OMPython] Support multiple files in ModelicaSystem Alachew Mengist defect closed high 1.13.2
#5378 Enhancements required for multi-simulation scenarios arunkumar palanisamy enhancement closed high
#5499 setParameters of ModelicaSystem has no effect on simulation Alachew Mengist defect new high Future
#5661 installing OMPython arunkumar palanisamy defect closed high 1.14.0
#5717 OMPython linearize function not working correctly Alachew Mengist defect new high
#5734 OMPython ZMQ session does not connect in "OpenModelica v1.14.0-dev.beta3 (64-bit)" GijsS defect closed high NeedsInput
#5890 buildModel() fails with 'ModelicaSystem' object has no attribute 'buildModel' Alachew Mengist defect reopened high Future
#5921 Support for loading mol files in OMPython Alachew Mengist enhancement new high Future
#5956 omc.sendExpression("buildModel(%s)"%modelName) fails to build a model correctly built by OMEdit. Alachew Mengist defect closed high 1.16.0
#6016 Unable to access Open Modelica from Scilab Alachew Mengist defect new high
#6084 Use of function convertMo2Fmu arunkumar palanisamy discussion closed high NeedsInput
#6178 unable -assert (simulation flag) with ompython arunkumar palanisamy defect new high
#6214 Simulate OpenModelica models on linux Server/Cluster arunkumar palanisamy defect new high Future
#6223 Python.h not found arunkumar palanisamy task assigned high
#6305 Retire support of Python 2 in OMPython arunkumar palanisamy discussion new high
#6337 OMPython openning files associates with non default OM libraries arunkumar palanisamy defect reopened high NeedsInput
#6349 Failed to insert class Test_VSC within HVDCcomponents.Examples arunkumar palanisamy defect new high
#6365 check type of submodel arunkumar palanisamy defect new high NeedsInput
#6421 translateModelFMU to target directory arunkumar palanisamy task closed high NeedsInput
#3705 Implement jupyter-openmodelica in addition to OMNotebook Adeel Asghar enhancement closed normal 1.12.0
#3764 OMCSession.sendExpression uses up all available memory when pyplot is imported Martin Sjölund defect assigned normal Future
#5230 getErrorString raises pyparsing.ParseException after calling buildModel in the python interface Alachew Mengist defect new normal
#5450 Usage of the Synchronous Library not possible Alachew Mengist task closed normal 1.19.0
#4029 OMPython assumes omniidl is installed Alachew Mengist enhancement closed low 1.12.0
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