Custom Query (23 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (23 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Owner Type Priority Version
#5290 OMEdit should look the same on high-resolution, high-dpi screens OMEdit Adeel Asghar defect blocker
#5805 Homotopy logging does not work together with nonlinear solver logging in OMEdit OMEdit Andreas Heuermann defect blocker
#5942 OMEdit log files are always put in system default temp directory OMEdit Adeel Asghar defect blocker
#6093 Parameter records are not displayed correctly in Diagram View OMEdit Adeel Asghar defect blocker v1.16.0-dev
#6162 Trouble saving multiple changes when working with single-file packages OMEdit Adeel Asghar defect blocker
#6234 OMEdit crashes when try to save a model after modifications OMEdit Adeel Asghar defect blocker v1.17.0-dev
#6248 Syntactically wrong modifications are lost when saving other models on the same file OMEdit Adeel Asghar defect blocker 1.16.0
#6271 Loading, compiling and running a model instantiating PowerSysPro components are very time consuming OMEdit Adeel Asghar discussion blocker 1.16.0
#6316 The frontend used to obtain flat models in OMEdit is not set correctly OMEdit Adeel Asghar defect blocker v1.17.0-dev
#6341 OMEdit no longer shows Output tab of Simulation Output window until the simulation is over OMEdit Adeel Asghar defect blocker 1.16.0
#6379 Handling libraries in 1.17.0 OMEdit Adeel Asghar defect blocker v1.17.0-dev
#6406 OMEdit GUI not working properly OMEdit Adrian Pop defect blocker v1.17.0-dev
#6427 MSL 4.0 dialog is shown even if MSL 4.0 is not installed OMEdit Francesco Casella defect blocker 1.18.0-dev
#5912 problem running Montecarlo script from OMEdit OMEdit Adeel Asghar defect high
#5961 OMEdit Recent files list OMEdit Adeel Asghar enhancement high
#6158 Simple option to generate debug symbols from OMEdit OMEdit Adeel Asghar defect high
#6270 Hitting ESC in OMEdit creates an invalid state OMEdit Adeel Asghar defect high v1.17.0-dev
#6298 Wrong clipping of exported PNG file OMEdit Adeel Asghar defect high v1.17.0-dev
#6395 Some generated C code shows up in red in OMedit OMEdit Adeel Asghar defect high 1.18.0-dev
#6413 Open Terminal from OMEdit not working OMEdit Adeel Asghar defect high 1.18.0-dev
#6414 Icon for user models doesn't show as expected OMEdit Adeel Asghar defect high v1.17.0-dev
#4284 OMEdit: tree view icons change on loading a library OMEdit Adeel Asghar defect normal v1.11.0
#4016 Deformed cross symbols in tree views OMEdit Adeel Asghar defect low v1.11.0
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