- 16:14 Ticket #3656 (Backend - Current removeSimpleEquation module causes leading sign error) updated by
- Something must be done urgently if OpenModelica produces such wrong …
- 11:28 Ticket #3376 (Installation program - Command prompt under Windows) updated by
- Recently I had noticed that OMEdit also got the menu Tools -> Open …
- 00:01 Ticket #3376 (Installation program - Command prompt under Windows) updated by
- I added a command prompt in 7d939b5/OMEdit. It is …
- 22:47 Ticket #3685 (Code Generation - SimCode generation time does not scale properly with the system size) created by
- Consider the results on the compilation of the models …
- 21:30 Ticket #3679 (Frontend - getComponentAnnotations is too slow on MSL components) updated by
Priority changed
This should be improved as soon as Hudson feels like looking at my … - 20:50 Ticket #3656 (Backend - Current removeSimpleEquation module causes leading sign error) updated by
- There must be a reason why the new implementation is not yet used …
- 20:49 Ticket #3684 (Backend - index reduction fails with a singular jacobian) updated by
- One other observation is that my results variable list includes a …
- 20:22 Ticket #3684 (Backend - index reduction fails with a singular jacobian) updated by
- I just tried to run this in OMShell, instead of OMEdit. In OMShell, …
- 20:02 Ticket #3684 (Backend - index reduction fails with a singular jacobian) created by
- I have run into a problem where one of my models shows no results in …
- 18:20 Ticket #3668 (Backend - Memory allocation of the back-end and code generation grows ...) updated by
Owner changed
- 18:20 Ticket #3668 (Backend - Memory allocation of the back-end and code generation grows ...) updated by
Status, Owner changed
- 18:10 Ticket #3559 (OMNotebook - OMNotebook while generating *init.xml use locale LC_NUMERIC options) updated by
Priority changed
I suppose this could happen if OMNotebook changes the locale (omc … - 17:52 Ticket #3679 (Frontend - getComponentAnnotations is too slow on MSL components) updated by
Status, Owner changed
- 17:49 Ticket #3668 (Backend - Memory allocation of the back-end and code generation grows ...) updated by
- Probably due to double recursion in the function that computes the …
- 17:47 Ticket #3610 (Build Environment - Generating a fmu fails because share/omc/runtime/c is not present) closed by
- fixed: This should have been fixed since …
- 17:46 Ticket #3610 (Build Environment - Generating a fmu fails because share/omc/runtime/c is not present) updated by
Status, Owner, Milestone changed
- 17:46 Ticket #3681 (Backend - calculateStrongComponentJacobians is slow and scales badly) updated by
Summary changed
The reason why the function was executed anyway was that it was called … - 17:23 Ticket #3641 (FMI - FMU generation doesn't work on Windows) updated by
Priority changed
- 16:32 Ticket #3653 (Code Generation - Evaluation of lists (stringReal looses type?)) closed by
- fixed
- 15:36 Ticket #3609 (Build Environment - make omc; cd OMCompiler; make install fails because omedit is not present.) closed by
- fixed: This is getting fixed in …
- 15:35 Ticket #3609 (Build Environment - make omc; cd OMCompiler; make install fails because omedit is not present.) updated by
Status, Owner changed
- 15:29 Ticket #3639 (Third-Party Libraries - MinGW linker finds pre-built MSVC library) updated by
- Note that it must also be the same version of MinGW that the library …
- 15:27 Ticket #3640 (Build Environment - Compilation errors for Modelica.Math.FastFourierTransform.Examples.RealFFT1) updated by
- Adrian: Can you check if this works with the MSL shipped with …
- 15:22 Ticket #3647 (MetaModelica - boolString doesn't work as function argument) updated by
Status, Milestone changed
This is getting fixed in … - 15:17 Ticket #3653 (Code Generation - Evaluation of lists (stringReal looses type?)) updated by
- Getting fixed in: https://github.com/OpenModelica/OMCompiler/pull/404
- 15:16 Ticket #3653 (Code Generation - Evaluation of lists (stringReal looses type?)) updated by
Status, Owner changed
- 14:30 Ticket #3645 (New Instantiation - Modelica.Utilities.Files.removeFile doesn't work) updated by
- See also m:#1886. We now remove the print functions, but the other …
- 14:24 Ticket #3683 (OMEdit - Sometimes OMEdit does not delete connect equations) updated by
- Never faced this issue before. Would be nice if you could provide a …
- 14:15 Ticket #3683 (OMEdit - Sometimes OMEdit does not delete connect equations) created by
- In OMEdit, when you delete a model, also the related connecting lines …
- 14:12 Ticket #2303 (OMNotebook - OMNotebook: move cells / change hierarchical structure of document) closed by
- fixed
- 14:10 Ticket #2305 (OMNotebook - OMNotebook: “eval all” button) closed by
- fixed
- 14:10 Ticket #3656 (Backend - Current removeSimpleEquation module causes leading sign error) updated by
Summary changed
- 13:01 Ticket #3682 (Backend - bindValue in BackendDAE.Var) created by
- Hi, just for clearification: What is the difference between …
- 07:40 Ticket #3318 (Interactive Environment - Too many heap sections) updated by
- This issue is well and alive also in rel OM …
- 07:32 Ticket #3608 (Frontend - Omedit shows a component's icon but when checking does not find it) updated by
- The enclosed TestConnect.mo" shows the problem is still existing. - …
- 07:28 Ticket #3608 (Frontend - Omedit shows a component's icon but when checking does not find it) reopened by
- 07:18 Ticket #3668 (Backend - Memory allocation of the back-end and code generation grows ...) updated by
- Basically all the memory is consumed by computation of symbolic …
- 01:05 Ticket #3681 (Backend - calculateStrongComponentJacobians is slow and scales badly) created by
- The calculateStrongComponentJacobians function is slow and scales …
- 16:37 Ticket #3672 (OMEdit - Block connection including an array) closed by
invalid: You can connect two arrays together. In the
create connection
dialog … - 16:37 Ticket #3680 (Interactive Environment - getConnectionCount does not return connection with for loop) updated by
Status, Owner changed
- 16:34 Ticket #3680 (Interactive Environment - getConnectionCount does not return connection with for loop) created by
- If the connection is defined in the for loop like this, […] The …
- 16:32 Ticket #2960 (OMEdit - Extremely sluggish performance of OMEdit when browsing MSL and ...) updated by
- Even though I understand it is obsolete after today's discussion, I …
- 15:53 Ticket #3675 (OMEdit - Add interactive simulation support (e.g., DynamicSelect display)) updated by
- Just to increase the pressure: …
- 15:43 Ticket #2960 (OMEdit - Extremely sluggish performance of OMEdit when browsing MSL and ...) updated by
- But why should it take this long to instantiate the World model or the …
- 15:29 Ticket #2960 (OMEdit - Extremely sluggish performance of OMEdit when browsing MSL and ...) updated by
- This happens because the MB library has annotations containing …
- 15:25 Ticket #2960 (OMEdit - Extremely sluggish performance of OMEdit when browsing MSL and ...) updated by
- I just opened #3679 on this specific topic, and marked it as blocker. …
- 15:23 Ticket #3679 (Frontend - getComponentAnnotations is too slow on MSL components) created by
- This is the performance log reported by OMEdit when opening the …
- 15:14 Ticket #3677 (OMEdit - Missing Cpp path when simulating from OMEdit under Windows) closed by
- fixed
- 15:14 Ticket #3673 (OMEdit - Add a button for inferring bindings) closed by
- fixed: Done in 8dacf8d/OMEdit.
- 12:13 Ticket #3668 (Backend - Memory allocation of the back-end and code generation grows ...) updated by
Status changed
This seems to be connected to very bad structure in the backend. I … - 12:03 Ticket #2960 (OMEdit - Extremely sluggish performance of OMEdit when browsing MSL and ...) updated by
- I provided the reason in my very first comment. I am just copy pasting …
- 11:59 Ticket #2960 (OMEdit - Extremely sluggish performance of OMEdit when browsing MSL and ...) updated by
- Can you attach an OMEdit log where you tried this out? …
- 11:50 Ticket #2960 (OMEdit - Extremely sluggish performance of OMEdit when browsing MSL and ...) updated by
- It seems that the situation is worsening. I made a test on OMEdit …
- 00:56 Ticket #3678 (*unknown* - Efficient flattening (and code generation) for large-scale network models) updated by
- I understand that this cannot work in general if you start having …
- 23:24 Ticket #3678 (*unknown* - Efficient flattening (and code generation) for large-scale network models) updated by
- Replying to casella: > Regarding the front-end, I …
- 23:14 Ticket #3669 (Frontend - The front-end takes too much time doing basic operations) updated by
- See also #3678
- 23:09 Ticket #3678 (*unknown* - Efficient flattening (and code generation) for large-scale network models) created by
- I have tried to summarize in a representative model the features of …
- 22:30 Ticket #3668 (Backend - Memory allocation of the back-end and code generation grows ...) updated by
- According to these results, it seems that the main culprit is matching …
- 22:23 Ticket #3677 (OMEdit - Missing Cpp path when simulating from OMEdit under Windows) updated by
Description changed
- 20:52 Ticket #3677 (OMEdit - Missing Cpp path when simulating from OMEdit under Windows) created by
- See: https://github.com/OpenModelica/OMEdit/pull/10
- 17:29 Ticket #3676 (Build Environment - Do some sanity checks on the Windows PATH when building omc) updated by
Status, Owner changed
- 17:29 Ticket #3676 (Build Environment - Do some sanity checks on the Windows PATH when building omc) created by
- Sometimes if the user changes their Windows PATH the build will get to …
- 16:59 Ticket #3630 (OMEdit - OMEdit crashes or fumbles up the formatting when duplicating classes ...) updated by
- Replying to sjoelund.se: > @Adeel: The problem here is …
- 16:10 Ticket #3675 (OMEdit - Add interactive simulation support (e.g., DynamicSelect display)) updated by
- For this we would need: - some new API to get the DynamicSelect …
- 15:57 Ticket #3675 (OMEdit - Add interactive simulation support (e.g., DynamicSelect display)) created by
- OMEdit is missing one nice feature that allows to make models more …
- 14:51 Ticket #3674 (New Instantiation - Template error generated by omc) created by
- Trying to find a workaround for bug #3089 for the HelmholtzMedia …
- 10:33 Ticket #3669 (Frontend - The front-end takes too much time doing basic operations) updated by
- This was a good move!
- 23:57 Ticket #3641 (FMI - FMU generation doesn't work on Windows) updated by
Cc changed
Thanks Ruediger for pointing this out! If this is the case, it would … - 23:25 Ticket #3673 (OMEdit - Add a button for inferring bindings) updated by
- I attached an example model + script call, the call will update the …
- 22:52 Ticket #3673 (OMEdit - Add a button for inferring bindings) updated by
- Can you provide a mos-script for it with a text model? I need to know …
- 22:06 Ticket #3641 (FMI - FMU generation doesn't work on Windows) updated by
Priority changed
You might also consider using the new Tools->Options->Simulation … - 21:40 Ticket #3673 (OMEdit - Add a button for inferring bindings) created by
- I need a button in the right click menu that calls "infer bindings" …
- 19:42 Ticket #3669 (Frontend - The front-end takes too much time doing basic operations) updated by
- Improved in f45a8b2, the front end now …
- 16:07 Ticket #3672 (OMEdit - Block connection including an array) created by
- Hello guys, I have two Blocks, A and B and I want to connect both of …
- 14:58 Ticket #3669 (Frontend - The front-end takes too much time doing basic operations) updated by
- I just finished running some profiling on the largest model, and one …
- 14:47 Ticket #3669 (Frontend - The front-end takes too much time doing basic operations) updated by
Adrian pointed out that the problem might be the
clause … - 11:43 Ticket #3630 (OMEdit - OMEdit crashes or fumbles up the formatting when duplicating classes ...) updated by
Status changed
@Adeel: The problem here is that OMEdit calls diffModelicaFileListings … - 11:13 Ticket #3670 (OMEdit - OMEdit does not apply Target Compiler and Target Language setting ...) updated by
- Yes, you are right. I re-ordered the target languages and it makes …
- 11:11 Ticket #3619 (OMEdit - inner package (folder) deletion not saved) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in PR:384
- 11:10 Ticket #3619 (OMEdit - inner package (folder) deletion not saved) updated by
Status, Owner changed
- 03:04 Ticket #3670 (OMEdit - OMEdit does not apply Target Compiler and Target Language setting ...) updated by
- I could not longer get OMEdit to simulate anything. […] I had …
- 20:37 Ticket #3656 (Backend - Current removeSimpleEquation module causes leading sign error) updated by
Priority, Status, Component, Milestone changed
It seems to be again a nasty alias elimination bug in the current … - 20:14 Ticket #3656 (Backend - Current removeSimpleEquation module causes leading sign error) updated by
Status changed
- 18:24 Ticket #3656 (Backend - Current removeSimpleEquation module causes leading sign error) updated by
Status, Owner changed
Willi, can you have a look at this? - 17:36 Ticket #3656 (Backend - Current removeSimpleEquation module causes leading sign error) updated by
- Just to clarify the ticket. The equations of motion in class …
- 15:15 Ticket #3666 (Frontend - Undefined variable time is not detected within functions) updated by
- Maybe we should add a small library coverage test with …
- 15:14 Ticket #3666 (Frontend - Undefined variable time is not detected within functions) updated by
Milestone changed
Thanks! - 15:07 Ticket #3670 (OMEdit - OMEdit does not apply Target Compiler and Target Language setting ...) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in a129b0f/OMEdit.
- 14:40 Ticket #3666 (Frontend - Undefined variable time is not detected within functions) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in 47ae7d2. time is now only …
- 14:39 Ticket #3658 (OMEdit - OMEdit doesn't allow to add or change comments) closed by
- fixed
- 14:12 Ticket #3670 (OMEdit - OMEdit does not apply Target Compiler and Target Language setting ...) updated by
- Hmm. Just upgraded to the new versions 4f02c1 of OMCompiler and db0641 …
- 12:48 Ticket #3661 (*unknown* - Add a resimulate() function to the API) updated by
Type changed
- 12:46 Ticket #3661 (*unknown* - Add a resimulate() function to the API) updated by
- Replying to sjoelund.se: > How about a resimulate command? …
- 11:43 Ticket #3661 (*unknown* - Add a resimulate() function to the API) updated by
- How about a resimulate command?
- 10:46 Ticket #3667 (OMEdit - Add keyboard shortcuts for changing the order to components in the tree) closed by
- fixed: Just forget what I was saying. Might have been some glitch in the …
- 08:45 Ticket #3671 (Installation program - Add OpenModelica package to deb-src) updated by
Cc, Status, Owner changed
- 08:44 Ticket #3671 (Installation program - Add OpenModelica package to deb-src) created by
- https://build.openmodelica.org/apt/dists/trusty/nightly/source/Sources …
- 08:19 Ticket #3667 (OMEdit - Add keyboard shortcuts for changing the order to components in the tree) reopened by
- Move up and down works now via keybord shortcuts. Move top/down …
- 20:16 Ticket #3632 (Code Generation - linearization - is no longer working) closed by
- fixed
- 18:41 Ticket #3632 (Code Generation - linearization - is no longer working) updated by
- Problem solved now in version "v1.9.4-dev.beta1.30+g6d7b093" from …
- 00:37 Ticket #3667 (OMEdit - Add keyboard shortcuts for changing the order to components in the tree) closed by
- fixed: Done in db0641f/OMEdit.
- 23:47 Ticket #3670 (OMEdit - OMEdit does not apply Target Compiler and Target Language setting ...) updated by
- According to the procedure explained above I can't reproduce the …
- 23:46 Ticket #3670 (OMEdit - OMEdit does not apply Target Compiler and Target Language setting ...) updated by
- Replying to dietmarw: > > C | Cpp | CSharp | ... > > If …
- 18:09 Ticket #3670 (OMEdit - OMEdit does not apply Target Compiler and Target Language setting ...) updated by
- > C | Cpp | CSharp | ... If it is about display why not: ` C | C++ | …
- 18:06 Ticket #3665 (OMEdit - Add display of the description string of instantiated component) updated by
- Confirmed to work. :-)
- 09:55 Ticket #3670 (OMEdit - OMEdit does not apply Target Compiler and Target Language setting ...) updated by
Description changed
- 08:50 Ticket #3641 (FMI - FMU generation doesn't work on Windows) updated by
- I'm afraid that the new automatic configuration would hardly do …
- 05:36 Ticket #3670 (OMEdit - OMEdit does not apply Target Compiler and Target Language setting ...) created by
- The recent version 1.9.4 offers the new GUI dialogs …
See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.