Custom Query (35 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#5731 One-click bug report solution for OMEdit new bug report, issue tracker, trac, OMEdit Adeel Asghar enhancement blocker
#5775 memory leak in FMUs using CombiTimeTable new CombiTimeTable, memory leak Lennart Ochel defect blocker
#3105 Parameters and variables available in FMI accepted Parameters, variables, results Lennart Ochel enhancement critical
#4330 Split OMEdit from systems librarys and introduce a library download manager new OMEdit and library download manager Martin Sjölund enhancement critical
#4674 Wrong return values for getParameterValue for inherited classes new getParameterValue somebody defect critical
#5997 Improve CVODE in C-runtime to production-grade new CVODE, C-Runtime Andreas Heuermann enhancement critical
#6272 installPackage does not work on Windows new OMEdit, CLI, packages, installer Adrian Pop defect critical
#2492 Add dumpDAEXML option to OMEdit 'XML' menu new XML OMEdit dumpDAEXML probably noone enhancement high
#3182 dimension size of function calls new functions, array dimension somebody defect high
#3498 Wrong generation of base partitions reopened Cpp run-time Lennart Ochel defect high
#3847 Feature Request: Complete as you Type Class Member Drop-Down List assigned Autocomplete, code view, drop-down, class members Anatoly Trosinenko enhancement high
#3848 Feature Request: Visualization of Simulation Results in Model View new Simulation, model view, monitor component, time slider control somebody enhancement high
#3851 optimized zero crossings for cpp runtime assigned zerocrossings, cpp runtime Willi Braun defect high
#4057 Cyclic parameter bindings with more than two elements lead to stack overflow in the Frontend new parameter somebody defect high
#4058 Inconsistent handling of structural parameters new structural parameter somebody defect high
#4352 Choosing record results in setComponentModifierValue error message new setComponentModifierValue record parameter somebody defect high
#4353 OMEdit: Convenient selection of records for parameters new select records parameters Adeel Asghar enhancement high
#4384 Memory management of pre values new c runtime Lennart Ochel discussion high
#4555 Redundantly inherited parameters (diamond inheritance) appear multiple times in parameters dialog of instantiated model new diamond, inheritance, parameters, dialog Adeel Asghar defect high
#4998 table.getNextTimeEvent new CombieTimeTable Lennart Ochel defect high
#5349 Internal error Transformation Module PFPlusExt index Reduction Method Pantelides failed! new Pantelides, PFPlusExt, Reduction Method, Singular, Structurally, time-dependant Lennart Ochel defect high
#5498 High Memory Usage When Opening a Model new Memory Usage somebody defect high
#6014 OMPython: Set structural parameter at initialization assigned structural parameter Adrian Pop defect high
#6260 Error "Following variable is discrete, but does not appear on the LHS of a when-statement" reopened error, discrete variable, when statement Per Östlund defect high
#2000 Modelica.Fluid.Examples.IncompressibleFluidNetwork assigned merging start values Willi Braun enhancement normal
#2498 simulation fails with measureTime=true new measureTime Martin Sjölund defect normal
#2547 No math parsing for experiment annotation new math parsing experiment annotation probably noone enhancement normal
#2838 ExternalMedia library, OMEdit crash with Test.fluidProp.WaterIF95.TestBasePropertiesDynamic accepted ExternalMedia, CoolProp2Modelica Adrian Pop discussion normal
#4322 OMEdit: Improve commenting of folded lines - but how? accepted commenting folded lines Adeel Asghar enhancement normal
#5432 Omitting stopTime in modelDescription.xml new FMU;stopTime Lennart Ochel enhancement normal
#5683 Mediums in fluid systems require explicit redeclare in OMEdit new Fluid, Medium somebody defect normal
#6170 Reintroducing documentation "link" in class context menu new gui,documentation,accessability Adeel Asghar enhancement normal
#4324 OMEdit: Additional space added after editing parameters assigned two spaces parameter editing Martin Sjölund defect low
#5504 Make the startup box moveable new OMEdit John Tinnerholm enhancement low
#6092 Wrong time display for parameter for simulation not starting at 0 new mat, oarameter Adeel Asghar defect low
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