Custom Query (46 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Priority
#1169 translateGraphics might also support 2.x to 3.x annotations update. new donida enhancement Future low
#1429 Some kinds of array equations are not supported assigned somebody defect Future low
#1703 Comments are not merged new defect Future low
#1747 Implement checks for all connection rules in chapter 9 new perost task Future low
#1932 Redesign When Equation Implementation in Backend accepted wbraun enhancement Future low
#1974 Types in the OMC compiler new adrpo enhancement Future low
#2007 Typeinformation is wrong for components of an array new adrpo defect Future low
#2377 Not returning in function with tuple output causes error in bootstrapped compiler new defect Future low
#2417 Support arrayLayout assigned defect Future low
#2438 OMEdit - desired features new adeas31 enhancement Future low
#2937 Bootstrapped compiler - check for cases that are exactly the same (on some flag) accepted adrpo enhancement Future low
#3121 Missing bindings in flattened operator overloading example assigned perost defect 2.1.0 low
#3320 Optimization settings as annotations new adeas31 enhancement Future low
#3555 Add option to save intermediate values at event iterations to result files? accepted lochel enhancement Future low
#3568 Performance issues in DIVISION_SIM new somebody discussion Future low
#3591 OMEdit fails when opening "total save" model new adeas31 defect Future low
#3925 Protected variables are incorrectly written to the result file assigned perost defect 2.0.0 low
#3972 Redefinition of OMC_FILE macro new lochel defect Future low
#4015 OMEdit Plot: Log scale dose not take settings from zoom box new adeas31 defect Future low
#4171 Schema of the "dumpXMLDAE" output points to dead URL new somebody defect low
#4174 OMNotebook: change in text in LaTeX cell does not show the star (*) in the filename assigned arun3688 defect 2.0.0 low
#4200 Save Animation assigned vwaurich enhancement Future low
#4217 OM Resolution issue new adeas31 defect Future low
#4242 missing assert new lochel defect low
#4309 OMEdit: Status bar: Improve display of component coordinates accepted adeas31 enhancement low
#4321 OMEdit: Star behind filename in tabview is still visible although user did undo all steps new adeas31 enhancement Future low
#4324 OMEdit: Additional space added after editing parameters assigned defect low
#4422 Installation of OpenModelica fails if not explicitly executed as Administrator new adeas31 defect low
#4458 Idea: OpenModelica Language Server Protocol new somebody discussion Future low
#4655 Derive Algorithms blocks with discrete and continuous variables new vwaurich enhancement Future low
#4946 Flipping shapes in icon view new adeas31 enhancement Future low
#4976 Optimization objective missing new vitalij defect Future low
#5180 OMSimulator and stand-alone simulation should be able to save results as HDF5 files new somebody enhancement Future low
#5504 Make the startup box moveable new johti17 enhancement Future low
#5825 [OMEDIT] Export to specific location new adeas31 enhancement Future low
#5893 Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Elementary.Surfaces fails with internal error new somebody defect Future low
#5905 Clean up large copy pasted code parts in OMEdit new adeas31 enhancement Future low
#5945 Position of the output box always in the primary screen new adeas31 enhancement low
#6040 Output variables changing name in FMU assigned AnHeuermann defect low
#6044 Formatted equation editor when editing models new adeas31 enhancement Future low
#6092 Wrong time display for parameter for simulation not starting at 0 new adeas31 defect low
#6273 linearization enhancement new rfranke enhancement NeedsInput low
#6293 Function non-inputs are initialized in the wrong order new perost defect low
#6390 Cannot extend from RealOutput new perost defect low
#6402 Enable/disable Line Wrapping from editor context menu (right-click) new adeas31 enhancement low
#6424 : two syntax errors assigned arun3688 defect low
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