Custom Query (205 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 205)

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Status: closed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1857 Simplify adding new models adeas31 enhancement low OMEdit trunk
#4029 OMPython assumes omniidl is installed alash325 enhancement low OMPython v1.11.0
#4123 Minor visual glitch in OMEdit adeas31 defect low OMEdit
#4176 Allow multi-line text in OMEdit adeas31 enhancement low OMEdit
#4264 Multi-line text adeas31 enhancement low OMEdit
#4283 names of new models adeas31 enhancement low OMEdit
#4304 assert in initial section lochel discussion low Backend
#4311 OMEdit segfault after start adeas31 defect low OMEdit
#4334 OMEdit: "save experiment annotation inside model" file changed and undo adeas31 defect low OMEdit
#4339 Erroneous descriptive strings for derivatives lochel defect low Code Generation
#4345 OMEdit: correct size for pages in options dialog adeas31 defect low OMEdit
#4349 OMEdit: very coarse zoom steps in Documentation Browser adeas31 enhancement low OMEdit
#4431 OMEdit includes too large white spaces when exporting to clibpoard. adeas31 defect low OMEdit
#1468 Discontinuity in results not properly stored (?) asodja discussion normal Run-time
#2242 function with multiple outputs is treated strange somebody defect normal Frontend trunk
#2763 Propagation of start values for inputs to simulation lochel enhancement normal Run-time trunk
#3446 Impure file name passing breaking CombiTimeTable lochel defect normal Backend trunk
#3705 Implement jupyter-openmodelica in addition to OMNotebook adeas31 enhancement normal OMPython
#3992 A model to dynamically change network topology that does not work with OM somebody defect normal *unknown* v1.11.0
#4092 using ZeroMQ messaging instead of CORBA/omniORB? somebody discussion normal *unknown*
#4193 Show line numbers in Inputcells for OMNotebook hkiel enhancement normal OMNotebook
#4196 OMEdit does not honour line thickness in connecting lines adeas31 defect normal OMEdit
#4199 Long delay before feedback in OMEdit adeas31 enhancement normal OMEdit
#4214 Add texture to spheres and cylinders in 3D visualization vwaurich enhancement normal OMEdit
#4259 Omedit does not show a probably right annotation defect normal Interactive Environment
#4263 Hide toolbars when in the wrong perspective adeas31 enhancement normal OMEdit
#4267 OMEdit crash reports seem to freeze adeas31 defect normal OMEdit
#4285 Drop files on OMEdit do not work on Mac OS adeas31 defect normal OMEdit
#4305 OMEdit: Message "Revert to last correct version" - default behavior adeas31 enhancement normal OMEdit
#4306 Unit propagation issue lochel defect normal Frontend
#4308 OMEdit: Snap to grid coarse modifier (shift key) and pan view (control key) adeas31 enhancement normal OMEdit
#4318 OMEdit: Enhancement Rename class dialog adeas31 enhancement normal OMEdit
#4319 OMEdit: Incomplete display of Icons with connector annotations adeas31 defect normal OMEdit
#4320 OMEdit: Follow connector transformation from Diagram View to Icon View adeas31 enhancement normal OMEdit
#4327 OMEdit: Option to automatically clear all messages in Messages Browser adeas31 enhancement normal OMEdit
#4331 OMEdit: polygon annotation: discontinuous angle when Bezier enabled adeas31 defect normal OMEdit
#4332 OMEdit: polygon annotation: odd coordinates if more then two points are drawn adeas31 defect normal OMEdit
#4340 OMEdit: extend vertical space in Diagram View to e.g. investigate connectors thoroughly adeas31 enhancement normal OMEdit
#4341 OMEdit: display outline of models for system libraries in Diagram View adeas31 enhancement normal OMEdit
#4342 OMEdit: bug: positions of elements in protected section are not saved properly adrpo defect normal OMEdit
#4343 OMEdit: open a model with [enter] key in Libraries Browser adeas31 enhancement normal OMEdit
#4348 OMEdit: preserve User's GUI customization - some elements are missing adeas31 defect normal OMEdit
#4361 Util/StringHandler.cpp:1125:40: error: ambiguous overload for ‘operator!=’ adeas31 defect normal OMEdit v1.12.0
#4379 OMEdit: Select multiple objects in DiagramView with [Shift] key (not with [Control] key) adeas31 enhancement normal OMEdit
#4381 OMEdit: A for loop in equations leads to vanishing of connection annotations (wires) adeas31 defect normal OMEdit
#4382 Array operators .- .+ fail lochel defect normal MetaModelica
#4401 OMEdit: Open component class in Diagram View with [Shift] + [Enter] adeas31 enhancement normal OMEdit v1.12.0
#4402 OMEdit: Correctly switch between Simulate with and w/o Animation adeas31 enhancement normal OMEdit v1.12.0
#4407 Cleanup of workspace / case sensitivity lochel defect normal Code Generation
#4417 Class not displayed in OMEdit package browser adeas31 defect normal OMEdit
#4456 PreOptModule evalFunc leads to overdetermined system vwaurich defect normal Backend
#4462 OMEdit: New file - Set "Insert into class" field automatically adeas31 enhancement normal OMEdit
#4468 OMEdit cuts names when copying to clipboard adeas31 defect normal OMEdit
#4520 Lookup: how to start from top level somebody defect normal Run-time
#4521 OM does not allow omitting a function output somebody defect normal *unknown*
#1452 Better simplification needed perost defect high Instantiation trunk
#1530 OMPlot: plotAll does not sort variables correctly adeas31 defect high OMPlot trunk
#1831 SimCodeUtil.calculateIndex failed jfrenkel defect high Backend
#1889 Handle String and Integer operators in new instantiation perost defect high New Instantiation trunk
#1890 Flatten classes in SCodeInst perost defect high New Instantiation trunk
#1893 function createSimCode failed somebody defect high Backend
#1924 IndexReduction.differentiateEqns failed jfrenkel defect high Backend trunk
#1958 Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Systems.RobotR3.Components.AxisType2.mos perost defect high Frontend trunk
#1976 val return different result on windows an linux on event point adrpo defect high Backend trunk
#2013 Wrong error-message added for modification of arrays of records adrpo defect high Frontend trunk
#2015 Illegal discrete var assignement in if clause doesn't give error message somebody defect high Frontend 1.9.0Beta
#2037 Math expressions flattened incorrectly probably noone discussion high Frontend trunk
#2052 reassign parameter-value somebody discussion high Interactive Environment trunk
#2186 OMEditor: the wrong functions in the pipe component adrpo defect high Frontend 1.9.0Beta
#2206 SiemensPower tests are working using windows and are failing using linux ptaeuber defect high Run-time trunk
#2208 Overall PressureLoss function does not work. probably noone defect high Backend trunk
#2226 Improve event logging lochel enhancement high Backend trunk
#2232 OMEdit: is it possible to set the axis regions manually? adeas31 defect high OMEdit trunk
#2249 Support new annotation DocumentationClass adeas31 defect high OMEdit trunk
#2284 MultiBody Flattening somebody defect high Frontend trunk
#2309 Cannot read numbers from a file defect high Code Generation trunk
#2533 plot error in OMShell somebody defect high Interactive Environment trunk
#2546 No state simulation after 1e+08 seconds somebody defect high Run-time trunk
#2619 OpenModelica in git instead of svn task high Frontend trunk
#2821 Library Save Bug somebody defect high *unknown* trunk
#2910 Saving model problems somebody defect high *unknown* trunk
#3077 Error in parameter lookup adrpo defect high Frontend trunk
#3414 Make OMEdit usable on Tablets / high resolution screens adeas31 defect high OMEdit trunk
#3415 Problems with fixedDelay somebody defect high *unknown* trunk
#3618 Compiling From Source Fedora 23 somebody defect high Installation program
#3680 getConnectionCount does not return connection with for loop adeas31 defect high Interactive Environment v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3703 Linearization of CombiTable2D fails wbraun defect high Backend v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3750 Compilation Problem for model modifier with constrainedby and inheritance somebody defect high *unknown* v1.9.4-dev-nightly
#3867 Add alternative to array<T> for mutable variables enhancement high MetaModelica
#3906 Visualization of equation transformations in OMEdit broken adeas31 defect high OMEdit
#3949 Susan parses the same interface files several times included from different files defect high Susan (Templates)
#4005 EncapsulateWhenConditions scales as O(N^3) in models where a when clause is triggered by a large vector of conditions defect high Backend
#4018 Minimize the size of the Windows installer adrpo defect high Installation program
#4040 missing C-code in derivative calculation of Tables wbraun defect high Backend
#4067 Add a Documentation Editor to OMEdit. adeas31 enhancement high OMEdit
#4151 OMEdit options fields extend outside the window frame adeas31 defect high OMEdit v1.11.0
#4169 Inappropriate use of red colour in OMEdit Compilation window adeas31 defect high OMEdit
#4185 Change default of -d=gen to false defect high Frontend
#4186 Duplicate of Modelica class with illegal class name adeas31 defect high OMEdit
#4188 OMedit issue with array connections adeas31 defect high OMEdit
(more results for this group on next page)
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