


06:36 Ticket #3670 (OMEdit does not apply Target Compiler and Target Language setting ...) created by rfranke
The recent version 1.9.4 offers the new GUI dialogs …


19:49 Ticket #3669 (The front-end takes too much time doing basic operations) created by casella
Consider the attached test package. The model M contains N scalar …
19:30 Ticket #3668 (Memory allocation of the back-end and code generation grows ...) created by casella
Consider the attached test package: it has one large algebraic system …
18:57 Ticket #2927 (Wrong zero crossing function generation) closed by lochel
fixed: This seems to be fixed.
14:11 Ticket #3667 (Add keyboard shortcuts for changing the order to components in the tree) created by dietmarw
OMEdit has the feature of changing the order of components inside the …
12:47 Ticket #3601 (Syntax check does not show error details in browser; the error wrongly ...) closed by ceraolo
11:15 Ticket #3615 (RHEL 6.7: VanDerPol FMU fails to compile: undefined reference to ...) closed by sjoelund.se
11:15 Ticket #3616 (RHEL 6.7: FMU fails to compile: stringAppend missing) closed by sjoelund.se
10:59 Ticket #3393 (OpenModelica fails to open package with syntax errors) closed by dietmarw


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18:04 Ticket #2803 (Generated SVGs not quite right.) closed by dietmarw
fixed: Not sure what has changed and when but I've just tested it again and …
17:51 Ticket #3663 (Rename context menu entry "View Class" to "Open Class") closed by adeas31
fixed: Done in 5f95f7e/OMEdit.
17:37 Ticket #3665 (Add display of the description string of instantiated component) closed by adeas31
fixed: 7cd899b/OMEdit includes component comment to the tool-tip …
16:49 Ticket #3666 (Undefined variable time is not detected within functions) created by lochel
Undefined variable time in functions is not detected. In some cases …
09:46 Ticket #3665 (Add display of the description string of instantiated component) created by dietmarw
Currently when one looks at the parameter of an instantiated component …


15:08 Ticket #3664 (Modelica.Media.Air.MoistAir cp,isentropicexpnent etc. @ below 273.16K) closed by perost
invalid: Unless I misunderstood you this is an issue with the Modelica standard …
13:41 Ticket #3658 (OMEdit doesn't allow to add or change comments) reopened by sjoelund.se
It was not resolved. It was just hacked around.
13:40 Ticket #3642 (diffModelicaFileListings outputs nothing) closed by sjoelund.se
fixed: Fixed in …
13:37 Ticket #3664 (Modelica.Media.Air.MoistAir cp,isentropicexpnent etc. @ below 273.16K) created by Enrico.Klausner@…
I discovered a problem with the behaviour of moist air below 273.16K …
13:10 Ticket #3663 (Rename context menu entry "View Class" to "Open Class") created by dietmarw
The current menu entry "View Class" does actually open the class …
08:21 Ticket #3662 (Internal error expanding package in OMEdit) created by Alexander Täschner <A.Taeschner@…>
Using the current nightly build on Windows …
07:42 Ticket #3484 (Undeclared symbols simulating with c and cpp runtime) closed by Alexander Täschner <A.Taeschner@…>
fixed: Using the current nightly the undeclared symbol error is gone, now the …
00:29 Ticket #3624 (New OMEdit does not retain some text modifications) closed by casella
fixed: Fixed in …
00:28 Ticket #3635 (New model faulty and not saved; package sometimes destroyed) closed by casella
fixed: Fixed in …
00:09 Ticket #3658 (OMEdit doesn't allow to add or change comments) closed by casella
fixed: Problem solved


20:14 Ticket #3608 (Omedit shows a component's icon but when checking does not find it) closed by adeas31
19:48 Ticket #3528 (ModelicaBook stopped working) closed by perost
fixed: Fixed in 63ec077.
17:35 Ticket #3661 (Add a resimulate() function to the API) created by vitalij
It would be really nice to have something like […] for …
17:25 Ticket #3659 (Infinite loop in ExpressionSimplify) closed by wbraun
fixed: [https://github.com/wibraun/OMCompiler/commit/f1d5742092b92c6d526c01fa0
13:53 Ticket #3660 (Linearisation menu) created by trabuzin@…
It would be nice to have option of linearising the selected system …


23:31 Ticket #3659 (Infinite loop in ExpressionSimplify) created by adrpo
Seems these models from ModelicaTest 3.2.1 and ModelicaTest_trunk go …
14:23 Ticket #3658 (OMEdit doesn't allow to add or change comments) created by casella
Load the attached test package in OMEdit. Select M1 and add a comment …
10:58 Ticket #3657 (OMEdit no longer renders icons) created by dietmarw
In the latest beta.1 OMEdit stopped rendering icons in the diagram …


16:18 Ticket #3656 (Current removeSimpleEquation module causes leading sign error) created by ahaumer@…
I'm developing some new components for teaching, please have a look at …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.