Custom Query (55 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#5276 Issue with OMEdit formatting due to bug in diffModelicaListings assigned defect blocker 1.19.0
#5328 ODE solver behaves erratically in two MultiBody examples with dynamic state selection new Karim.Abdelhak defect blocker 1.19.0
#5426 Compiler fails when model name is too long in OMEdit assigned adrpo defect blocker 2.0.0
#5509 Make Simulation Setup dependent of target language new adeas31 defect blocker 2.0.0
#5535 Inheritence of classes with same elements results in doubling new adeas31 defect blocker 2.0.0
#5547 Including c-files from external_solvers for nonlinearSolverHomotopy new lochel enhancement blocker 2.0.0
#5577 Translation Error When Export FMU Using -d=newInst reopened adrpo defect blocker 1.19.0
#5581 FMU - ME accuracy new lochel defect blocker 2.0.0
#5594 Some Model C-files are not included in modelDescription.xml assigned defect blocker 2.0.0
#5597 Two examples of the new Modelica.Electrical.Batteries package do not work with the new frontend new perost defect blocker 2.0.0
#5629 OMEdit does allow to set connectorSizing parameters in some cases reopened adeas31 defect blocker 1.19.0
#5645 Bad quality of SVG export of diagram view new adeas31 defect blocker 2.0.0
#5650 OMEdit does not update the cache new adeas31 defect blocker 1.19.0
#4886 OMCompiler fails to build with lapack 3.8.0 new defect critical
#5531 Implicit cast from Real to Integer assigned AnHeuermann defect critical 2.0.0
#5664 Reload feature in OMEdit new adeas31 enhancement critical 2.0.0
#3592 Eigen values fails with error assigned Karim.Abdelhak defect high
#5248 Implement saveTotalModel using the new frontend new somebody defect high 2.1.0
#5312 OMEdit does not handle final parameter bindings properly assigned adrpo defect high
#5344 Duplicate of model causes incomplete code assigned perost defect high 2.0.0
#5368 Nightly Build 1.14.0 giving odd Syntax Warnings and Effecting Old Simulation Results new somebody defect high Future
#5386 Wrong copyright notice installed new defect high Future
#5389 Creation of Complex array fails assigned Karim.Abdelhak defect high
#5402 sample(...) operator does not work in Cpp FMU runtime new lochel defect high Future
#5433 FMU GetString returns \x3 new lochel defect high Future
#5461 OMEdit crashes(Windows)/does nothing(Linux) when instance has same name as package reopened perost defect high
#5465 Issue with locked-rotor Asynchronous Machine model assigned Karim.Abdelhak defect high
#5472 Allow to re-simulate a failed simulation accepted johti17 enhancement high
#5480 Automatic formatting does not respect indentation new adeas31 defect high
#5491 Interactive simulation ignores RealInput changes when using kinsol as nonlinear solver new somebody defect high
#5498 High Memory Usage When Opening a Model new somebody defect high Future
#5549 Cross compilation of FMUs for Win64 on Ubuntu is broken for some models working with files new lochel defect high 2.0.0
#5552 OpenModelica FMUs seem to not report exact continuous states new lochel defect high 2.0.0
#5556 Undefined behavior in OpenModelicaScriptingAPIQt.cpp new adrpo defect high Future
#5634 Compilation on macOS fails new somebody defect high
#5647 FMU export: Error in modelDescription.xml new lochel defect high
#5667 Arrays of records insufficiently type checked new perost defect high 2.1.0
#5272 Inlining handles tuple inputs incorrectly new defect normal Future
#5275 Backend issues with ThermalSeparation library new defect normal Future
#5292 Can't run OpenModelica install-executable on Windows via explorer new adeas31 defect normal
#5315 Compiler fails when model has a long fileNamePrefix new lochel defect normal Future
#5330 csvInput does not handle Integer inputs and needs an extra comma at line end new lochel defect normal
#5382 Simcode scales badly for models with large-sized arrays and events assigned Karim.Abdelhak defect normal
#5428 Undo makes the cursor move to the end of the editor and unwraps all annotations new adeas31 defect normal
#5429 SimulationInfos are not correctly saved in FMU init file new lochel discussion normal Future
#5442 Sorting classes new adeas31 enhancement normal 2.0.0
#5448 OMEdit fails to open model, previously Totally Saved reopened adeas31 defect normal 2.0.0
#5451 OpenModelica.Scripting.system behaving different on Windows and Linux new somebody defect normal
#5505 Avoid file lists to be shown along with error messages new somebody defect normal
#5520 OMSI build fails with newer sundials new defect normal Future
#5521 Connector with array of records - problem when assigned in algorithm section new somebody defect normal Future
#5526 MetaModelica: loop over list<Integer> new lochel defect normal Future
#5598 redeclaration of input as output with NF assigned perost discussion normal
#5604 Set the options FMU Name and Move FMU at the same time new lochel defect normal Future
#5683 Mediums in fluid systems require explicit redeclare in OMEdit new somebody defect normal Future
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