Custom Query (52 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (46 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#5281 Add support for spatialDistribution Andreas Heuermann defect blocker Run-time
#5485 Large memory leak in kinsol nonlinear solver Lennart Ochel defect blocker Run-time v1.14.0-dev-nightly
#5620 Moving diagrams in NF too slow Adrian Pop defect blocker Interactive Environment
#5796 Models with long path names cause a code generation failure under Windows Lennart Ochel defect blocker Code Generation
#5817 Usage of three-phase Aron sensor got problematic last December 2019 Karim Adbdelhak defect blocker Backend
#5988 NF fails with no error message during NFTyping.typeComponents when dealing with Buildings model Per Östlund defect blocker New Instantiation
#5991 NF cannot evaluate structural parameter during NFTyping.typeComponents Per Östlund defect blocker New Instantiation
#6110 OMEdit does not render graphical annotations if "closure" annotation is present. Adrian Pop defect blocker OMEdit v1.16.0-dev
#6203 Some parameters seem to be never assigned in Buildings models Per Östlund defect blocker New Instantiation
#6232 Questionable tearing in PowerSysPro leads to initialization failure Karim Adbdelhak defect blocker Backend 1.16.0
#6280 Improvements required by UniPi Francesco Casella enhancement blocker *unknown* 1.16.0
#6393 Nightly build broken - Error during update of libomcsimulation Andreas Heuermann defect blocker Installation program 1.18.0-dev
#5850 The NF gives an error while checking a perfectly legal model Per Östlund defect critical New Instantiation
#6188 NF Type mismatch in Buildings model involving redeclared class Per Östlund defect critical New Instantiation
#6190 Issue with homotopy and Pantelides during initialization in Buildings Karim Adbdelhak defect critical Backend
#6192 Several ChillerCooled models in Buildings fail during initialization Francesco Casella defect critical Third-Party Libraries
#6193 NFFlatten.flatten fails in Buildings models Per Östlund defect critical New Instantiation
#6197 Issues with code generation in the Buildings library Mahder Alemseged Gebremedhin defect critical New Instantiation
#6198 Index reduction issue in Buildings: the backend tries to differentiate a discontinuous expression Karim Adbdelhak defect critical Backend
#6201 Acos in implicit function, failing to solve non-linear system Andreas Heuermann defect critical Run-time v1.17.0-dev
#6205 Problem with code generation involving records in Buildings Mahder Alemseged Gebremedhin defect critical Code Generation
#6206 The NF fails to evaluate expression in Buildings library Per Östlund defect critical New Instantiation
#6359 Validation of a function with flexible array dimensions should not given an error message Per Östlund discussion critical New Instantiation 1.16.0
#4449 Plot Parametric issues Adeel Asghar defect high OMEdit
#4469 OMEdit does not update diagrams of derived classes Adeel Asghar defect high OMEdit
#5728 Wrong variability reported by NF Per Östlund defect high New Instantiation
#5815 OMEdit not showing results Adeel Asghar defect high OMEdit
#6094 Add CTRL+C to context menu for copying Modelica path Adeel Asghar enhancement high OMEdit
#6171 Invalid evaluation of auxiliary wrapFunctionCalls variable in conditional equations/expressions Karim Adbdelhak defect high Backend v1.16.0-dev
#6209 Issue with record in array in Buildings Mahder Alemseged Gebremedhin defect high Code Generation
#6221 The NF ignores a redeclare statement in a record containing a replaceable package and a function call from it Per Östlund defect high New Instantiation 1.16.0
#6374 Issues with the NF in TILMedia Per Östlund defect high New Instantiation 1.18.0-dev
#6396 Fix FFI on Windows/mingw Adrian Pop defect high Run-time 1.18.0-dev
#6399 OMPlot - Qt::yellow has no good contrast to white Adeel Asghar defect high OMPlot 1.16.2
#6400 Issue with algorithm and the NF in PNLib Per Östlund defect high New Instantiation 1.16.2
#6412 OMEdit crashes when loading the BRSL and instantiating a library item Adeel Asghar defect high OMEdit 1.16.5
#6418 Segmentation fault in BRSL DirectionalValves models Adrian Pop defect high Run-time v1.17.0-dev
#6419 Too many events in BRSL PressureValves models Andreas Heuermann defect high Run-time v1.17.0-dev
#6431 [NF] Crash in NFCeval.evalExp on model check Per Östlund defect high New Instantiation 1.18.0-dev
#4403 OMEdit: Do not collapse variables browser when resimulating Adeel Asghar enhancement normal OMEdit v1.12.0
#5177 Changing string parameters between simulations Adeel Asghar enhancement normal OMEdit
#5839 Plotting curves with toggled sign Adeel Asghar enhancement normal OMEdit v1.16.0-dev
#5849 Automatic elimination of blank areas in diagrams (companion to #5841) Adeel Asghar discussion normal OMEdit
#6227 Drop models on OMEdit does not work after a fresh installation Adeel Asghar defect normal OMEdit v1.17.0-dev
#6404 Confirmation request when deleting recent files Adeel Asghar enhancement normal OMEdit v1.17.0-dev
#6434 Improve file links in Windows Adeel Asghar enhancement normal OMEdit v1.17.0-dev

Resolution: invalid (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#6442 Support array indexing by enumerations in the NF Per Östlund defect high New Instantiation 1.18.0-dev

Resolution: wontfix (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#6318 Adding automatic diagram size option somebody enhancement normal *unknown* 1.16.0
#6432 Variable not found in foriter loop scope Per Östlund defect normal New Instantiation v1.17.0-dev

Resolution: duplicate (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#5069 Create a connector while making a connection Adeel Asghar enhancement high OMEdit
#5913 Problems with conditional drawing of connecting lines between connectors Adrian Pop defect normal Interactive Environment v1.14.1

Resolution: worksforme (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#6311 Unable to read init file Andreas Heuermann defect high Run-time v1.17.0-dev
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