
New FrontEnd

This page gathers all the information about the new front-end. See also #4138.


Whether you use MDT (make sure you keep it updated) or OMEdit you need to compile the source code with CFLAGS=-g to be able to debug the compiler. Delete OMCompiler/Compiler/boot/build and then rebuild with CFLAGS=-g

Implementation details

The new frontend is divided into multiple (mostly) separate phases. The main entry point of the frontend is NFInst.instClassInProgram, which consists of four phases:

  • Lookup the class to instantiate (lookup might do some limited instantiation).
  • Instantiate the class.
  • Type the class.
  • Flatten the class.

So simply checking how far the instantiation gets in instClassInProgram will help narrow issues down considerably. We do of course want proper error messages, so feel free to add error messages, internal errors or just "IMPLEMENT ME" printouts as appropriate.

The instantiation itself is divided into three recursive phases:

  • partialInstClass (creates a scope for the class, and separates out components etc.)
  • expandClass (looks up and expands extends clauses)
  • instClass (instantiates the components)

A class only needs to be expanded for lookup to be possible, so the lookup will expand classes if necessary. There are two helper functions for this, instantiate which does all three phases and expand which only does the first two.

Something important to know about the instantiation is that InstNodes are mutable, i.e. the class or component in them are stored in an array of length 1. Without mutable nodes it would be very difficult to maintain the trees. It also means that one has to be a bit careful with how the nodes are handled.

One example of this is that expanded classes are generic, i.e. they do not have modifiers and such applied. Whenever a class is expanded, by the instantiation or the lookup, it will therefore be updated in the class tree and reused. Similarly, whenever a class is fully instantiated, e.g. when instantiating a component, it will not be updated in the class tree since a fully instantiated class is unique for each component. It will instead be cloned, fully instantiated and then stored in the component whose type it is.

Also, the class tree and the instance tree are not actually separate trees, but rather one combined tree made up of InstNodes (e.g. each component knows its parent component, each components type knows its parent class, and so on).

Implementation directions

Core Features

The core features: Instantiation, Extends, Lookup, Modifiers, Redeclare, Imports are handled by Per and some of their details is explained above. If there are more things to discuss we can put them here.

Support for class extends needs to be implemented. Adrian has some work in progress code to be adapted and pushed in. See

Conditional Components

This needs constant evaluation of structural parameters (see below) to work to evaluate the condition. The components can stay in place and they can be filtered out together with the connects they are involved in.


The current front-end is handling the inner/outer via lookup and that poses problems with prefixing and handling of hierarchical inner outer. Bernhard has suggested to define alias equations for the inner outer pairs at the appropriate level which will also maintain a bit of the hierarchical structure to be analysed by the back-end.


Instantiation and typing of functions is partially implemented. We should extend the NFExpression.CALL to include a link to a unique inst node of the function that is to be called. Positional arguments and named arguments are supported. Vectorization of functions needs to be implemented. Prefixing is not yet handled correctly. Support for reductions needs to be implemented. Some way of storing functions during the instantiation is needed so that they end up in the DAE (we can probably use the component tree directly for this). The back-end needs the function tree to partially evaluate functions. Special care needs to be taken to properly initialize the array sizes in functions (topological sorting on dependencies is needed).


The instantiation will instantiate the records as normal classes. Support for record constructors needs to be implemented, and other record things. We should (maybe) add a new expression type NFExpression.RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR which should (as function calls) include a link to a unique inst node of the records that is to be called/constructed. Special care needs to be taken to properly initialize the array sizes in records (topological sorting on dependencies is needed).


As much as possible support for builtin functions should be implemented via file.


Typing is partially implemented, but it needs to be expanded to handle all kinds of expressions and so on. Care is needed to handle bindings so that cycles can be detected during the evaluation of structural parameters such as dimensions. The binding have an isProcessing flag that can be set to detect cycles. On error all the components / bindings can be queried for this flag to produce at least the components / bindings involved in the cycles.

Type Checking

NFTypeCheck handles most of the type checking. NFFunction and NFRecord handle the type checking for functions respective records. Type checking is currently called from typing but it could be performed as a separate phase (remains to be seen if is possible)

Connection Handling

Handling of connect equations will be performed on the DAE and the instance tree can be use for additional information. Care is needed to handle in a scalable way:

  • connection sets
  • overconstrained connections (equalityConstraint type) and breakable branches
  • expandable connectors
  • inner/outer in the connection sets

Operator Overloading

The support for operator overloading from the current front-end (which was reimplemented by Martin for high scalability) could be partially reused for the new front-end.

Constant Evaluation

Constant evaluation of structural parameters (minimal) or any other constant/parameter bindings (not by default) should be included. Care should be taken to NOT evaluate anything that is not needed so that optimization of certain parameters can be done in the runtime. A new type of expression for the component reference that contains a link to the instantiated component can be use to do evaluation of bindings.

Function Evaluation

This works in connection to Constant Evaluation. To evaluate structural parameters one needs to (sometimes) evaluate functions. The current front-end is using an environment to interpret functions. This might not be needed for the new front-end as constant evaluation and substitution could be used instead.

Local balance checking

This has a connection to typing / type checking / constant evaluation. This will check the balance checking for each model so that errors can be detected sooner. We had no such support in the current front-end. It is highly desired that the balance checking is done symbolically using expressions for the number of equations and components. For the final check one could use constant evaluation of these size expressions.

Synchronous Features

The handling of the synchronous features (Clocks, etc) and state machines can be ported and adapted from the current front-end to the new front-end. The specification and the ideas from Modelica conference paper can be used. The inner/outer has a connection to this.


Handling of iterators needs to be implemented. After some internal discussions the easiest way to do this is to extend the current class scope with a new node InstNode.SCOPE_NODE which can contain a stack of iterators. The lookup needs to be changed to handle this new node.

Reporting errors

For things that are not implemented yet, or additional error messages for debugging is good to add error messages using getInstanceName (as is easy to copy/paste without changing the name of the function). Example:

assert(false, getInstanceName() + " got unknown class");

Instead of using Error.addSourceMessage one could use Error.addInternalError using sourceInfo() builtin function. Example:

Error.addSourceMessage(Error.INTERNAL_ERROR, {"Graph.allReachableNodesInt failed."}, sourceInfo());
// better
Error.addInternalError("Got internal hash table size " + intString(szBucket) + " <1", sourceInfo());

Known issues

Priority: blocker (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#2484 Expandable connector resolution misses components assigned defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#3977 Better diagnostics for non-balanced models new enhancement blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#4120 Out-of-bounds array elements undetected by front-end assigned defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#4496 Complex 'sum' does not work assigned defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#5240 NFEvalFunction.evaluateExternal is not yet implemented reopened defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#5597 Two examples of the new Modelica.Electrical.Batteries package do not work with the new frontend new defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#5605 Parameter with only start value not accepted new defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#5837 Unit checking is not performed on operator record equations new defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#5847 Constant is used without having been given a value new defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#5866 Update Save Total to NF new defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#6047 The NF incorrectly infers the variability of a function call in Modelica.Media new defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#6126 Error while compiling wind turbine model from PowerSystems library assigned defect blocker 1.19.0 New Instantiation
#6149 The NF accepts illegal type declarations? new defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#6383 Omc doesn't check correctly the constraining-clause new defect blocker 2.0.0 New Instantiation

Priority: critical (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#3186 Partial binding of record sub-components in functions are lost assigned defect critical 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#6373 Electrical Quasistationary MutualInductor in standard library not working in OM assigned defect critical New Instantiation

Priority: high (26 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#1842 Illegal redeclare should be rejected by the NF with appropriate error message assigned defect high 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#2010 Prefix rules needs more work in new instantiation new defect high 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#2153 Better analysis for function completion new defect high 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#2367 Record with vectors, zeros(), size() accepted defect high Future New Instantiation
#2385 Missing variable declarations in instantiated model when using expandable connectors reopened defect high 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#2387 Operator overloading fails for matrices assigned defect high 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#2447 Let OM automatically load packages as specified in import statements reopened enhancement high 1.19.0 New Instantiation
#4442 Incorrect evaluation of inner/outer and record dependencies assigned defect high 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#4515 Automatic inference of nominal attributes for scaling new discussion high 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#4526 Propagate displayUnits on simple equations new enhancement high New Instantiation
#4603 Provide support for start-value selection according to the Modelica Specification assigned defect high New Instantiation
#4901 The NF does not check if redeclared functions are legal new defect high 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#4905 Restriction on input connection is not enforced by OMC assigned defect high 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#4908 [NF] Issues with inner/outer with redeclare new defect high Future New Instantiation
#4960 Evaluate all parameters except some new enhancement high 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#5061 [NF] Are public parameters allowed in functions by the Modelica spec? new defect high 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#5334 Check for wrong annotations new enhancement high 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#5474 [NF] Lookup of inner class fails new defect high New Instantiation
#5545 Improve diagnostics for wrong connectors new enhancement high 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#5579 New Frontend does not check for circular dependencies in parameter bindings new defect high Future New Instantiation
#5667 Arrays of records insufficiently type checked new defect high 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#5730 Issue with operator record constructors in NF new defect high New Instantiation
#6163 Constrainedby clause not verified by the NF new defect high 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#6213 Lookup in wrong scope when redeclaring function field in a function accepted defect high New Instantiation
#6325 Support for ExternData assigned defect high New Instantiation
#6423 Optionally list all empty connection sets new enhancement high New Instantiation

Priority: normal (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#1080 Constraining type on redeclarations (from MathCore) new defect normal 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#1939 Duplicate class detection not working when loading MSL reopened defect normal New Instantiation
#2276 detecting size mismatch for output arguments in functions reopened defect normal 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#3221 Equation count of models containing expandable connectors assigned defect normal 2.0.0 New Instantiation
#4648 Add support for annotation for turning off replaceable check new enhancement normal Future New Instantiation
#4843 NF doesn't evaluate size expression of function input parameters new defect normal 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#5178 Incorrect Warning - not balanced connector reopened defect normal 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#5598 redeclaration of input as output with NF assigned discussion normal New Instantiation
#5688 Use of removed conditional component not reported new defect normal Future New Instantiation
#5852 getCommandLineOptions fails with newInst new defect normal New Instantiation
#6114 Unit checking scales with O(2^N) in case of large expressions involving +-*/ operators assigned defect normal 2.0.0 New Instantiation

Priority: low (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#1747 Implement checks for all connection rules in chapter 9 new task low Future New Instantiation
#3121 Missing bindings in flattened operator overloading example assigned defect low 2.1.0 New Instantiation
#6293 Function non-inputs are initialized in the wrong order new defect low New Instantiation
#6390 Cannot extend from RealOutput new defect low New Instantiation

Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on 2020-08-25T00:20:47Z
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