Custom Query (65 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#4293 Bad strategy to solve rational equations assigned Andreas Heuermann, Vitalij Ruge Karim Adbdelhak defect blocker
#4598 OMEdit should not hang for more than a few seconds new Andrea Bartolini, massimo ceraolo, alberto.leva@…, omusability@… Adeel Asghar defect blocker
#5252 Misleading and incomplete output regarding conflicting start and nominal attributes new Karim Adbdelhak, Andrea Bartolini, Vitalij Ruge Lennart Ochel defect blocker
#5276 Issue with OMEdit formatting due to bug in diffModelicaListings assigned Martin Sjölund, Andrea Bartolini Martin Sjölund defect blocker
#5347 Issues with MSL library handling in Linux reopened Adrian Pop, Andrea Bartolini Martin Sjölund defect blocker
#5597 Two examples of the new Modelica.Electrical.Batteries package do not work with the new frontend new a.haumer@…, modelica@… Per Östlund defect blocker
#5600 removeEqualFunctionCalls should be better documented and merged with comSubExp new Karim Adbdelhak, Andreas Heuermann, Vitalij Ruge Lennart Ochel defect blocker
#5609 Redeclared model shows icon of base class new Andrea Bartolini, H.J.van.Weers@… Adrian Pop defect blocker
#5610 Implement IconMap and DiagramMap annotations reopened Andrea Bartolini Adeel Asghar defect blocker
#5724 Make sure OMEdit doesn't break if inappropriate flags are selected new Oliver Lenord, Per Östlund Adeel Asghar defect blocker
#5926 Save a proper result file when interrupting a simulation new Karim Adbdelhak, Andreas Heuermann, Niklas Worschech, Mahder Alemseged Gebremedhin, Andrea Bartolini, Martin Sjölund Lennart Ochel defect blocker
#6039 Allow to change parameters before resimulating when -iif is used to import start values new Adeel Asghar, Karim Adbdelhak, Andrea Bartolini, massimo ceraolo, daniel.bouskela@…, tobias.krenz@…, Lennart Ochel Andreas Heuermann enhancement blocker
#6051 Provide better feedback on advance rate of simulations in OMEdit new Andrea Bartolini Adeel Asghar enhancement blocker
#6123 Preserve order of modifiers in OMEdit new Adrian Pop, Per Östlund, Andrea Bartolini Adeel Asghar defect blocker
#6129 choicesAllMatching doesn't return the appropriate class references accepted Andrea Bartolini, Per Östlund Adrian Pop defect blocker
#6340 Automatically recognize if a model is best run with daeMode new Karim Adbdelhak, Adeel Asghar, jean-philippe.tavella@… Andreas Heuermann enhancement blocker
#2221 Documentation of Scripting and Communication Protocol new openmodelicadevelopers@… somebody defect critical
#2222 OMPython interface loses sequence info and OMPython exit bug new openmodelicadevelopers@…, janssen@… Alachew Mengist defect critical
#2734 numeric evaluation of expressions in the symbolic pre-processing new Willi Braun, Vitalij Ruge somebody defect critical
#3399 Add more granularity to function evaluation new openmodelicadevelopers@… somebody defect critical
#3565 OMC does not tell the user what it is doing new andrea.bartolini@… defect critical
#4994 Is startTime a built-in variable in OMC? assigned danieljose.penagos@…, Adrian Pop Adeel Asghar defect critical
#5099 Merging min/max attributes for alias elimination new Willi Braun, Vitalij Ruge, Bernhard Bachmann, Andrea Bartolini Karim Adbdelhak enhancement critical
#6249 Inconsistent behaviour when opening a new class from a tab with syntactically wrong code new simone1.bosotti@…, matteoluigi.depascali@…, paolo.curatolo@… Adeel Asghar defect critical
#6350 OMEdit cannot handle simulations with more than 10000 variable comfortably new Karim Adbdelhak, Adrian Pop, Lennart Ochel, Philip Hannebohm, simone1.bosotti@… Adeel Asghar defect critical
#6367 Avoid C compilation bottleneck in OMC assigned Karim Adbdelhak, Andreas Heuermann, Adrian Pop, jean-philippe.tavella@…, Adeel Asghar Martin Sjölund defect critical
#2094 Function testcase not covered by BuildModelRecursive.mos new openmodelicadevelopers@… somebody defect high
#2157 Automatic generation of HTML documentation from Modelica packages new alberto.leva@… somebody enhancement high
#2306 Assignments using functions with multiple outputs new Vitalij Ruge somebody defect high
#2549 Add gnuplot support to save plots in more formats new Bernt.Lie@… somebody enhancement high
#3066 ExpressionSolve cant't solve cast reopened Vitalij Ruge, Patrick Täuber somebody defect high
#3111 Convergence issues on nonlinear equations involving der() accepted Vitalij Ruge, Lennart Ochel, stefano.carli@…, roberto.bonifetto@… Willi Braun defect high
#3118 Convergence issues on nonlinear equations not involving der() accepted Vitalij Ruge, Lennart Ochel Willi Braun defect high
#3227 Make possible to change the csv file delimiter char and quote char (for input file and output file) accepted Manfred.Rode@…, Lennart Ochel, Vitalij Ruge Adrian Pop enhancement high
#3572 Clarifications in the Compiler Flag Documentation accepted andrea.bartolini@… Lennart Ochel defect high
#3592 Eigen values fails with error assigned dma@…, davide.bazzi@… Karim Adbdelhak defect high
#3668 Memory allocation of the back-end and code generation grows quadratically with the system size assigned andrea.bartolini@… Willi Braun defect high
#3678 Efficient flattening (and code generation) for large-scale network models new Andrea Bartolini Per Östlund enhancement high
#3751 Update MetaModelica Documentation new openmodelicadevelopers@… Martin Sjölund task high
#3997 Missing replacement of identifiers when inlining functions assigned Willi Braun, Vitalij Ruge Adrian Pop defect high
#4025 Incorrect XML File Export for Shipping Model new Xiaofei.Wang@…, Igor.Klimchynski@… Lennart Ochel defect high
#4129 Inefficient array code generation new Volker Waurich, Vitalij Ruge, Willi Braun Lennart Ochel defect high
#4336 Problem with code generation involving arrays of components containing arrays of Real variables accepted antonio.froio@… Mahder Alemseged Gebremedhin defect high
#4384 Memory management of pre values new Vitalij Ruge, Willi Braun Lennart Ochel discussion high
#4391 Weird behaviour with event detection new andrea.bartolini@… somebody defect high
#4749 Error: variable not found in scope (...) while flattening model assigned ali.shirazi@… Martin Sjölund defect high
#5067 Mac openmodelica-devel fails to build new martin.sjolund@… Martin Sjölund defect high
#5141 Issues with the solution of fluid system models with low delta-p components new Bernhard Bachmann, Karim Adbdelhak, Andrea Bartolini Lennart Ochel defect high
#5208 IDA with dense numerical jacobian doesn't work well accepted federico.terraneo@… Willi Braun defect high
#5312 OMEdit does not handle final parameter bindings properly assigned Andrea Bartolini Adrian Pop defect high
#5572 Delay operator in a for loop of an algorithm section new alireza.masoom@…, ni.ding@…, Karim Adbdelhak, Andreas Heuermann Lennart Ochel defect high
#5573 Dump the jacobian dependencies on the tearing variables new Andrea Bartolini Karim Adbdelhak enhancement high
#5626 Linearize should be available from the OMEdit GUI new bernt.lie@…, John Tinnerholm, arunkumar palanisamy, Andrea Bartolini Adeel Asghar enhancement high
#5705 Simplifications of boolean variables in initialization problems new Andreas Heuermann, Andrea Bartolini Karim Adbdelhak defect high
#5770 The backend incorrectly generates a large set of nonlinear equations assigned Andreas Heuermann, giovanni.mangola@…, matthis.thorade@… Karim Adbdelhak defect high
#5886 Use of undeclared identifier and undefined reference to *_array_get function accepted francesco.casella@… Mahder Alemseged Gebremedhin defect high
#6236 Solve simple linear systems in closed form if that leads to simple solution new federico.terraneo@…, Philip Hannebohm, Andreas Heuermann, Vitalij Ruge Karim Adbdelhak enhancement high
#6240 Extend overconstrained connector semantics to handle dynamic branches new Andreas Heuermann, Philip Hannebohm, Per Östlund, Adrian Pop, Dietmar Winkler, massimo ceraolo, Andrea Bartolini, adrien.guironnet@…, Rüdiger Franke, dr.christian.kral@…, anton.haumer@… Karim Adbdelhak enhancement high
#6284 When condition with dae mode new florentine.rosiere@…, maria.nuschke@…, luis.david.pabon.ospina@…, francesco.casella@…, adrien.guironnet@…, Bernhard Bachmann, Karim Adbdelhak, Andreas Heuermann Andreas Heuermann defect high
#6372 Asserts in conditional equations are not handled correctly new Karim Adbdelhak, simone1.bosotti@…, paolo.curatolo@… Andreas Heuermann defect high
#6443 Issues with profiling in OMEdit new Andrea Bartolini Adeel Asghar defect high
#2957 MetaModelica reflection API new Adrian Pop, Per Östlund, peter.fritzson@… Martin Sjölund enhancement normal
#3197 Better optimization support in OMEdit new Vitalij Ruge Adeel Asghar defect normal
#3252 Abnormal memory consumption during compilation of models with inlined functions and symbolic differentiation assigned stefano.carli@…, Patrick Täuber Volker Waurich defect normal
#5382 Simcode scales badly for models with large-sized arrays and events assigned Francesco Casella, Andrea Bartolini Karim Adbdelhak defect normal
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